Obama’s Approval Rating Hits New Low, 41%, in Poll

"A man is like a potted tree in business. Every 5 year he must be transplanted." anon

Really the village life of 10,000 years, is over about in about 1/3 of world now. If in that 1/3...things are doubling up in speed every few years.
Even though I have been at the same thing for 30 years, I am always being shifted into new jobs and projects.

And I carry a professional, fuck you attitude, toward my bosses. Now that took a long time to develop. But, in my thing, the ones that seem like they have plenty of choices, offers, money saved, don't bitch about it and seem to above it all, are the ones they like to keep.

Go figure. It is truly an unusual job stress. We spend a few houts a day, in hard study, to act like we know it all and are ready to take it to Juniper Networks or another 2rd tier company. :) Psych!

Being a writer is very hard. But at least I don't have any stress, and can work whenever. I can take breaks whenever. Only the deadline matters. The how is up to me. No one is there nagging or bitching. The only problem is you're their bitch, but it's on my time.
With guys like me feeding you with fantastical plot device, you could do OK, writing about us. :)
There was a middle class, wages were higher and while we were paying 18% apr on many things we were also deducting all of our interest on our taxes. The economy was structered differently. Also there was life before carter/ford.

Bro, inflation is directly tied to money (wages), no matter how much people made back then, (and wages were not higher), their buying power was strangled by the high costs of goods and services., what in the world do you think inflation is?

If you want to continue believing the economy was better during the Ford and Carter years, you go right ahead, but history and statistics are not on your side.
I suppose you also believe we are doing just fine now.
Bro, inflation is directly tied to money (wages), no matter how much people made back then, (and wages were not higher), their buying power was strangled by the high costs of goods and services., what in the world do you think inflation is?

If you want to continue believing the economy was better during the Ford and Carter years, you go right ahead, but history and statistics are not on your side.
I suppose you also believe we are doing just fine now.
The only thing keeping the US afloat is the Fed's Stimulus.

Anytime there's talk of further tapering, the markets literally shit themselves.
The only thing keeping the US afloat is the Fed's Stimulus.

Anytime there's talk of further tapering, the markets literally shit themselves.

And I'm hoping when the bubble bursts, the housing market will pick up .
Investors have to have a game somewhere.
And I'm hoping when the bubble bursts, the housing market will pick up .
Investors have to have a game somewhere.
Confidence in housing will remember 08 for a long time.

When it pops, people holding metals will make the money, as usual.

It keeps repeating itself, yet so many still doubt.
Bro, inflation is directly tied to money (wages), no matter how much people made back then, (and wages were not higher), their buying power was strangled by the high costs of goods and services., what in the world do you think inflation is?

If you want to continue believing the economy was better during the Ford and Carter years, you go right ahead, but history and statistics are not on your side.
I suppose you also believe we are doing just fine now.

All the reason I stated before, yes I believe our country was in much better fiscal shape. My family owned a HUGH retail business that simply couldn't exist today. So yes, I was doing better as were the many more middle class families that no longer exist. And please stop trying to tie my statements to a the brief 6 year period between the crook nixon and the traitor reagan. I believe I said from the 50's right up through your boy ronnie.
And please stop trying to tie my statements to a the brief 6 year period between the crook nixon and the traitor reagan. I believe I said from the 50's right up through your boy ronnie.

but if he doesn't dishonestly narrow the timeframe, then he has no case whatsoever.
All the reason I stated before, yes I believe our country was in much better fiscal shape. My family owned a HUGH retail business that simply couldn't exist today. So yes, I was doing better as were the many more middle class families that no longer exist. And please stop trying to tie my statements to a the brief 6 year period between the crook nixon and the traitor reagan. I believe I said from the 50's right up through your boy ronnie.
All the reason, like saying wages were better back then and people were better off, without even considering inflation? lulz............
And for the record, I'm not tying you to anything, you already did that yourself by making the statement that the economy was much better before Reagan, you were dead wrong, blame yourself for diving into a discussion you know very little about.
All the reason, like saying wages were better back then and people were better off, without even considering inflation? lulz............
And for the record, I'm not tying you to anything, you already did that yourself by making the statement that the economy was much better before Reagan, you were dead wrong, blame yourself for diving into a discussion you know very little about.

the economy was indeed better in the decades before reagan.
All the reason, like saying wages were better back then and people were better off, without even considering inflation? lulz............
And for the record, I'm not tying you to anything, you already did that yourself by making the statement that the economy was much better before Reagan, you were dead wrong, blame yourself for diving into a discussion you know very little about.

I will agree things were not as good for the 1 or 2% at the top.
You know: "The ‘haves’ and ‘have mores’. Some people call you ‘the elite’. I call you ‘my base’” type folks.
I find it highly unlikely that you are in that "Elite" group which is what makes it so perplexing that you champion their cause.

Things were spread around more evenly back in the 70's. This was before the redistribution of wealth that occured during the reagan years and little george/big dick. So even with high inflation and interest. More people in the middle had money, so for us in the middle things were better.

I'm curious if you lived these years? Or are you just going off of what bill orielly and sean hannity say. I mean c'mon guys you act like we don't hear the same BS from every gop'ster verbatim every day, day in day out. Not an original thought once you get past ol Freddy Luntz in the whole bunch of ya!

Just because it's repeated over and over by the likes of michelle bachman and sarah palin doesn't make it factual. Funny maybe, but not factual.
I will agree things were not as good for the 1 or 2% at the top.
You know: "The ‘haves’ and ‘have mores’. Some people call you ‘the elite’. I call you ‘my base’” type folks.
I find it highly unlikely that you are in that "Elite" group which is what makes it so perplexing that you champion their cause.

Things were spread around more evenly back in the 70's. This was before the redistribution of wealth that occured during the reagan years and little george/big dick. So even with high inflation and interest. More people in the middle had money, so for us in the middle things were better.

I'm curious if you lived these years? Or are you just going off of what bill orielly and sean hannity say. I mean c'mon guys you act like we don't hear the same BS from every gop'ster verbatim every day, day in day out. Not an original thought once you get past ol Freddy Luntz in the whole bunch of ya!

Just because it's repeated over and over by the likes of michelle bachman and sarah palin doesn't make it factual. Funny maybe, but not factual.

I agree with some of what you said. The problem however is there is no longer
a Democratic Party. It has been taken over by a bunch of radical progressive psychopaths
bent on destroying America. Whats especially disgusting is watching the sick fucks
give away jobs to the illegals while trying to bring in as many millions more as they can get.
All the while middle, and lower class workers dont have jobs.
I agree with some of what you said. The problem however is there is no longer
a Democratic Party. It has been taken over by a bunch of radical progressive psychopaths
bent on destroying America. Whats especially disgusting is watching the sick fucks
give away jobs to the illegals while trying to bring in as many millions more as they can get.
All the while middle, and lower class workers dont have jobs.

how can the radical progressive psychopaths sick fucks bent on destroying America give away jobs to the illegals when we are not the job creators?

only republicans, handsome and self made independent strong people that they are, can be job creators. and only job creators can give away jobs to the illegals.

don't you know this?
how can the radical progressive psychopaths sick fucks bent on destroying America give away jobs to the illegals when we are not the job creators?

only republicans, handsome and self made independent strong people that they are, can be job creators. and only job creators can give away jobs to the illegals.

don't you know this?
This shows how much of a total quack you are.

Democrats are just Republicans with blue ties, genius.