Canna Sylvan
Well-Known Member
"A man is like a potted tree in business. Every 5 year he must be transplanted." anon
Really the village life of 10,000 years, is over about in about 1/3 of world now. If in that 1/3...things are doubling up in speed every few years.
Even though I have been at the same thing for 30 years, I am always being shifted into new jobs and projects.
And I carry a professional, fuck you attitude, toward my bosses. Now that took a long time to develop. But, in my thing, the ones that seem like they have plenty of choices, offers, money saved, don't bitch about it and seem to above it all, are the ones they like to keep.
Go figure. It is truly an unusual job stress. We spend a few houts a day, in hard study, to act like we know it all and are ready to take it to Juniper Networks or another 2rd tier company.Psych!
Being a writer is very hard. But at least I don't have any stress, and can work whenever. I can take breaks whenever. Only the deadline matters. The how is up to me. No one is there nagging or bitching. The only problem is you're their bitch, but it's on my time.