I've got no beef with some socialism. What, you want the 'market' to assume control of everything? How about our space program? Our federal highway system? Every road you drive on, you want to pay 29 tolls to get to the grocery store, and 29 more to get home? Do we want the cheapest military money can buy? Education only for those who have money? So, no more 'land of opportunity', no more 'all men are created equal'?
Socialism is for things where the entire populace benefits. Don't we all benefit from having all children guaranteed access to education, regardless of how much money their parents make (assuming they have any)? Without any socialism, we'd be watching China land on the moon, having never done it ourselves. We'd be watching our troops getting reamed in combat, because we let the market provide us the cheapest troops we could afford. Poor children would remain poor, because they'd never be able to afford an education.
Capitalism is doing wonderful for us at the pump too. I mean, ya can't complain much about gas prices if you're against any form of socialism, because reaming the consumers at the pump as hard, as often, and as long as is possible is the most capitalistic thing in the world for an oil company to do.
Rah rah, capitalism! Heck, make it $10/gallon, that's even *more* capitalistic, that'd rock!