Obama is the man


Well-Known Member
the Kremlin-controlled daily Izvestia has called the U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice a "war hawk" and "a single old skinny lady that likes to display her underwear during talks with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov." The daily called Rice "insane" and described her statements criticizing Russian actions as "colloquial diarrhea"

Geeze, I get a woodie just thinking about it, NOT!

id like to see the pics of condoleeza in her undies!

getting a woody just thinking about it

Big P

Well-Known Member
wow milf i thought you might atleast admit u may have been wrong with all that info i just posted. those are all facts. Im sorry I even wasted my time

I like how the first thing u guys say is we are going to war with russia. everybody knows if we go to a real war with russia both nations would be destroyed

ronald reagon beat the russians in a war without even declaring it like all you chicken littles over here like to do, geeeeeeeeezzzz


Well-Known Member
if we go to war with russia
its not only the end of both nations but the world

when the two biggest nuke nations go to war its game over

"world war III will be fought with nuclear weapons, world war IIII will be fought with sticks and stones"

i forget who said that but its pretty insightful

Big P

Well-Known Member
if we go to war with russia
its not only the end of both nations but the world

when the two biggest nuke nations go to war its game over

"world war III will be fought with nuclear weapons, world war IIII will be fought with sticks and stones"

i forget who said that but its pretty insightful

WWIII has already been won it was the cold war.



Well-Known Member
It's cool Big P- we all have our opinions. I personally did days of research when everything went down and much of the stuff the Georgian's were reporting was proved to be blown out of proportion or had little actual evidence to back it up. (Neither the BBC or the AP were in the region getting first hand information- both were getting their information from the Georgians) So I guess you could say, yes my mind was already made up by all my own personal research before our conversation began.

I personally do not see an US intervention as the France coming to our aid in the revolution- I see an US intervention as France coming over an helping the Brits. The citizens of the disputed areas want their independence, fought for their independence, and now foreign forces who claim to fight wars for 'freedom' are suppressing these people from attaining the freedom they want.

We can agree to disagree and drop it as I see this argument going no where, we are both firmly planted in our views. :peace:

Big P

Well-Known Member
It's cool Big P- we all have our opinions. I personally did days of research when everything went down and much of the stuff the Georgian's were reporting was proved to be blown out of proportion or had little actual evidence to back it up. (Neither the BBC or the AP were in the region getting first hand information- both were getting their information from the Georgians) So I guess you could say, yes my mind was already made up by all my own personal research before our conversation began.

I personally do not see an US intervention as the France coming to our aid in the revolution- I see an US intervention as France coming over an helping the Brits. The citizens of the disputed areas want their independence, fought for their independence, and now foreign forces who claim to fight wars for 'freedom' are suppressing these people from attaining the freedom they want.

We can agree to disagree and drop it as I see this argument going no where, we are both firmly planted in our views. :peace:

ok u dont have to admit it, or even if you really think it, i just want to put you on the record.

So you believe the Russians side of the story over the Multinational consensus?

A) Yes
B) No
C) You belive Both
D) You believe neither

Big P

Well-Known Member
Big P, I liked you better when you were just panda. Now you've gone and got edumacated.

ya I was cooler as the other guy, but ive been goin through a rough patch, :wall: stessed out

paranoid, so now im Big P:sad::bigjoint:

was worried I would get banned,

But i admit no wrong doing!!!!!!:bigjoint:


New Member
So, big P, do you actually believe A. we can win a fight with Russia? B. Russia was all wrong in the Georgia thing? C. We could even gather enough help (Troops) to fight a ground war with Russia, and D. would the American people stand for it anyway?

Big P

Well-Known Member
I guess you could say C and D.. neither is 100% right or wrong in my eyes..

i was afraid you were gonna say that, so really we prolly both right,

or both wrong depending how you look at it.

anyway I see arguing on here more like a soccer match or somthing, more of a sport for me than anything, u know like competition.

I mean we can still have sex if you reeeeally want to :bigjoint: but I cant be hittin it all night now i got stuff to do:bigjoint:


unless you will:shock:


Big P

Well-Known Member
So, big P, do you actually believe A. we can win a fight with Russia? B. Russia was all wrong in the Georgia thing? C. We could even gather enough help (Troops) to fight a ground war with Russia, and D. would the American people stand for it anyway?

well im just saying we should do what we been doing. i mean we dont have to lob nukes at them

we can just lob suitcases full of poo at them that say made in Georgia so they cant say its us:bigjoint:



New Member
WTF is wrong with the GOP?
They are fucking hypocritical idiots who care only about themselves and money. They lie and cheat to get what they want and they are closet racists (and homosexuals....not that here is anything wrong with that unless you sponsor bills against internet kiddy porn while you try to hook up with under aged Senate pages).

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
I personally did days of research when everything went down

NOTE - at the Republican Convention.. Obama was ridiculed for doing researh on the topic instead f making an IMMEDIATE public announcement..

This is part of the GOP platform.. The democrats educate themselves.. do research and do not react from emotional judgement...

VOTE rebulican... we react... even though we don't have the facts..



Well-Known Member
:: shrugs ::

Russia invaded Georgia, under the guises of liberating South Ossetia and (that other region). There is reasonable cause to think they might have been "provoked" just a little by Georgia invading South Ossetia.

Tough call.

Piss of the Russians (and as everyone is pointing out, Nuclear War)

Desert the Georgians and we will see Russia stamp them out and confiscate the pipeline they are building strengthening the stranglehold Russia has on Europe's access to oil.

I think I like the 3rd option. Stop getting involved in international entanglements like our founding father's advised us. We don't have the responsibility to run around fixing the world's problems, and we shouldn't be doing it until our own problems are fixed.