Obama is the man


New Member
That must have been a hard pill to swallow. Getting banned by the Noman.....I couldn't think of a bigger kick in the nuts hear at RIU.


Well-Known Member
you must be mistaken.. or I misunderstood your last post (quoted above)

cause i was not suggesting that you were voting.. i wasn't suggesting you were having dinner.. I wasn't suggesting that I stop chewing gum..

I wasn't suggesting anything...

I was only quoting something you said that inspired me to POST..

Sorry to misunderstand you- usually when someone is quoted it's in response to them.. won't make that mistake again oh great one. LMFAO. :peace:

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Sorry to misunderstand you- usually when someone is quoted it's in response to them.. won't make that mistake again oh great one. LMFAO. :peace:

it was a response.. but there is no reaosn to read into..

Do you think that this email is call you yo a pig?

If so, re-read.. cause it isn't..

You know why you say things like "oh great one" ?


Well-Known Member
Can't just take what I said as it is? I apologized then made a joke- sorry if you saw more there than that or didn't understand the joke.