Obama Asks Congress to Authorize Military Action Against Islamic State

I wouldn't ever in a million years believe that our reason for maintained presence in the Middle East is for anything (anything) other than cash, or the stabilization of cash.

"Protect from Jihad." That's just silly Industrial Complex talking head points

Oil is only suppose to last another 400 years. Jihad has better legs than that.
You know about the Barabary Coast Wars 1 and 2? Shores of Tripoli ring a bell?
7 Marines under the command of Lt Presley O'bannon won the Second Barbary war by defeating the enemy at Tripoli. There were no other US troops involved.
all i've seen him do is end conflicts, not start them. cracker.

I'm black, Y'all. Should I put up the CB4 link again?

Uh, what has he ended? Please don't say Iraq because this seems more like a beginning to me. The Afghanistan fallout from Obama's failed strategy remains to be seen so
I wouldn't be declaring victory for your Homie there yet either.

I'm black.
President Obama has sent Congress a draft proposal for a war resolution against Islamic State, asking for "limited" use of American force against the militant group operating in Syria and Iraq for three years.

The resolution argues that Islamic State poses a "grave threat" to the U.S. and its Middle Eastern allies and declares the group a terrorist organization. The resolution also condemns Islamic State for "despicable acts of violence and mass execution."

The war resolution also cites the death of four American citizen, blaming Islamic State for the deaths of James Foley, Steven Sotloff, Abdul-Rahman Peter Kassig, and Kayla Mueller while in captivity.

Anyone want to bet it includes "boots on the ground" ??

Does that Nobel Peace Prize come with any conditions??

Building weapons creates jobs in every congressional district that matters.

Nevermind that we're impoverishing the country by using tax dollars that could be better spent on infrastructure and building the economy.
iraq, white boy.

He fucked that up just like he's fucked everything else up.

He is a failed experiment and it will take decades for my race to recover politically from this disaster known as Barack Hussein Obama. Thanks Barry for setting black folk like me back decades. I was gonna run for sheriff but not now.