Obama's Contempt Bordering on Treachery

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You're either ignorant of that fact or a liar.

The Mormon Church official Doctrine is that they are the only True Church.

No it isn't. We state that we are the restored Gospel and we have the fulness of the Gospel. There is nothing said about being the only true church. Get your facts straight, sweety.
It contains a certain type of Hebraic poetry that I cannot remember off the top of my head. Maybe you can help me. It's a type of mirror effect. You start off with a sentence and end with a sentence almost identical. It's similar to parallelism but I cannot think of the right word. Damn.
Either you're ignorant or you're a liar, sweetie. Here, I'll help you out.


Yes, Jack. That's what Restored and Fulness mean. True and Living means we have additional scritptures that back up and correct the corruption the Bible has gone through for the last 1,500 years or so. We do believe that we have the most correct version of the Gospel on earth. We also believe that other Christian sects teach the truth as well but with a corrupted set of scriptures. It doesn't mean we are the only ones that get to Heaven which is what you are trying to say. Try again.
Still thinkn
No it isn't. We state that we are the restored Gospel and we have the fulness of the Gospel. There is nothing said about being the only true church. Get your facts straight, sweety.
Completed Jew? Or the wild branch that was crafted in when a branch refused the savior?
Yes, Jack. That's what Restored and Fulness mean. True and Living means we have additional scritptures that back up and correct the corruption the Bible has gone through for the last 1,500 years or so. We do believe that we have the most correct version of the Gospel on earth. We also believe that other Christian sects teach the truth as well but with a corrupted set of scriptures. It doesn't mean we are the only ones that get to Heaven which is what you are trying to say. Try again.

I never said anything about heaven. I was very specific. I asked you a question about being the true church and you denied it. You lied about your own church. My hobby for the last 30 years has been studying religious sects and cults. Keep that in mind for future reference. Thanks.
Yes, Jack. That's what Restored and Fulness mean. True and Living means we have additional scritptures that back up and correct the corruption the Bible has gone through for the last 1,500 years or so. We do believe that we have the most correct version of the Gospel on earth. We also believe that other Christian sects teach the truth as well but with a corrupted set of scriptures. It doesn't mean we are the only ones that get to Heaven which is what you are trying to say. Try again.
Do you mean translated to modern languages? From greek and hebrew? It is all greek to me. But as many as received him, he gave to them authority [2children 3of God 1to become], to the ones believing in his name; 13 the ones who not from blood, nor from will of flesh, nor from will of man, but from God were born.
Wow... walking himself right into a ban. Nice going, Jack. I'm going to miss your sweet dulcet tones.

That's real cute, so how about anyone who doesn't support Obama just go ahead and get banned because they feel strongly on their ideals and are provoked into the point of frustration. Wonderful forum you guys run around here.
Show me the part where you say you're being sarcastic.
Right here in the original qoute
your a retired born again Christain( im being slighting sarcastic but really retired theologists) or what ever sect, come on . . . .. . . . i could make 3 seasons of cartoons about you right now in my head, so cliche did you have a mid life crisis ten yrs ago too and buy a convertible

you comprehension levels arent very high are they, retired theologist its a bit funny as you get to meet your mortal end your in Christin bible studies( or whatever)
6000 is a little conservative don't ya think? I mean, Stonehenge was built 6000 years ago. Either the cradle is SW England or some shenanigans is afoot. :eyesmoke:
It was a bit tongue in cheek. Don't some of the fundamentalist Christian sects claim that the earth is only 6,000 or so years old?
Mormons believe they are the only righteous ones and all other Christian denominations are false. I believe that is correct. That would make you the bigot, dear.

I never said anything about heaven. I was very specific. I asked you a question about being the true church and you denied it. You lied about your own church. My hobby for the last 30 years has been studying religious sects and cults. Keep that in mind for future reference. Thanks.

Well if you studied for 30 years it was time wasted. You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground.
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