Death by a thousand cuts - Thomas Jefferson kicks Muslim asses

wellllllllllll..those are canadian muslims..all canooks are a nice, peaceful peoples..doer's talking about the real deal not canadians.

I said muslims in north america have a chance to be a religion. But, that is only because our tactic, is to give persecuting religions a chance to chill or be punished for wife and daughter killing, etc.

Ask them all, if they will renounce the Supremacy of Islam. Will they renounce the natural Conquest of all People which is the Right of Allah?
I said muslims in north america have a chance to be a religion. But, that is only because our tactic, is to give persecuting religions a chance to chill or be punished for wife and daughter killing, etc.

Ask them all, if they will renounce the Supremacy of Islam. Will they renounce the natural Conquest of all People which is the Right of Allah?
Or just tell them Allah can suck your balls whilst drinking whiskey, eating a bacon sammich and having naked women all over you.

See how peaceful and tolerant they are then...
Or just tell them Allah can suck your balls whilst drinking whiskey, eating a bacon sammich and having naked women all over you.

See how peaceful and tolerant they are then...

i must say i prefer the above..they don't know what they're missing..the joke is on them..FOR THIS IS HEAVEN.
What other religion thinks men or so weak and women are so evil that they have to be keep apart in the modern day.,

Other cultures teach men to respect women and women are educated and are taught, no means no.
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Hey bro, just so you know the muslims were persecuted, tortured & killed in Mecca for over 10 years without retaliating before they migrated to Medina where they were welcomed. The Meccans still waged war against them until eventually they won & entered Mecca. After entering the city the prophet didn't commit any reprisals & allowed those who wanted to stay (regardless of their faith) to stay & those who wanted to leave to leave. He never coerced anyone into the religion.

He did marry Aisha about 9 or 10 years of age who after his death became one of the most influental & important person in Islamic history. She was also the daughter of his oldest friend & first leader after him. This was over 1,400 years ago & wasn't uncommon to marry so young...including in Europe. The Byzantines for example had 'child brides'...700 only years ago! of course this is unacceptable nowadays & rightly so but things were different in those times. If you read his biography you'll find that he was really amazing...nothing like those scumbags you see on TV ranting & spewing shite! take it easy pal
You know we have names nowadays for people who are self proclaimed prophets like Mohammed and Jesus , they're called schizophrenics!
Why is it that Muslim women are called upon to be treated so appallingly by Islam?
Explain why your supposed loving prophet and God allow for Muslim men to brutally murder on a whim any woman for almost any reason? Why does such a peaceful religion as you claim give Muslim men divine permission to beat their wives if they choose to?
Are you saying that Islam does not still condone the marriage of children to men and that it doesn't happen nowadays?

Already in my country Muslims who are barely off the boat are already complaining about our culture and society yet many of the women do not work because their husbands do not allow it so they are going to be forever on welfare and a burden on the taxpayer, the Islamic community representatives use clever rhetoric to denounce our culture on a regular basis and refuse to integrate, they want their own exclusive taxpayer funded schools and they want to introduce blasphemy laws, one civic leader in particular whose group receive state funds refused on live TV to condemn Bin Laden saying because he hadn't met him he had no right to judge him and patronisingly states that we don't understand what is going on. They also have said that if they ever achieve a majority (politically I assume) that Sharia law would be imposed.
Multiculturalism is no bad thing but all of society has to be involved and sadly this is not something the many in the Islamic community wants. We have had a small Jewish community here for a very long time and you wouldn't even know they were here even when the most vocal and the most critical of Israel were being heard, the same can be said of a number of Christian groups with the exception of the Catholics.
So while IS and whatever extremists are trying to conquer through violence I believe there are many Muslims who want the same result but use different means to achieve it.
Muslims whether you agree with me or not have a ludicrous sense of entitlement irrespective of the country or culture they live in.
BTW Another good biography is Charles Darwin's.
What other religion thinks men or so weak and women are so evil that that have to be keep apart.

Other cultures teach men to respect women and women are taught no means no.
It's a strange one because even ancient European Cultures (Celts, Norse, etc) all gave relatively equal rights to women as they did to men.

These cultures even allowed women ascend to chieftain/earl positions, which would've put a lot of them above the majority of men.

It seems to be a Judeo-Christian thing, which is even more bizarre given the Matriarchal culture of Judaism.

Fuck religion, all of them.
You know we have names nowadays for people who are self proclaimed prophets like Mohammed and Jesus , they're called schizophrenics!
Why is it that Muslim women are called upon to be treated so appallingly by Islam?
Explain why your supposed loving prophet and God allow for Muslim men to brutally murder on a whim any woman for almost any reason? Why does such a peaceful religion as you claim give Muslim men divine permission to beat their wives if they choose to?
Are you saying that Islam does not still condone the marriage of children to men and that it doesn't happen nowadays?

Already in my country Muslims who are barely off the boat are already complaining about our culture and society yet many of the women do not work because their husbands do not allow it so they are going to be forever on welfare and a burden on the taxpayer, the Islamic community representatives use clever rhetoric to denounce our culture on a regular basis and refuse to integrate, they want their own exclusive taxpayer funded schools and they want to introduce blasphemy laws, one civic leader in particular whose group receive state funds refused on live TV to condemn Bin Laden saying because he hadn't met him he had no right to judge him and patronisingly states that we don't understand what is going on. They also have said that if they ever achieve a majority (politically I assume) that Sharia law would be imposed.
Multiculturalism is no bad thing but all of society has to be involved and sadly this is not something the many in the Islamic community wants. We have had a small Jewish community here for a very long time and you wouldn't even know they were here even when the most vocal and the most critical of Israel were being heard, the same can be said of a number of Christian groups with the exception of the Catholics.
So while IS and whatever extremists are trying to conquer through violence I believe there are many Muslims who want the same result but use different means to achieve it.
Muslims whether you agree with me or not have a ludicrous sense of entitlement irrespective of the country or culture they live in.
BTW Another good biography is Charles Darwin's.
If you're talking about Catholics in the UK, in fairness they were genuinely persecuted for over 400 years.
You all kinda need to make up here. The Moor is back in Spain. They sneak this Conquest inside Country after Country. Inner Jihad. The Struggle. Means the same as Mein Kompf.
This is why Jihad and Gestapo got married in 1932 in Cairo.
"Soon the Muslims Will Be the Kings of the World"

While Spanish Muslims are busy trying to Islamize Spain, Spanish politicians are busy removing all references to Christianity from public discourse…The requirement which will be enshrined in Spain's legal code law, represents an unprecedented encroachment of Islamic Sharia law within Spanish jurisprudence.

Spanish police have arrested a Muslim immigrant in Mallorca after he claimed to have been sent by Allah to "kill all the Spanish."

The arrest follows a series of other Islam-related incidents in recent weeks and months which reflect the mounting challenge that radical Islam is posing to Spain.