Wow, if a picture of 14 people on some rocks doesn't prove that there were 40,000 refugees on top of a mountain, I don't know what would.
Here is a picture of 20,000 people stranded on a mountain.
except to imply he is a jihadist who wants to conquer you.
You are terrified of these Albino Muslims aren't you Mr Doer
I don't think the nose is anywhere near fully developed at birth.
That's a white baby, large skull It's not thin enough to be black.
I never said it didn't happen, I said it was highly embellished. There were a few hundred people on the mountain, not tens of thousands. The mountain refugees were a cover for Erbil. Read what i write, not what you think you want me to say.You are trying to prove it didn't happen?
Show some proof.
Well, they don't look very stupid, so no, I am not afraid. Well the one in the very back does look like he is having a bad day on the farm.
How about this?. You are afraid of this and Subway, I bet. This goes on Subway so double fear for you. And it is a secular statement, so triple fear.
No I am only afraid of very stupid and that certainly includes a large number
of people I must say
Your prejudices are immaterial to my point
He hates white, and someone called with the bad news about mirrors?
no..that's not what happened, buck.
doer was making the point that a muslim who intimates renouncement or equality of other religions to that of islam..can NEVER.
never thought doer would be reciting the stormfront motto that "anti racist is code for anti white".
but he just did.
then why did zaycor state unequivocally that all religions can coexist with islam?
Show me
Therefore yes there is a place for all different peoples on earth & no-one has the right to force or coerce others into following a particular religion including Islam. Take it easy buddy
Did what happen?I never once said how many
So it did happen