Obama Asks Congress to Authorize Military Action Against Islamic State

Fracking is simply a component of the big chicken game going on. It's thrown out there as way too big a global factor. This same scenario has played out countless times over history. This episode is deeper and therefore more memorable. The shit hit the fan decades ago similarly. No fracking back then.

Fracking certainly complicated this current standoff, but it did not singularly precipitate it as you have constantly, off-handedly asserted.

Yes, fracking is a term for many things, some OK, like horizontal fracking way below the water table with good double casing, etc. for natural gas.

But, I was surprise to hear, they are still doing vertical shallow well fracking for oil. Yuck. That is the bad fracking that gives fracking for natural gas, a bad name.

Two different beasts, one I am for, one I am against both called fracking.
I wouldn't ever in a million years believe that our reason for maintained presence in the Middle East is for anything (anything) other than cash, or the stabilization of cash.

"Protect from Jihad." That's just silly Industrial Complex talking head points
I wouldn't ever in a million years believe that our reason for maintained presence in the Middle East is for anything (anything) other than cash, or the stabilization of cash.

"Protect from Jihad." That's just silly Industrial Complex talking head points
I believe there is a little our God is better than your God aspect to it but for the most part yeah.

We also tend to worship the alter of Democracy and think everyone else should be converted.

This shouldn't diminish the absolute atrocities performed by IS and AQ, but I'm with you in that it's not isolated to just them and there.
I wouldn't ever in a million years believe that our reason for maintained presence in the Middle East is for anything (anything) other than cash, or the stabilization of cash.

"Protect from Jihad." That's just silly Industrial Complex talking head points
No I am saying it started before oil despite any smug labels
You know about the Barabary Coast Wars 1 and 2? Shores of Tripoli ring a bell?

that's quite the centuries old hate boner you have going there.

imagine if muslims came to america by the hundreds of thousands and killed half a million american civilians, kinda like we did less than a decade ago.

not to mention all the innocent muslim women american soldiers raped while we were over there.

hell, i think we found the reason why desert dude took the trip over there now.
Oh, btw, just like Israel is 20% Arab, Saudi Arabia, home of Wahab Sunni, is 15% Sh'ia, their sworn enemies, mostly in the oil areas, aligned with Iran.

So, it is easy to see how Iran could believe the Saudi Oil is actually Sh'ia oil.

Thus the big picture, emerges.
Obama's plan is to lead a rogue squadron of stealth jets and carpet bomb isis to oblivion.. or ya know... send in some drones.

Will he accept any responsibility for the thousands of innocent "collaterally damaged" people that his minions will also kill?
I don't feel one bit threatened.
You should feel threatened, Bush and Obama's "half measures" to deal with Middle East Shit-Heads have put the US in Islamist crosshairs without dealing with the problem at all.

If anything, you idiots initially ARMED ISIS.
You should feel threatened, Bush and Obama's "half measures" to deal with Middle East Shit-Heads have put the US in Islamist crosshairs without dealing with the problem at all.

If anything, you idiots initially ARMED ISIS.

Could you remind me which countries have had terrorist attacks happen recently? Is that Bush's fault too?
Could you remind me which countries have had terrorist attacks happen recently? Is that Bush's fault too?
Did I touch your "Bush nerve"?

Bush was inept, so is Obama.

Do you deny this?

Would you like a bullet point presentation of how those two retards fucked up United States foreign policy with regards to the "Middle East question" ?

That'd be a truely non-partisan shit storm.
Did I touch your "Bush nerve"?

Bush was inept, so is Obama.

Do you deny this?

Would you like a bullet point presentation of how those two retards fucked up United States foreign policy with regards to the "Middle East question" ?

That'd be a truely non-partisan shit storm.

Why are the terrorists going after Australia, France, etc... If it is simply the USA that caused the shit storm?

Clue... It isnt about America