Northern Iraq falls to Al Qaeda, $400 million looted from central bank.

at the time Bush Jr used WMD as a reason for War, Iraq DID NOT have a stock pile of WMD.

So, what really? That was pap for the world. I was not a justification for me, one way or another.

This is only the Matrix if you never get you own facts and conclusions.

It is the Matrix to get feed this pap and swallow. All lies about the facts, but the facts are sitting right there. That is how they get away with it, this US Press.

It is all there, if you ignore what they say it means. It is all there if you simply decode by the, Lie Only 180 degrees, rule. Just try it for 30 days home trial.

Turn it all by 180 degrees.

OK, fine thinker.

1- the Kurds just got an Oil sale contract with Turkey. Milakk-iac said no sales through Baghdad.

2- Advance air defense and training in helicopter attack is what was happening with the Kurds at that airbase we just abandoned.

3- the Kurds held the base and now "own" the equipment and fuel and spares.

4 - Said Kurds got their capital back, Kirkuk, from the Iraq army in a peaceful abandonment, yesterday.

The Kruds, Sunni, will defeat the ISIL with steel and less froth in the mouth. Turkey, Iran, Russia and Iraq, the French, and Syria will help. Not the USA, in public.

Assad gets most of his country back, but not all. The Sh'ia get the South of Iraq, and the reason Turkey doesn't have to chip in land, where Kurds live is simple.

They should be punished for not allowing the 4th Armor to block the gap in Desert Storm, but they trumped with NATO.

Kurdistan Fuck Yeah.


These are different People. Not Arab or Persian. There are Kurds in Syria. And in general, Kurdish women are also warriors.


They have their own units


And are not to be messed with.

OK, fine thinker.

1- the Kurds just got an Oil sale contract with Turkey. Milakk-iac said no sales through Baghdad.

2- Advance air defense and training in helicopter attack is what was happening with the Kurds at that airbase we just abandoned.

3- the Kurds held the base and now "own" the equipment and fuel and spares.

4 - Said Kurds got their capital back, Kirkuk, from the Iraq army in a peaceful abandonment, yesterday.

The Kruds, Sunni, will defeat the ISIL with steel and less froth in the mouth. Turkey, Iran, Russia and Iraq, the French, and Syria will help. Not the USA, in public.

Assad gets most of his country back, but not all. The Sh'ia get the South of Iraq, and the reason Turkey doesn't have to chip in land, where Kurds live is simple.

They should be punished for not allow the 4th Armor to block the gap in Desert Storm, but they trumped with NATO.

Kudistan Fuck Yeah.


These are different People. Not Arab or Persian. There are Kurds in Syria. And in general, Kurdish women are also warriors.


They have their own units


And are not to be messed with.

wasn't being sarcastic.........totally dig the Kurds. a proud, dignified, hospitable people.
Iran is assembling their Anvil block on their border. Peshmerga has the hammer.
Assad has closed the back door, with a 98% "vote" in his span of control.
Iraq holds the tongs. That army fell back and Baghdad is safe.

This is what the Zulu calls the Bull and the Horns. OK 200 yards, CHARGE!!!

If you let the middle of the line of charge, look weaker and spread out, you will concentrate the enemy charge there. As their enemy commits to the center, the Zulu center slows and the outer masses accelerate. Woops, the Horns first flank and then envelope, and then wipe out the enemy.

No press? No mercy.

We will see.
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they love to drink, dance, and sing. they keep their word. if they weren't surrounded by the Caliphate, I don't they bother feigning adherence to Islam.

They are Sunni. But, not bent. Sorta Episcopalian, like. Only Jihad Taliban types are like extremely vicious Baptists.

They practice Islam and it is very strict. It is not crazy stupid, and power drunk, that I know of.
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Iran is assembling their Anvil block on their border. Peshmerga has the hammer.
Assad has closed the back door, with a 98% "vote" in his span of control.
Iraq hold the tongs. That army fell back and Baghdad is safe.

This is what the Zulu calls the Bull and the Horns. OK 200 yards, CHARGE!!!

If you let the middle of the line of charge, look weaker and spread out, you will concentrate the enemy charge there. As their enemy commits to the center, the Zulu center slows and the outer masses accelerate. Woops, the Horns first flank and then envelope, and then wipe out the enemy.

No press? No mercy.

We will see.
didn't work out to well for Ctewayo's boys at Rourke's drift, and almost never worked against the Boers. the Boers at Isandlwana tried to get Chelmsford to laager his wagons, but old Chelmsy would have none of it. it was the last British engagement to utilize boy drummers. the relief column found the drummer boys with their genitals stuffed in their mouths. nasty.

the Boers knowing that the Zulus were barefoot, set broken bottles around their laagers, when moving through Zulu territory. kept numerous weapons at hand, and even defeated very large Zulu armies with breech-loading weapons.
the Zulu had guts though, for sure.
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that didn't work well at Rourke's Drift. the Boers defended against that tactic successfully every time, and tried to warn Chelmsford at Isandluanda

didn't work out to well for Ctewayo's boys at Rourke's drift, and almost never worked against the Boers. the Boers at Isandlwana tried to get Chelmsford to laager his wagons, but old Chelmsy would have none of it. it was the last British engagement to utilize boy drummers. the relief column found the drummer boys with their genitals stuffed in their mouths. nasty.

the Boers knowing that the Zulus were barefoot, set broken bottles around their laagers, when moving through Zulu territory. kept numerous weapons at hand, and even defeated very large Zulu armies with breech-loading weapons.
the Zulu had guts though, for sure.

It only worked with the other tribes for 100s of years.

Not good against the Maxim gun.

Africa is as nasty now with that as it was then.