Northern Iraq falls to Al Qaeda, $400 million looted from central bank.

Kind of makes me feel old, in my day if we wanna rob a bank, we cover our faces ..ride into town and stick the bank up, then contend with the hero of the day,
Bonaza, Little house on the desert, Lone Ranger with homosexual companion and poorly paid Tonto, or even the mayor Clint Eastwood,
so now we just kill everyone in town....?
uhhh what?

"we" didnt kill everyone in iraq.

iraq's population has increased, not decreased,

it increased during the sanctions (lol half a million iraqi babies dead from sanctions...) hell it increased FASTER during the sanctions than it did before the sanctions
it increased during the occupation (faster still) and is still increasing.

we must suck at genocide as bad as the israelis do.

also, the story is about MILITANTS taking over the town, looting, raping pillaging and otherwise enjoying their new-found freedom under Bwana Obama's limpwristed handling of the situation.

i assure you, if the US military wanted iraq depopulated, it would be FULLY DEPOPULATED in short order.
Bwana Obama's limpwristed handling of the situation.

i see what you did there.

you insinuated that obama is both gay AND african!

all this after repeatedly telling us that you are totally not racist and preaching about perceived slights at homosexuals from your lefty enemies.

buy, not only are you a bigoted racist, but you are also a hypocrite.

but that should surprise no one.
i see what you did there.

you insinuated that obama is both gay AND african!

all this after repeatedly telling us that you are totally not racist and preaching about perceived slights at homosexuals from your lefty enemies.

buy, not only are you a bigoted racist, but you are also a hypocrite.

but that should surprise no one.

his failure to keep a firm hand on the tiller in no way implies he enjoys the company of gentlemen
only your own twisted deranged brain can infer such calumny
if Barry's hands were firm on the wheel, iraq would not be spiraling into chaos now, even if he did enjoy the cock.

and umm, he IS african, or at least, half-rican.

sure he claimed his father was a black american for a while, but his father is now apparently an AFRICAN, and in kenya (as in most of africa) your tribal affiliation is determined by your patrilineal descent

his father is in fact a well connected government official in kenya, thus clearly entitled to the honorific Bwana (and the son of a Hetman is entitled to the same respect as the father in african tribal society) and as Barry is (sorta) President of the US, he too should enjoy that same status at the very least.

shame on you Bucky, for making such wild accusations about The (sorta) President!

thats how conspiracy theories get started!
his failure to keep a firm hand on the tiller in no way implies he enjoys the company of gentlemen
only your own twisted deranged brain can infer such calumny
if Barry's hands were firm on the wheel, iraq would not be spiraling into chaos now, even if he did enjoy the cock.

and umm, he IS african, or at least, half-rican.

sure he claimed his father was a black american for a while, but his father is now apparently an AFRICAN, and in kenya (as in most of africa) your tribal affiliation is determined by your patrilineal descent

his father is in fact a well connected government official in kenya, thus clearly entitled to the honorific Bwana (and the son of a Hetman is entitled to the same respect as the father in african tribal society) and as Barry is (sorta) President of the US, he too should enjoy that same status at the very least.

shame on you Bucky, for making such wild accusations about The (sorta) President!

thats how conspiracy theories get started!
only your own twisted deranged brain can infer such calumny

my apologies for pointing out your hypocrisy, bigot.

and umm, he IS african, or at least, half-rican.

i was under the impression that being born in hawaii made him an american, but carry on with your racism. let's see where this goes.

in kenya (as in most of africa) your tribal affiliation is determined by your patrilineal descent

his father is in fact a well connected government official in kenya, thus clearly entitled to the honorific Bwana (and the son of a Hetman is entitled to the same respect as the father in african tribal society) and as Barry is (sorta) President of the US, he too should enjoy that same status at the very least.

there's that outright racism we have come to expect from someone who is too much of a pussy to own up to his own white supremacy.

coward little bitch.

you might be able to claim i am a Birther (but not really)

Barry is only Sorta President because he has no ability to control his own executive branch. Eric Cockbreath Holder sells guns to the mexican cartels, barry knows nothing about it.
Cockbreath sends out notices to state employees that they will be charged as accomplices to federal drugs felonies if they enforce their own state's cannabis laws
Cockbreath sends out letters to US attorneys that they should seize the property of anyone who rents business space to any cannabis co-operative dispensary or grower
Cockbreath fails miserably to restrain that bitch leonhart as she lies to congress and talks shit about El Prez in the press
Barry sends the word forth, all federal agencies shall scrimp, save, use doublesided printing, turn off the lights when leaving a room, set the thermostats to 73, and flip the toilet paper over to use the other side... (which i applauded) and the GSA, to celebrate the saving bonanza, throws a party in vegas with a fortune teller, party clowns and we must assume Hookers.
meanwhile the Secret Service gets caught with their pants down (with hookers) in columbia
Benghazi, nuff said.
Hillary cant seem to explain what the secretary of state does, then he gets JOHN MOTHERFUCKING KERRY to replace her?
and all the while barry cries and moans about how he hasnt the power to reschedule cannabis, or he would do it in a snap.... as he appoints assholes who DO have the power, and doesnt order them to do it...

if barry actually ACTED like El Prez instead of acting like an actor PLAYING El Prez, then maybe i might start believing he is in fact El Prez.

on the other hand he is a Pinball Wizard with crazy flipper fingers on the Drone Strike button, which i dearly enjoy, wholeheartedly, without reservation.
he even bagged Al Alawaki Jr in Multiball Play for bonus points and an extra ball.
and Yemen is a tough machine. it tilts if you look at it wrong.
my apologies for pointing out your hypocrisy, bigot.

i was under the impression that being born in hawaii made him an american, but carry on with your racism. let's see where this goes.

there's that outright racism we have come to expect from someone who is too much of a pussy to own up to his own white supremacy.

coward little bitch.
If Obama had left some troops in Iraq then this would not have happened at this time.

I agree that we never should have gone into Iraq in the first place but is this the best way to have ended it?

There is no good way to end it. It should of never started.
And fuck no. We dont need to leave any troops behind. We have 1500 nukes we can send over anytime we want

are you trying to imply you were just trolling, and your expressed racism is just for play?

because that is contradicted by your long history of statements expressing your love of "european cultural superiority" or "defending REAL AMERICA" from the "multicultural (read: heavily black) wasteland of bullshit".

you're not fooling anyone.

you might be able to claim i am a Birther (but not really)

. . .

on the other hand he is a Pinball Wizard with crazy flipper fingers on the Drone Strike button, which i dearly enjoy, wholeheartedly, without reservation.
he even bagged Al Alawaki Jr in Multiball Play for bonus points and an extra ball.
and Yemen is a tough machine. it tilts if you look at it wrong.
Sorry, I got my goofy political terms mixed. I must have had 9/11 on the brain.

Dude, you are okay with him killing American citizens in foreign countries with drones WITHOUT a trial? Not saying you do, just asking. Every citizen deserves a trial.

*spelling GD
Sorry, I got my goofy political terms mixed. I must have had 9/11 on the brain.

Dude, you are okay with him killing American citizens in foreign countries with drones WITHOUT a trial? Not saying you do, just asking. Every citizen deserves a trial.

*spelling GD
Al Alawaki Jr ran off to join pop-pop in yemen, and fight for "The Cause". Pop-Pop got his top popped before junior could find him, so junior hooked up with the senior recruiter for AQ in yemen and hopped in his SUV

round about that moment, The President Of The United States, Barack Hussein Obama Jr dropped a quarter in his pinball machine and went to town with a tomahawk.
the target: AQ's top recruiter in yemen.
Mr President let 3 fly in Multiball! Multiball! Multiball! play, hitting the bumpers at the recruiter's house, the house of his main squeeze, and his car, where poor innocent al alawaki jr (who had been flagged already by yemen's national police as a terrorist trainee) was riding to a training camp (referred to as a BBQ in the weepy bullshit stories his relatives pissed out) with several other "kids" (almost all of whom were flagged by yemeni intelligence too),

when President Obama hit his last bumper for High Score, he smoked the recruiter's car, and with it, Al Alawaki Jr. who had gone to yemen, entered the territory controlled by AQ, (which is a WAR ZONE) with the exprtess intention (according to his weeping gam gam) of joining AQ, and becoming a "Martyr" like dear old dad.

Mission Accomplished, and not a thing of value was lost, except for a pretty nice SUV