Northern Iraq falls to Al Qaeda, $400 million looted from central bank.

Yes, that's also why we KNEW he had WMD, we sold them to em. Now we know they were moved to Syria.

This is not justification for killing hundreds of thousands, even if the US was complicit.

Like I said though London, you were there and I was not, so I defer to your knowledge in this case. It's opinions that we are arguing though, the facts are blurry for everyone and a very tangled web.
Iraq's weapons of mass destruction ( chemical and biological )were destroyed by the UN. The remainder were used or destroyed during 'the Gulf War'. The manufacturing of chemical and biological weapons emits certain gases, which would have been detected by satellite. When Bush Jr invaded they had nothing. Stop falling for the lies the Bush Jr. admin fed you.
This is the kind of thing we need to made aware of. There was a thread here a year or so ago where people were arguing we have nothing left there. That's the impression the Prez tried to give, so that's the story many chose to believe.
A few of our trauma docs, surgeons and I think two RN's were sent to Kirkuk just before the rest of us redeployed. Before they left I had a few conversations. They were to operate a small hospital in Kirkuk they had there.

No big deal right?

They had been told to prepare to stay for another eight - 15 months. I held these conversations in mid November 2012*.

Who is using these state department bases?

*edit* I have my years mixed up, it was 2011 not 2012.
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Iraq's weapons of mass destruction ( chemical and biological )were destroyed by the UN. The remainder were used or destroyed during 'the Gulf War'. The manufacturing of chemical and biological weapons emits certain gases, which would have been detected by satellite. When Bush Jr invaded they had nothing. Stop falling for the lies the Bush Jr. admin fed you.

Would we not have detected Hassad's weapons during the fabrication if what you say is true? Maybe we did and it wasn't reported or maybe they were already there. Do you have insight to this?
Would we not have detected Hassad's weapons during the fabrication if what you say is true? Maybe we did and it wasn't reported or maybe they were already there. Do you have insight to this?
We knew the Brits were sending Hassad his chems
very much true....I'm off to move some dryers

Have a good one man, I'm off to tell a doc that his medicare reimbursement will be less because his front office staff didn't check the hispanic/non hispanic box during sign up. Thanks for the insight, it's fascinating to get opinions from the folks who were actually there.
Stop using bush as a scapegoat, he was the fuckin man! He was fucking president, while we all surf a weed forum and argue with each other while masturbating to blood play goat porn.
Iraq's weapons of mass destruction ( chemical and biological )were destroyed by the UN. The remainder were used or destroyed during 'the Gulf War'. The manufacturing of chemical and biological weapons emits certain gases, which would have been detected by satellite. When Bush Jr invaded they had nothing. Stop falling for the lies the Bush Jr. admin fed you.

They had nothing but the sat photos and hummit that showed all that was moved to Baaka, Syria

They had the trucks leaving the facility.

No reason for anyone to like it, but WMD was not the main reason.
Turkey would invade.

The reason why the first gulf war ended as it did was Saddam kept the Kurds in the north and the Shias in the south in check.
Bush junior and his neo con buddies thought we could get rid of Hussein and control the whole area. It was only after the true costs of control came into focus that we ended up with what we have now. Which will only get worse. Not better
Did someone else besides yourself write this or are you paraphrasing what someone with more than a single brain cell said?
Whichever it is, I agree with it. But I do know that you didn't come up with this on your own.
Of course it is coincidence, its not like wars are planned, its all just random eh?
Of course wars and offensive actions can be coordinated.

Occam's razor tells us that often the simplest solution is indeed the answer. Coincidence is far more likely, I used this as my basis. I could be absolutely wrong.
The very reason why I retired from the USAF was the war in Iraq. Bush was an idiot and it still shows to this very day. Never should have removed Saddam. Now look at this clusterfuck.
If Saddam was not removed, 3.6 million barrels of oil a day would be sold for EUROS only, which would have killed the US economy in short order.

When President Barack Obama removed the last U.S. forces from Iraq in December 2011, he announced that—as he had planned—the U.S. was leaving behind a “sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraq, with a representative government.”
It was a "moment of success," he said.

A few of our trauma docs, surgeons and I think two RN's were sent to Kirkuk just before the rest of us redeployed. Before they left I had a few conversations. They were to operate a small hospital in Kirkuk they had there.

No big deal right?

They had been told to prepare to stay for another eight - 15 months. I held these conversations in mid November 2012.

Who is using these state department bases?
mercenary killers in Uncle's employment............
Of course wars and offensive actions can be coordinated.

Occam's razor tells us that often the simplest solution is indeed the answer. Coincidence is far more likely, I used this as my basis. I could be absolutely wrong.
There's no evidence that supports the notion that simplicity equals truth.
There's no evidence that supports the notion that simplicity equals truth.
Fair enough.

I have a preference for Occam's razor though, it has helped me many times throughout my previous profession.

This thought process is often followed as it helps us work through complex problems. It must still be backed by proofs and solutions of course.

I was simply pointing out that it becomes less and less likely for a specific outcome the more and more variables you add.
Fair enough.

I have a preference for Occam's razor though, it has helped me many times throughout my previous profession.

This thought process is often followed as it helps us work through complex problems. It must still be backed by proofs and solutions of course.

I was simply pointing out that it becomes less and less likely for a specific outcome the more and more variables you add.
Occam's razor is usually only useful in science, not politics.