Northern Iraq falls to Al Qaeda, $400 million looted from central bank.

Anyone want to wager on what the price of oil will be in 1 month from today? How about the price of gasoline?

And you thought 2008 was a high priced year.

Will it crash this motherfucker again?
Ready to make some money, bro?

I got in before the HFT guys started, so YES, YES Indeed. Got some Futures ready for August and September deliveries with 10X leverage.

If things went perfect, I could end up making $30 for each dollar I put up. Lets see what happens.
Update: The situation in Northern Iraq continues to deteriorate as the extremist ISIS/ISIL group took control of Mosul and then moved into Tirkit, which was later recaptured, in the north of Iraq which is near the Ceyhan-Kirkuk pipeline, which carries 1.6mln bbls per day. ISIS/ISIL forces then seized the Baiji refinery, the main refinery in Iraq, from Iraqi forces.

Ever notice that these things seem to happen right before the USA heads into its summer time and the time when the most miles are put on by people?
Update: The situation in Northern Iraq continues to deteriorate as the extremist ISIS/ISIL group took control of Mosul and then moved into Tirkit, which was later recaptured, in the north of Iraq which is near the Ceyhan-Kirkuk pipeline, which carries 1.6mln bbls per day. ISIS/ISIL forces then seized the Baiji refinery, the main refinery in Iraq, from Iraqi forces.

Ever notice that these things seem to happen right before the USA heads into its summer time and the time when the most miles are put on by people?
Humans love to make patterns where there often are not.

I wonder if the Kurds will get their own area. Turkey would have to be OK with it, I imagine.
Turkey would invade.

The reason why the first gulf war ended as it did was Saddam kept the Kurds in the north and the Shias in the south in check.
Bush junior and his neo con buddies thought we could get rid of Hussein and control the whole area. It was only after the true costs of control came into focus that we ended up with what we have now. Which will only get worse. Not better
General overview:

Lots of developments since last night.

"We will march toward Baghdad because we have an account to settle there."
The Islamic state's spokesman


"In the north, Kurdish security forces room over an air base and other posts abandoned by the Iraqi military in ethnically mixed Kirkuk, a senior official with the Kurdish forces said. He denied they had taken the oil-rich city'"

It's a free for all everyone! Who wants to get in a jeep with me and loot some priceless Mesopotamian artifacts?

At least the Kurds are regulating. Expect a new Kurdish nation in a few more years.
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I feel sorry for all the decent people of Iraq...& the region. The US government have completely ruined the country & I just hope one day they will do the right thing by it. I met Iraqi's & like most people of the region are so hospitable, generous & easy going . The power vacuum created has allowed too many low life's happy to destroy & kill in the name of a religion that actually preaches against such nonsense - ive read the Quran in english & remember a verse stating 'there is no compulsion in religion', in other words its nobody's business to impose their views or way's on to others...this makes me wonder where these guys are getting their extreme convictions from, because I certainly haven't seen it in the Quran - quite the opposite in fact. The sad state of affairs is that these guys are well organised, crazy, violent, don't give a shit about popularity & prepared to die in battle making it impossible for decent people to stand up to them - if they do they're simply assassinated. The world is a mess folks, best roll1up :wink:
I feel sorry for all the decent people of Iraq...& the region. The US government have completely ruined the country & I just hope one day they will do the right thing by it. I met Iraqi's & like most people of the region are so hospitable, generous & easy going . The power vacuum created has allowed too many low life's happy to destroy & kill in the name of a religion that actually preaches against such nonsense - ive read the Quran in english & remember a verse stating 'there is no compulsion in religion', in other words its nobody's business to impose their views or way's on to others...this makes me wonder where these guys are getting their extreme convictions from, because I certainly haven't seen it in the Quran - quite the opposite in fact. The sad state of affairs is that these guys are well organised, crazy, violent, don't give a shit about popularity & prepared to die in battle making it impossible for decent people to stand up to them - if they do they're simply assassinated. The world is a mess folks, best roll1up :wink:

Say to the Infidels: if they desist from their unbelief, what is now past shall be forgiven; but if they return to it, they have already before them the doom of the ancients! Fight then against them till strife be at an end, and the religion be all of it God's.
-- Holy Qu'ran, Sura viii, 39-42

When you meet the unbelievers, strike off their heads; then when you have made wide slaughter among them, carefully tie up the remaining captives.
-- Holy Qu'ran, Sura xlvii.4

you're right, the Quakers got nuthin' on these folks...................
Hey Don, the first passage you mention I believe was in context of their war against their oppressors in Mecca. After ten years of persecution Muslims were finally allowed to fight back against them but within guidelines. It certainly isn't a blanket law for all non-muslims...& anyone who takes a bit of time to read it will know. Your second passage again probably refers to the war against their oppressors once more & certainly isn't a call to kill non-muslims. the translation also seems a bit over the top. Do u think quakers & muslim extremist would get on? lol