My stealth doublestacked rubbermaid

Don't worry about smell for a few more weeks if not more. Mine are about 4 weeks from germ and they are just starting to put off a smell.
You're pics are upside down, I can only imagine it's because you're uploading from your phone. I used to have the same problem, they I started to upload from dropbox (took the pic on my phone, it transfers to dropbox and boom - upload upright pics ... lol).
Don't worry about smell for a few more weeks if not more. Mine are about 4 weeks from germ and they are just starting to put off a smell.
You're pics are upside down, I can only imagine it's because you're uploading from your phone. I used to have the same problem, they I started to upload from dropbox (took the pic on my phone, it transfers to dropbox and boom - upload upright pics ... lol).

Yeh I'm with Ogonzo, don't panic about the smell... While they're in veg they'll start to give off a nice 'plant' smell, kinda like when you walk into a greenhouse growing tomatoes... Doesn't really smell that much like weed, and isn't easily picked up... Once you hit flower tho, you'll possibly wanna get it together. My plant's gone from a light smell of tomatoes, to a heavy unmistakable stink of growing weed, in a matter of the last few weeks.
Yeh I'm with Ogonzo, don't panic about the smell... While they're in veg they'll start to give off a nice 'plant' smell, kinda like when you walk into a greenhouse growing tomatoes... Doesn't really smell that much like weed, and isn't easily picked up... Once you hit flower tho, you'll possibly wanna get it together. My plant's gone from a light smell of tomatoes, to a heavy unmistakable stink of growing weed, in a matter of the last few weeks.
other than a carbon filter, what would you suggest ?
A carbon filter really is a must. Everything else is just a cover up. You can make an easy DIY carbon filter searching that term. I use the Walmart DIY carbon filter zen style. It works for me and I also bought a larger 26" x 4" carbon filter. I also have an inline fan. It has saved my ass and payed for itself already after 1 successful grow.
In answer to your question, ONA gel or liquid is usually the next go-to. I also have a small CAP Ozone-jr, but I prefer the carbon filter with ONA as a secondary measure. I buy the liquid ONA (or you can use Febreze) and place it in a quart container that Chinese restaurants give you when you order soup, then I take a small PC fan and cut a hole in the lid of the container. Then I seal the edges around the fan with duct tape and make several small hole at the top of the container. I also use those water absorbing crystals to soak up the air freshener. I plug the fan into a timer to go off for 30 min. every 90 minutes. So far, so good. I actually am starting to switch to citrus air fresheners because I like the smell of Oranges and Lemons better than fresh linen.
Totally agree with Dbozz... Carbon filter all the way... Look up the EZ Walmart one he mentioned... they're pretty easy to knock together.. and they do a helluva lot for their cost.
Day 7

Well, it's my girls one week birthday since they broke soil, looks like I have to celebrate for them!

Let me know if the pics show up upside down for y'all





i have a carbon filter that I made out of mesh cups. I was just asking so I can judge how long I can keep it off before the smell
Typically the plants don't start to really smell till the 1st or 2nd week of flowering. I just run it when I switch to 12-12.
Typically the plants don't start to really smell till the 1st or 2nd week of flowering. I just run it when I switch to 12-12.
Thats perfect. I just wanted to make sure I had it on before the neighbors smelt it. I should have my outdoor (balcony) garden done by then. Only plant I know for fact I'm getting is rosemary. It has a strong scent. I'm still shopping for others.
This is Anna's roots, so she established her self pretty good after her sky dive, thank god.


As you can see her roots are to the side of the cup. I most likely will have to water tonight or tomorrow morning. Should I transplant her? I know I got to wait a day or two after watering, or so I read. Ill give her straight water tonight, and when I transplant her I give her water mixed with a little nutes, or should I give her a little super thrive.
I would hold off on the nutrients for now. I would personally just use water, but you could add a drop of superthrive to a gallon of water, if you wanted. If you have Worm Castings and Kelp meal, make a Aerated Compost Tea and water with that. Take a 5 gal bucket and some aquarium stones and an air pump, use filtered water and add about a 1/2 cup of Worm Castings and a tablespoon of Kelp meal, let it bubble for 24 hours then water with that, just don't let it sit around after you're done bubbling it. Use what you need then water outside plants or houseplants.
You agree that I should transplant Sunday night/Monday morning?

i haven't used any nutes except when I dropped my baby and then it was heavily diluted, maybe an 1/8 of recommended dose for seedling stage(according to their charts). I just heard that when you transplant you should give it a little nutes or a drop of super thrive. I planned on waiting a week after transplanting to start introducing nutes.
I'm in the process of making one of these double stack rubbermaid containers but I can't get my head around how annoying it's going to be when it starts get bigger.

having to remove the lights, lid, then digging through canopy to reach the pot :sad:, I don't know maybe it wont be that bad.