My stealth doublestacked rubbermaid

My top bin and the lid of the bottom one are joined so they come off together. And the little rig I built on the inside I can lift up everything together if I need to. I don't ever have to remove my lights unless I want to. Check page 4 and you'll see what I'm talking about
​Day 9

Well I'm going to transplant either tonight or tomorrow night depending on how moist/dry the soil is. So here's the last pics of my babies in their cups.



So which one should I use, the first one is 1 gallon (6.5" tall) or the second one which is a 2 gallon (8.5" tall). I'm leaning towards the 1 gallon since its shorter and leaves me more room... Every inch counts


And my temps are pretty steady at 84f
Cool thanks for the info and idea!

Finally finished my own double stack setup. I'm getting 80f with an intake, outtake and a 6' fan blowing on the lights.
I got a 105 cfm 4mm fan as a exhaust, small unknown cfm 4mm fan moving air around inside the box, passive intake, and a small desktop fan (5 inch?) blowing towards my passive from the door to the laundry room so it can't help pull ac from the apt into the room. I want a higher cfm fan so I can turn on more lights without it getting 90f + in there. I've been spending my $ on my cab
Looking good bb, youre way ahead of me now! I let the temp get to high and killed a seed and i think stunted the other so i have a retarded blue cheese sitting on my windowsill looking dopey lol and i germed a auto somango and i might germ another blue cheese as i dont think my remaining one will be of much use except for a little window ornament
I got a new camra finally and will be posting pictures of my double stack grow later tonight.

Was inspired by this thread.
Looking good bb, youre way ahead of me now! I let the temp get to high and killed a seed and i think stunted the other so i have a retarded blue cheese sitting on my windowsill looking dopey lol and i germed a auto somango and i might germ another blue cheese as i dont think my remaining one will be of much use except for a little window ornament
Sorry to hear that man, maybe it was just a bad seed.

how big do you want them to get overall?
Well above my pot (used the 1 gallon) I have about 14-20" and I plan on doing some light LST and Scrog
Day 12

I transplanted on day 9 and all went well. I used one drop of superthrive in a gallon of water, and added just a smidge of buddha grow. PH is looking good (how often do y'all check soil ph?). I check ph of my water every watering and make sure thats perfect. Lights are off right now but I'm going to water at lights on.
They're looking so beautiful I just love looking at them

Anna is on the left, Bella on the right

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I like your stealthy Rubbermaid, I'm using Rubbermaid as well but not as stealthy as yours. I have a 2" intake hole and a 4" out take hole with a basic small portable house fan sucking air out. I have two small computer fans aka Xbox fan's from my friennds old Xbox 360 system that didn't work anymore..I use them to blow cool air thru out.. my intake fan sucks snuff air from the top of the Rubbermaid, I lit my lighter and seen it pull the flame sometimes it blow it out if I got pretty close.. here are my pics.... 15 days old or so now..
Thank you sole2soul, how are those Xbox fans working... Good? I have a bunch of those laying around. I use to fix and customize xbox's. I may have to use some of them.
Nice grow dude! I did the rubbermaid thing myself. I would honestly go with the 2gal and just LST the shit out of it. I was able to get my Indica only 6 inches high from the top of the planter. If I had used the one gal I know I woulda had far less product at the end. Sub'd
hey BB I just read through your journal and I gotta admit it is pretty sweet dude. super innovative with the adjustable light mover. that's something i would of never in a million years thought of. you have convinced me to give this set up a try in the future. also, i am a D-town resident myself. it's nice to see locals on here. Be easy man.

I already transplanted to the 1gal so next grow I'll go with the 2gal so I can see the difference in the yield.