So here's how my girls were this morning
Bella dropped the shell casing during her 6hours of darkness, but the cotyledon that the shell was stuck to is all curled up. Idk if that's a problem or not.
Thank you mewk, I wouldn't say genius though.
Thank you petflora, I've been thinking about getting some LEDs for my cabinet I'm building. Any suggestions on which ones (links?)?
Petflora, are these what your talking about? If so how many do you think I'll need?
And lilroach, is this what your talking about?
hey bb, if ur worried about the roots showing then turn her upside down tap her out of the pot and then add more soil in to the pot then re-place her, hope this helps. good luck and happy growing![]()
My roots are just starting to show out of my pots, I'm almost ready to transplant, do you think it would ok to add a couple of inches of soil to make the roots safe? Should I add anything before I put the old soil in on the new?
I hope so, I felt like a dropped a real baby lol