My stealth doublestacked rubbermaid

My seeds came in and I bought some FFOF
So here lies 2 questions before I start....

does anyone use nutes from Home Depot or lowes? If so what ones do u recommend?

second question, should I use that bag of organic starter mix and just mixed some perlite (both pictured on first page)?

getting ready to germinate soon so all info or criticism is welcome
Thanks emannn, so this thinking.. Good or bad?

how about EXCELENT !! as far as soil go with what u think, u have obviously read up, u could always re-pot as I did twice, and I did even take most of the old soil mix off the roots but eventually got it right. in my case I mixed a small amount of compost with garden soil and perlite. good luck and happy growing
Just finished installing my exhaust fan and carbon filter.... Might I add, perfect clearance


I would really like to know how that little ventilation system is working out. I have a small Rubbermaid set up very similar to yours and its getting way too hot right about now. I cannot afford to shell out a lot of money on fans and such at this moment but my little (hopefully girls) are dying in this heat.
I plan on germing this week so I will be able to let you know soon... Fingers crossed
Started germing two seeds 2 days ago, both germed. Transfered them into a clear plastic cup with drainage holes, then I put that cup into a solid red one with drainage holes also. I seen somewhere on here that its good to do it that way so you pull up the clear cup to check the roots. I used 2/1 All Purpose Organic Soil starter mix/FFOF. I had to reduce the amount of lights in my rubbermaid as temps where getting up to 97 degrees. I have only 3 cfls going now, figure I don't need much right now.

Sooooo.... My options as of right now is to get a bigger box, which I'm thinking about getting a tall cabinet, or get a bigger exhaust fan, which I also plan on doing. If I get a cabinet I can have a flower chamber and a clone/vegging chamber. Then I can use the rubbermaid for my mother(s) and have a perpetual grow going.

What do y'all think?
If you've just started germing, you don't need the filter on just yet, it might make sense to take it off for a while and see what happens with the temps then.
Also, I've read that the filter should have the air pushed through it, not pulled through, it could make a difference if the filter is on the outside of the cab.
If I put the carbon filter on the outside of the bin, I won't be able to vent it out the dryer vent unless I got bigger ducts then have it step down before the wall. When does the smell start needing a filter, on average of course since it varies.
I'm not sure when they start to smell. I've got two plants going in a pc case in my basement and since my oldest smokes and his backpack smells of stale bong water, the whole basement stinks when he's there. My plants are about two weeks old, and I can notice an odor when I take off the case.
looking good bro. i have almost that exact setup, i would suggest a little more air AND about 18 more bulbs. i flipped my tubs upside down so they join. its a bit easier
for absolute stealth his is a better look though, nobody stacks shit upside down... lol
So my babies already broke ground, surprisingly quick to me. I removed the baggies from the cups that I was using for humidity, gave them a very light spritz of water from my spray bottle.

We'll call her Anna (A)

And this one Bella (B)

Should I assist Bella on drooping her shell, or let her do it on her own time?

@dbozz I don't remember what they were called but I found them at lowes in the appliance area. I should be going to Home Depot today and I'll take a pic for you
If I put the carbon filter on the outside of the bin, I won't be able to vent it out the dryer vent unless I got bigger ducts then have it step down before the wall. When does the smell start needing a filter, on average of course since it varies.

Why would you want to vent out of the dryer vent if you have a carbon filter? is there another reason to vent outside other than odor?

Should I assist Bella on drooping her shell, or let her do it on her own time?

No need to assist with the shell, let it fall off on it's own. In fact, you could cause more damage by doing so.
Why would you want to vent out of the dryer vent if you have a carbon filter? is there another reason to vent outside other than odor?

this setup is in a small laundry room in a one bedroom apartment. Exhausting into the room was making the room hot. When I'm at home I can leave the door open, but while I'm gone its closed and locked (the apartment ppl have a key to my house).

Since I bought a big bag of MG before I got my FFOF I plan on doing some more green thumb work. I'm going to construct a planter box to attach to the railing on my balcony. Any suggestions on pretty looking flowers with strong scents (incase any smell comes out my vent which goes to the balcony). Plus, it'll give a reason why I've been bringing bags of soil into my house lol.
ahhh .. lol ... Does your cfl generate that much heat? I've only got three cfls in my cab so there isn't that much heat generated and it's about the same as having three lights on in my house.
Well I only have 3 on right now but it's setup for twelve. Although I just picked up a tall cabinet, once I'm finished with it I can vent into the room as I'm going to keep the rubbermaids for one or two mothers.

@dbozz, lowes had them by the appliances(dryers, fridges, etc) Home Depot had them by the duct work. It's called a Back Draft Damper. I got two of them and cut off one side with a dremel and sanded it until it was flat with the flange. Did that with both and bought a 8-32 all thread bar and just cut those off for the lengths I needed.
You are somewhat of a DIY genius. I thought the double rubbermaid thing looked a nightmare to get in and out of when I hit the first post... But then I saw your twist n release contraption. Very nice, and seriously stealthy.
