My stealth doublestacked rubbermaid

well thats not true at all, miracle grow has poor drainability and is prone to overwatering. equal parts perlite and soil makes it near impossible to overwater. and no it wont burn or hermie seedlings, they need a little bit of nutes, the perlite dillutes it perfectly then you start feeding in 3 weeks. also flushing and checking run off is a waste of time... ive never checked ph or ppm...ever

Qwizoking I was tempted to type a long explanation. But you grow in miracle grow and never have checked your PPM or PH ad give advice like you are an expert so I figured why waste time on you.

There are a million ways to grow weed hell if you leave it alone on the side of the road it will grow in some states. If you want the best smoke from healthy plants follow the basic establish norms. PH in a certain range PPM in the appropriate range for that stage of growth. If you want to create your own soilless mix start with things that don't have nutes added. But if you purchased a soilless mix and have chosen to grow in Miracle grow do that. As a new grower it is way too easy to do too much and not get your plants full potential.
Than what do u recommend I go get? I would really prefer to go to Walmart, Lowes, or Home Depot. And feel free to post any links that will give me all the info I need on ph and nutes.
ph only really matters in hydro systems. in soil you want your ph just above 6 distilled water drops to 5 when air hits it, so get tap/spring you can check online the ppm if you really want. the ph will be about 7, after nutes it will be right. most experienced growers dont use them. most people only use it once and decide its not necessary, but this is from the "stranger" with 18 posts. ive been growing for about 10 years and have pretty much dialed in my miracle grow
any way i would reccomend attitude seedbank. and i only hear good things about g13 labs, they are feminized..if you go sativa dominant i would suggest scrog indicas work real good sog
I was thinking either blue cheese, blueberry gum or jack herer.

So qwizoking, with my current soil setup and mix that I said I'd be doing is ok? I want this to work and keep me satisfied. If you think I should use a different ratio, please tell me. These seeds ain't cheap lol.

Glad to see a fellow Texan help me
i would personally go with the cheese, they yield alot and i love the funk. but yea you sound set. what city you in?
i have 2 flowering tubs i alternate under the lights its about 700 watts, 300 watt mommas room, and 150 for clones. at any given moment i have around 40 plants and aim for 6ozs a week..all in miracle grow..just saying
I'm in Dallas

I'm going to order some seeds this weekend, I'll go with the blue cheese. I got two questions though... How many plants should I put in there? Are my pots big enough?

I'll pick up another vanity strip and get my little base and light structure built.
i would veg 3-4 weeks and maybe gallon pots 6 of em, i just use the tub as the pot as well. and use about 6 gallons, they are gallon bags i think, they are 8 quart bags? i should know what a gallon is
I wouldn't grow in soil I would do a small passive Hydro or maybe 3 small in a 3.5 gallon dwc
I would buy supplies and nutes from
amazon is great, discreet and if you have paranoia just use a gift card. i got a 600watt hps on there, but personally i would still go to a store, most anything you need can be found at lowes, molasses, calmag, seaweed,bone and blood meal,guano,rooting hormone etc everything you need to grow organic or hydro.. for some reason people think you have to use some fancy overpriced nutes, the ratios is all that matters not bloom booster contains all micro nutes and everything you need except cal mag, i prefer seperate like epson and then calcium so if your water has high calcium but low mag like mine.....also there is no need to let your water sit to evap chlorine.its a micro nute as well, it will not harm anything. the city...any city can only put it in a certain percent of chlorine/chloramine
amazon is great, discreet and if you have paranoia just use a gift card. i got a 600watt hps on there, but personally i would still go to a store, most anything you need can be found at lowes, molasses, calmag, seaweed,bone and blood meal,guano,rooting hormone etc everything you need to grow organic or hydro.. for some reason people think you have to use some fancy overpriced nutes, the ratios is all that matters not bloom booster contains all micro nutes and everything you need except cal mag, i prefer seperate like epson and then calcium so if your water has high calcium but low mag like mine.....also there is no need to let your water sit to evap chlorine.its a micro nute as well, it will not harm anything. the city...any city can only put it in a certain percent of chlorine/chloramine

I agree with your nute assesment. I grew many great harvest with nutes from walmart. I actually drive an hour to a hydro store now because this has become more of a hobby about the growing then anything so I spend a great deal of time and money on my girls. I currently use GH Flora series and I try different bloom boosters lbut using floralicious now.
this only for mg, you can use whatever but make sure you have all the micronutes and everything. they are nitrogen, phosphate, potasium, boron, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum,zinc, sulpher. calcium and magnesium are left out unless getting hydro or nutes for ro water. so get epson for mag and sulpher, or get calmag, and calcium whatever......anyways i use mg bloom booster 1/2 tbsp per gallon but that is dependent on your plants.. always start nutes low like with teaspoon and feed everyother,the other feeding put in plain and epson. you can foliar feed if you wonders for lockout and seems to improve vigor,not with lights real strong or youll burn... i also use molasses about once a week. i water every day and a half. you wont need to water that often yet
if you dont wanna use mg, either way i would suggest only getting a bloom formula as the dirt will provide all the nitrogen you need till then
Seeds ordered!!! I chose the shirt to have guaranteed deliver.
How long does delivery usually take?
So I finished building my whole light and structure for inside the box.


With a couple quick twists I can raise or lower my lights, from the absolute bottom to the top lid. I have also installed some strips of wood to use for my scrog screen that also can be raised or lowered to whatever height I choose.

More pics...



Also I figured out how I was going to hook my exhaust fan so I could hook up my 4" duct and my homemade carbon scrubber(made with activated carbon, mesh pencil cups, and panty hose).
