mmma down???

I think it is important to have a second party (neutral individual) observing these negotiations w the house representatives. How else will we know if we were sold-out and by exactly which individuals? It's always been a moral imperative for me to identify sell-outs.
Great summation Abe.

We are definitely in a different ball game. And the reasons we got here are now MOOT. (see I understand the correct vernaculer). We simply must ensure the 75% is stopped, or held off as long as possible for the Supreme Court to hand down their Rulings.

I have no convoluted understanding of how our Law works. I just will not accept an illegal move by the CoA in an attempt to render their ruling legal. I also do not except those on the registry are under qualified or have any delusions that per the CoA, PT2PT with remuneration is not legal in their opine.
I think many agree with me,that the CoA opine is NOT solid law unless the SC refused to hear the case, and they have not refused, and infact they have heard, and we are waiting for their finale ruling on the matter.

until that point, personally in my own opinion, as I have said time and time again, 2 illegal rulings on a Peoples Initiative by the CoA does not make a right law.
Patients and Caregivers owe the dispensary crowd zero - they went behind everyones back over and over and don't respect us.
Korman must have sold out in some manner as he did nothing to alert the community while he was selling banner ads to pot lawyers.

There are snakes in the grass everywhere you look.
mmma took in money and can't or won't account for it.
Joe stole the website to verify he is the nutcase Korman claims he is.
And CPU people show up and start moderating mmma.

No one is telling you the full truth.
You are all being used to further unnamed interests.

Can't you guys use Twitter or some such to organize a protest Statewide at a certain time?
I'm a novice at these things; but I do read the newspapers...
It's possible that the posters at the 3ma I have reffered to as somewhat defeatist, or compromisers, are not affilited w the CPU. For a minute I had confused the CPU's agenda with that of MAAC, the dispensary people. As we speak, the few members of CPU are integrating nicely at the 3MA, and I believe the two's objectives are similar.

I know that there are other overlaps between groups, like MACC at 3MA and perhaps even MACC interests within the CPU. Just doing what I can to recognize if there is a fly in the ointment, who and where they are. Whoever is in front and face-to-face on game day must demonstrate severe determination coming from a renewed faith and will. These politicians have already began chipping away at our representation. Do Not Give In!
Down yesterday for a while due to a SQL error that I previously noted. Site was up this morning and I left a message regarding these problems and my complete lack of confidence in the admins being able to provide a stable and (more importantly) secure environment. There were zero messages on the problems.

Two hours later, a new error shows up when trying to connect:

An error occured with the SQL server:
mySQL query error: DELETE FROM sessions WHERE member_id=28307 OR running_time < 1334063862
This is not a problem with IP.Board but rather with your SQL server. Please contact your host and copy the message shown above.

This looks bad. REAL bad.


You are right. That looks BAD. Someone is up to no good that's for sure, looks like they're going through the archives and removing any evidence of the existence of certain members - and whoever doing it is an amateur.
Don't know Jack about Twitter. Can one of you, with all due repect, twitter nerds, rustle that up. Sounds essential.
Otherwise it will just be six of us trying to stuff Grapefruits in Bluberry's Bull-Horn. As little as I know about Joe, I have no reason to Not respect him. I just don't want him to upstage the message which I'm not so sure has even been distilled yet.
Patients and Caregivers owe the dispensary crowd zero - they went behind everyones back over and over and don't respect us.
Korman must have sold out in some manner as he did nothing to alert the community while he was selling banner ads to pot lawyers. Mr Komorn is the Only Lawyer I have ever seen advertised, and he owns the website.....

There are snakes in the grass everywhere you look. This is a fact of life unfortunately.
mmma took in money and can't or won't account for it. The records I seen, did indeed show Show minimal advertising dollars come in, and cost of expenses go out. The bank account I looked at was lucky to have a 500.00 balance at any given point, and was in the red on more than one occasion. I simply have not seen anything remotely close to the advertising revenues that have said to be happening. Especially when Joe outright admits to killing any advertising revenues early in 2011, as Joe was CEO, he was Soley in charge of posting and implementing the advertising policy and putting the ads into play. All I can tell you is what I have seen with my own eyes, and the account I personally seen, had no ability to have had that kind of money to be come missing. So imo, you can not take that which is not available to take.

Joe stole the website to verify he is the nutcase Korman claims he is. no argument here on that point.
And CPU people show up and start moderating mmma. To the best of my knowledge, No CPU members or affiliates have become staff. Some previous 3MA Staff have been invited back, AKenwell, theQuiteone, Trix, and a new mod Celliach (sp, sorry if i killed it Celli) was just added.

No one is telling you the full truth. I am an open book, I stepped out of the Cannacloset last year. I will always be honest, as my word as a human, is important to me, and I hope you all hold your words as close to your soul. We would be a better world if we did.

You are all being used to further unnamed interests. Perhaps, but what society hasnt to date in our 3000 yr written history?

Can't you guys use Twitter or some such to organize a protest Statewide at a certain time? Now that the old CEO is gone, we are implementing such things already on the 3MA and on the Plantet Gree Trees Radio Show website.

I'm a novice at these things; but I do read the newspapers...

If we can help you get more connected to the info, thus more involved, that is just as important of a service to have as most others, and we are working toward that type of thing as well now that we can.

there was SO Many lies being pushed by Joe, that is what brang him down, his own house of lies.
Timmahh please post proper with quotes.

Celliach is Mals best friend.:fire:

I read that shit where he said he came upon the website for cpu, read their stuff, and made an informed decision.
He's your boss now stupid.
I know the know eachother.

Its much easier and faster for me to reply directly to each quote, as to be sure my answers are addressing and understood to the proper question or statement Marty.

just much less easy to take anything out of context imo, to reply in such a monor. also why my replies are BOLD and Enlarged.

he is Mod same as currently am, and please, I am far from stupid. I wont continue to play blueberrys game and neither should the rest of us.

I am sure Cell will respond when he can.
It may be easier for you but it is not accepted practice.

It is not easier for me; so I don't try.

I don't know if he is your Boss or not - but I couldn't resist just laying that on you.
I don't care.
well, until the forum police come and cite me for improper passing in a quote lane, i guess you wlll have to deal with someone directly replying to each part, in the manner they see most proper.
Reply 1

Reply 2

Reply 3

This is the proper way to reply to posts piece by piece, it's a lot more readable.

It also makes it much harder for you to alter the original statement as well...and let a new reader assume that it was actually the original know, like you do to me.
that all may be well and good. but it often takes me enough time to get through my own typos without taking ten times more time than it should. lol

If i have to go and separately quote each sentence i or anyone else replies too, then no one will every get much of a chance to share good info, we will all be worrying about the political correctness of the format and layout of the post, instead of the content.

I don't do politically correct, in real life or online.

no offense to anyone, just see how it creates more ambiguities than it solves, and I have no use for it (political correctness).
It also makes it much easier for bobharris, or myself, or anyone eles to alter the original
This just
fabrications as well...and let a new reader see that it was actually the originally messed up know, like i do to you.
is not fact.

you can do it either way as you can see. so you both, while perhaps having good points of quoting "PROPERLY", in the end are both going for symantics of the post, instead of quality of the content posted...

just one of those differences we share is all. no need to be upset or miffed about it. its just what it is.
It also makes it much harder for you to alter the original statement as well...and let a new reader assume that it was actually the original know, like you do to me.

I have never changed any of your words when quoting you and I would never deliberately misrepresent them or take them out of context, above all things I value honesty.
that was Me bob was refering to Purk. A quote is text, that is editable. because it can be edited, doesn't mean it shouldn't be, but sometimes things just have to be done, if for any other reason than for a smile. lol
with that said, I agree with your position.

but for me, replying to each section i feel i need to reply to, in the body of the quote better reflects the over all presentation. This allows one to debate individual parts, but add a much more complete summation at the end... just different opines is all.
If you wish to provide the entire post you should at least put your replies on separate lines, and in red - it's really confusing/hard to read when it's mashed in there with everything else. :-P

I think the best practice is to simply quote the exact portions you wish to reply to, as I suggested previously; if someone is to edit what another said, they will be quickly discredited for good. All readers have to do to verify that the original poster's outrage is justified is scroll up. This method keeps threads a lot less cluttered, and makes one's posts shorter and more readable (therefore more people will actually read them rather than scroll past).
i will always follow the outline i did in the quote i did of Fat Marty's. Perhaps I will start my reply on the following line, instead of directly behind it to further separate my reply to the particular statement or question.

conformity for everyone on any level is bad, and you wont make me comply.

I will NOT be assimilated by any BORG. lol

I am a wallrus Ku KU kaChu