mmma down???

Thanks for that article.

I don't really see in there how they propose to stock the dispensaries with meds. Do you know their position on the actual supply of said dispensaries? If it's a small group of grower..I disagree with that.

As i understand, and please verify yourselves, AMMA and MR Van Dyke are one of the "Colorado" supported groups you may have heard Joe Cain speak of before. He says CPU is, but hey wtvr. We are not. Haha.. At All.

But you would think Joe himself would know this seeing how AMMA was a sponsor of 3MA and running ads for them many months last year. So Joe was taking supposedly thousands of dollars from AMMA yet saying CPU was the "colorado" group. CPU being the only real group in Lansing trying to stop such nonsense that Mr Van Dyke touts to legislators. You can imagine our skepticism and why the occasional slip of a "Joke Cain" slips out. Sometimes i think it is so absurd it can't even be real, but,.. it was what it was.

Jamie(current MACC) was a member of CPU for a few months yes when we first formed. After a few months, a few of the people that wanted to pursue dispensaries decided to form MACC and they were asked to leave CPU. It went against our Core Principles as stated in our By-laws and all that good stuff. So they departed and yep. That was about it. that was summer 2010.

Hey howdy gladstoner,

Just to clarify, I do not "run" CPU. I am a Board Member. CPU is a membership corporation and is run on a consensus type basis. All members are equal and all opinions are equal. Decisions and positions are well hashed out before we move on any topic and noone can run around like a crazy or they will be removed from the group. Membership is based on acceptance from the membership.

So, yes i am a founding board member, but i joke to the fact i have no control and just have to do a ton of work for free; take that back, i actually have to PAY to do a ton of work. :-)

Well I appreciate you actually responding to a part of my post, more than others have done. But seriously, you really sound like an asshole talking down to everyone. I don't think any of you mother fuckers know what compassion is. Time will show that this dick measuring contest you guys have will only prove you all have small dicks. And you just really told a guy that you would let him suck your dick. That is really gay. Thanks for pissing all over the floor here, please wash your hands before handling the food.
@GLAD, I've had crohns for about 14yrs mate and would be very interested in following both your and your partners journey, please post the link here when you do decide to kick off your thread mate. I did a big write up earlier but it seems the site was all screwy and wouldn't post it. best wishes to you both mate and fingers crossed that cannabis will help your partner benefit greatly as it has done for me. also i'm 28 now and have had 3 operations one right hemicollectomy and two deep fistulas removed and still suffer on a daily basis, I believe that cannabis saved my life during the worst of times.
Thanks for that article.

I don't really see in there how they propose to stock the dispensaries with meds. Do you know their position on the actual supply of said dispensaries? If it's a small group of grower..I disagree with that.

Holy shit Bob, I can't believe that guy wanted you to suck his Timmahh! Tell him wrong website.
NOT AGAIN! The mmma org site is down once again!

An error occured with the SQL server:
This is not a problem with IP.Board but rather with your SQL server. Please contact your host and copy the message shown above.
I don't get it. I've been managing web sites & servers for years and simply don't understand why they're having such an issue with providing a stable environment. As for BB or any other malicious individual, I would hope that the techie folks running things know proper security procedures, have documented all possible modes of access and have a revocation checklist, have procedures in place to flag all coding changes, etc etc. But you know what they say about "assume"...

That's pretty bad shit; but nothing new.

Ever since Jamie tossed us all under the bus those have been their talking points.
The Jamie that was in CPU.

last name of a character from that old tv show called Wings played by thomas hayden church??

talked to him at hash bash, asked him if i could set down some fliers for the protest and he just kind of replied like.. "oh is that still happening? i thought they scraped that, seems to be some conflicting opinions"

gold hoarding priest is how i described him
Re-post temporarily removed..

MESSAGE TO JOE: I do not authorize you to cut-in-paste this post elsewhere.
I do a plenty good job making myself look bad. Not that I don't support a Silent(ish) Rally to support the law we voted in.:bigjoint:
Overall you sound solid. I really believe that you are behind protecting our laws as is. Why wouldn't we all try to stop this Walsh Biil Package from making it any further. What's next? Popo already been beatin down people for infractions.
Well isnt this interesting. the former CEO, that purposely was killing the other site/org, admittedly so, says he is going to open a farmers market in lansing, with ZERO backing from the local government like you have/had in Jackson, willingly trying to get arrested. and now, 2 weeks later your putting the fear of your arrest as my doing?

yes Joe, I told the CEO to break the law and get arrested. wow, you really are delusional on those points.

and No Worries Abe, Joe got me motivated 4 to 5 months ago about how the 3MA needed to proceed to survive, which is why Joe is now Gone. He had me plenty pissed off, and like any illness, it takes total removal to rid ones self of the symptoms of the cancer that was excised.
but its better know, and the anger has subsided, but i am still passionate about this entire situation, and my position is exactly where it was when I walked into this MMJ Cause. Which is Protecting the Act as we the People Passed it and as it was Put into Law here in the state.

But, I still hold to the fact, as Abe pointed out. I DO Believe these bills get out of the house, they WILL Be law within weeks. AND the Repub guard will keep on their plan of immediate implementation of these bill thru the Senate.

the HOUSE is still OUR HOUSE, and the Senate wont be our house again until After January 2013.

so I am all behind stopping every bill in the house. I am behind letting our Supreme Court make their Rulings. And I am all behind the RepealToday movement, if at the very least, to pressure both the House and the Senate.

Being on the outside screaming in does not do any good. you have to be at the table to get in on the conversation. No one listens to crazy uncle Joe when he is outside screaming, and now they cant trust him to come inside the home and not still scream crazy shit and scare the kids.
Many calls to my reps, generic emails sent... same shit in return, generic answers and shifting focus on something else (makes me what to leave this state and head to the Pacific NW). What am I to do?

Not gonna stick around the 3MA forums anymore, too much name calling and rumors to wade through... or having FEAR UNCERTAINTY and DECEPTION rammed down my throat. This current debacle the site is going through has made my heart shatter, 3 years of lurking around and posting small tidbits of info just to see it all deleted (server changes and no backups were made, or host changes and the site is hosted in another country and all my links lost).
Never hooked up with anyone from there, just went to the rally's/rallies, protests, 'social' gatherings, and club meetings (one club wasn't good enough for this town so two were run, then a disp and then a failed FM).
Damn it, it was the best place to get info during it's peak... gonna lurk moar elsewhere
There are a lot of snakes in the grass fellas; but Abe is correct the movement needs a unified approach to have any chance at affecting change on these bills.

I don't like Mal because of personal reasons and public reasons.
But that is MY problem.

I don't eat shit well, and I can't stand it when him and his groupies talk down to the rest of us as if we are too stupid to live.
Fact is he needs us.
Being our titular head is his dream job.

If you all feel desperate for a leader - he will do in a pinch.
Still won't change anything in the next 10 days.

Because his group was secretly negotiating away your rights it would be impossible for them to hold face in Lansing if they protested the results of their work.

About the only thing that might get their attention is a 1000 people with signs saying no dispensaries.
That's not going to happen.

It's too late - by design.
Your rights were bought, sold, traded, and negotiated away by the self-appointed leaders of the medical marijuana community while you slept.
You even mostly financed the effort through your patronage and donations.

I told you fuckers and fuckettes earlier that you need to own yourselves with a tight organization, (like RIU !), that is run by a democratically elected Board installed by paying members.
Today it is even more obvious; every day you don't own your message is a mostly wasted effort.

That was the idea with CPU when the idea was hatched; but almost immediately there were problems with agendas and truth.
In a matter of months the Jamies of the State were suddenly dues paying members and vetoing half of the ideas out of hand.
Vic was labeled a drug dealer and unceremoniously tossed aside. CPU was his idea! He was only distributing overages to CC's.

Is Mals agenda closer to yours than MACCs? Probably.
Do you need him to lead you? I don't think so.
You need someone you can trust.

I'm not lobbying for, nor would I ever accept, a leadership position in this community.
I am not qualified, and I am a fucking nutcase.
Just so you know - I know my limitations and do not tell you these things for personal gain.

I'm with those who want to show up in Lansing anyway - no matter what our so-called leaders tell us.
Those leaders have failed us at every turn.
Why not use Joes permit to have our voice heard?
After all - it's our voice that we want them to hear.

Or you can follow the leader...
I have met Mal once or twice and always enojyed our visits, never once did he or any of his group talk down to me as a new person in the mmj movement in '08 to present.
I would feel no hesitation in putting my trust with him or his group. But its a personal choice and one that hold little importance to the majority of the mmj community whop grow their own and dont hassle anyone.
wow did they get hacked again????????

Down yesterday for a while due to a SQL error that I previously noted. Site was up this morning and I left a message regarding these problems and my complete lack of confidence in the admins being able to provide a stable and (more importantly) secure environment. There were zero messages on the problems.

Two hours later, a new error shows up when trying to connect:
An error occured with the SQL server:
mySQL query error: DELETE FROM sessions WHERE member_id=28307 OR running_time < 1334063862
This is not a problem with IP.Board but rather with your SQL server. Please contact your host and copy the message shown above.

This looks bad. REAL bad.

There are a lot of snakes in the grass fellas; but Abe is correct the movement needs a unified approach to have any chance at affecting change on these bills.

I don't like Mal because of personal reasons and public reasons.
But that is MY problem.

I don't eat shit well, and I can't stand it when him and his groupies talk down to the rest of us as if we are too stupid to live.
Fact is he needs us.
Being our titular head is his dream job.

If you all feel desperate for a leader - he will do in a pinch.
Still won't change anything in the next 10 days.

Because his group was secretly negotiating away your rights it would be impossible for them to hold face in Lansing if they protested the results of their work.

About the only thing that might get their attention is a 1000 people with signs saying no dispensaries.
That's not going to happen.

It's too late - by design.
Your rights were bought, sold, traded, and negotiated away by the self-appointed leaders of the medical marijuana community while you slept.
You even mostly financed the effort through your patronage and donations.

I told you fuckers and fuckettes earlier that you need to own yourselves with a tight organization, (like RIU !), that is run by a democratically elected Board installed by paying members.
Today it is even more obvious; every day you don't own your message is a mostly wasted effort.

That was the idea with CPU when the idea was hatched; but almost immediately there were problems with agendas and truth.
In a matter of months the Jamies of the State were suddenly dues paying members and vetoing half of the ideas out of hand.
Vic was labeled a drug dealer and unceremoniously tossed aside. CPU was his idea! He was only distributing overages to CC's.

Is Mals agenda closer to yours than MACCs? Probably.
Do you need him to lead you? I don't think so.
You need someone you can trust.

I'm not lobbying for, nor would I ever accept, a leadership position in this community.
I am not qualified, and I am a fucking nutcase.
Just so you know - I know my limitations and do not tell you these things for personal gain.

I'm with those who want to show up in Lansing anyway - no matter what our so-called leaders tell us.
Those leaders have failed us at every turn.
Why not use Joes permit to have our voice heard?
After all - it's our voice that we want them to hear.

Or you can follow the leader...

I don't know who or what to believe at this point.

If CPU wanted to be completely transparent, they should have no problem welcoming a few RIU members in to their fold. A small team of "representatives" with no affiliation to any other sites/groups. I wouldn't even suggest that this group have any say or votes .... but just an oversight committee of sorts that can observe the direction that CPU is going and relay that info back to the members here (and elsewhere).

It would be nice to know who we have representing us in Lansing, even though we're pretty late in the game.
I believe that the infuencial micro-group reffered to as the CPU feels that it is in their and everyone's best interest to protect the law as it was initially written, that is w the greatest protections. Speaking w the house reps to block the Walsh Bill sounds like they are trying to climb a mountain mostly run by repubs. From my observations, about three of their members posts at 3MA demonstrate this frustration and definitely sound somewhat defeatist and heading towards compromises an these bills. What also seriously concerns me is these same folks nix the idea of a large showing of solidarity at the capital during the voting process. I do not get this impression from Mal tho and I have just read a 3ma post from him on the merits of protest. as long as this isn't a case of -for lack of better expression- good cop, bad cop(s). As long as the weaker members of the CPU aren't the predominate voice w the reps and giving in, we may have a chance to block or considerably slow this Walsh Package. If we stall the process as much as humanly possible, without compromise, at least we have the best chance at at the least amount of alterations to our law. I have no problem with ignoring or prolonging this dispensary bill that follows, because that may become our biggest battle. The one that will make or break many of us.