Thanks for that article.
I don't really see in there how they propose to stock the dispensaries with meds. Do you know their position on the actual supply of said dispensaries? If it's a small group of grower..I disagree with that.
As i understand, and please verify yourselves, AMMA and MR Van Dyke are one of the "Colorado" supported groups you may have heard Joe Cain speak of before. He says CPU is, but hey wtvr. We are not. Haha.. At All.
But you would think Joe himself would know this seeing how AMMA was a sponsor of 3MA and running ads for them many months last year. So Joe was taking supposedly thousands of dollars from AMMA yet saying CPU was the "colorado" group. CPU being the only real group in Lansing trying to stop such nonsense that Mr Van Dyke touts to legislators. You can imagine our skepticism and why the occasional slip of a "Joke Cain" slips out. Sometimes i think it is so absurd it can't even be real, but,.. it was what it was.
Jamie(current MACC) was a member of CPU for a few months yes when we first formed. After a few months, a few of the people that wanted to pursue dispensaries decided to form MACC and they were asked to leave CPU. It went against our Core Principles as stated in our By-laws and all that good stuff. So they departed and yep. That was about it. that was summer 2010.