mmma down???

I have never changed any of your words when quoting you and I would never deliberately misrepresent them or take them out of context, above all things I value honesty.

No, I was reffering to timmahh....he DOES change words, repost, and leave them represented as "original post"...he's a hair pulling, biting, poke your eyes out in your sleep kinda guy..
oh bob. you give yourself such a hard time, you dont need me, but like a mouse playing with its food. a cats just trying to have fun. lol
lol Abe. Good shit. Is great to inject a laugh into serious debate, seems many miss that point.

WE must simply be able to laugh at ourselves and with others.. Laughter is the best medicine, next to cannabis anyways.
Mine is a wake n' bake doob. I fell asleep during the Tiger game. And we lost. Hopefully I am only sad until the Wings win here in a little while.
Yea i do who are you on mmma

On mmma they wanted me to go by: glad(i manage my spinal stenosis with cannabis), I figured that would become tedious If I started referring to myself in the third person. So I have been here, wandering around in the dessert.
oh now glad, it wasnt They, it was ONE member, and then things got a bit stinky, understandably, and you fell victim to Joe and his Tyranny. It was me that got you UNbanned. not banned Glad..
She said she was talking to another member about it and felt led to pm me. And blueberry claimed he had no problem with my name. A few people agreed with her on the thread. But that isn't why I didn't stay there. I left cuz it was cult-like atmosphere and it was just ass-kissing, no growing.
Did the good growers that were banned come running back and start posting journals?

Are you trying to make it sound like that thread was the reason I was banned, and that I wasn't banned sending PM about crazy fucker named Timmah that is posting about the 3MA on rollitup?
Theres a few of us comeing here now ive ben rollitup for a longtime didnt realize they had a michigan thread
They unbanned some people that shouldnt have and to me they are causing hell on there now like cristinew
ALL THE GROWERS, All of them left awhile ago and formed their own site.
Sometimes there is a moment that one Must Pounce. Something is seriously screwd, and it's not just me.
