mmma down???

He's really not that stupid now is he Marty?
All the legal jabber is ridiculous and soley serving their group, but hey it's a bigger picture and I have no choice but to give these guys some level of trust, as they are the only few that the representatives are allowing to freely speak and Impose Better Suggestions to them. I essentially let them know I'm gonna hold em to their credo. And I just have to have faith in these fellas and ladies, but only to a degree. The whole breakdown of details will surface in the end. Let's all Start lookin' out. Get busy if u can and u know what I mean. Set the pissing matches aside, April 17th is a good day to drink java and hold a vigil at the capital. I don't like this shit one bit.... check yo self, reality check. Are you a patient or caregiver? Then this definitely effects you!
Aww, poor fat marty.

Maybe a dictionary while you read would help?

I apologize for edumacating myself gooder than U.

Haha... ahhh yes, your command of the english language is stellar.

Marty, i don't even know who the heck you are and you can dislike myself and any group you want, but i will not change my vocabulary just to appease a dolt like yourself.

Look Motherfucker I know where Newberry is and you can suck my dick.
I told you not to talk down to us.

Go play bullshit elsewhere where someone buys it.
I've seen enough in the past few months to realize that there are some shady mo-fo's involved in these various groups. Not saying that YOU or your group are, but I trust no one at this stage. It sure looks like a bunch of cut-throat weasel's looking to line their own pockets from my vantage point.

I would agree there is alot of thast going on out there. I am definitely not asking you to "trust" us haphazardly in any way. I only ask people realize almost everything you have previously heard of CPU was flat out lies and fabrications created by a demented individual named Joke Caine. Truly unfortunate. But o well. We always just put our heads down and kept doing the good work.

Make you decisions about us by actually talking to us and understanding our actual positions and what we actually are doing. You can make your mind up about us then. At least you can honestly disagree with us at that point based on the truth and facts of the situation.
@GLAD, I've had crohns for about 14yrs mate and would be very interested in following both your and your partners journey, please post the link here when you do decide to kick off your thread mate. I did a big write up earlier but it seems the site was all screwy and wouldn't post it. best wishes to you both mate and fingers crossed that cannabis will help your partner benefit greatly as it has done for me. also i'm 28 now and have had 3 operations one right hemicollectomy and two deep fistulas removed and still suffer on a daily basis, I believe that cannabis saved my life during the worst of times.
Back Off Mal. You have work to do and people to influence positively. Everyone's stressed.
No more shit anyone please.........

Dude it's no secret you are from the u.p.

Peace All
Did I just bump you dudes bet. squabbletardin'?

Give 'em hell Mal, on the 17th from inside The Capital and to their face, NO CHANGES.
THREE MILLION OF US VOTE for this. For this MMM Act 1 PROP 1 AS IS. We Also Vote For your fucking jobs!
All the legal jabber is ridiculous and soley serving their group, but hey it's a bigger picture and I have no choice but to give these guys some level of trust, as they are the only few that the representatives are allowing to freely speak and Impose Better Suggestions to them. I essentially let them know I'm gonna hold em to their credo. And I just have to have faith in these fellas and ladies, but only to a degree. The whole breakdown of details will surface in the end. Let's all Start lookin' out. Get busy if u can and u know what I mean. Set the pissing matches aside, April 17th is a good day to drink java and hold a vigil at the capital. I don't like this shit one bit.... check yo self, reality check. Are you a patient or caregiver? Then this definitely effects you!
Back Off Mal. You have work to do and people to influence positively. Everyone's stressed.
No more shit anyone please.........

Dude it's no secret you are from the u.p.

Peace All

Ahhh right on. Newberry just seemed so odd.

I think people forget how big the U.P. is.

That would be like telling someone from detroit that you are going to Traverse to kick their ass.


Didn't matchup ya know.

Anyhow, yea, i couldn't help myself on marty. I have a tendency to play with my food.

Moving on...
The Eagle shits Thimbleberry Jam.

I did not elect this idiot from Illinois to be talking down to me while postulating that he is talking for me.

I think he should show us a little respect.
As you may guess as much, im takin' FIVE to walk away.
but not ever too far, i enjoy grow threads and such,,,,,
Like many, I have had more than an eye and earful of stress this week.

Hey howdy gladstoner,

Just to clarify, I do not "run" CPU. I am a Board Member. CPU is a membership corporation and is run on a consensus type basis. All members are equal and all opinions are equal. Decisions and positions are well hashed out before we move on any topic and noone can run around like a crazy or they will be removed from the group. Membership is based on acceptance from the membership.

So, yes i am a founding board member, but i joke to the fact i have no control and just have to do a ton of work for free; take that back, i actually have to PAY to do a ton of work. :-)

THANK YOU!.. someone said it!


they are the ones who do not want the protest to occur

they are the ones that want the disp bill.
Malamute - Try not throwing around childish insults like calling Joe "Joke Caine". It makes it hard to take you seriously. Name calling doesn't get any point across other than that you may be using it to make up for a vacuum of facts and real arguments.
Malamute - Try not throwing around childish insults like calling Joe "Joke Caine". It makes it hard to take you seriously. Name calling doesn't get any point across other than that you may be using it to make up for a vacuum of facts and real arguments.

You are correct. Excuse my latent dissent.
THANK YOU!.. someone said it!


they are the ones who do not want the protest to occur

they are the ones that want the disp bill.

The dispensary groups were told that the dispensary bill would not be heard until the Walsh package of bills passed. So, anyone that is paying close attention should have and should be noticing the absence of any opposition coming from the realm of dispensary advocates. Notice the Judiciary hearings were near absent of any dispensary groups besides AMMA, whom were there to say that the caregiver system should be generally scrapped for dispensaries.


But yep. People should be able to see that CPU has nothing to do with dispensaries. We are neutral about dispensaries. Exist or don;t exist. As long as it does not intrude on the current law and throw cg/pt's under the bus,... who cares? right?

At least that is my position.

But, if you have questions about the dispensary bill, MACC is the obvious group to ask. :-)

p.s. I have no idea if MACC is trying to stop the protest or whatnot. That would be pure speculation on my behalf.

Also, here is what AMMA testified and submitted at the Judiciary hearing. Want to be annoyed with someone.... here ya go:
That's pretty bad shit; but nothing new.

Ever since Jamie tossed us all under the bus those have been their talking points.
The Jamie that was in CPU.
Well isn't that special. :-)

Importing growers? CPU is trying to do what? Colorado? wtf?

You obviously have CPU confused for some other group. That is pure Joe Cain nonsense Mr Bob Harris. For someone who seems to hate Joke Caine so much , you seem to have np problem perpetuating his lies.

CPU makes no money. Members of CPU pay $100/month to work their asses off for our purpose. We hire a lobbyist to set up appointments for us and to help spread our basic message.

We have absolutely nothing to do with Colorado that is for dam sure. I am guessing you are confusing us with AMMA? Possibly MACC? CPU has not promoted any distribution system other than the one that exists within the law, the patient caregiver system. CPU did not lobby, advocate or ask to be introduced the dispensary bill which will likely be seen shortly. That would be the "dispensary group".... ya know... MACC? Heh. It's so blatantly obvious i am surrpised most can't see the big ass MACC tree through the forest.

CPU is not taking over any group including 3MA. We would like to see 3MA be a competent grassroots organization we can work with on certain issues, such as opposing these set of bills; but beyond that, 3MA has to work this out themselves. CPU is not a grassroots group so to speak and does not plan to ever be one. We have a specific objective and plan to stick to it. Protect the Act. We are no more trying to move into 3MA and tell them what to do anymore than we are trying to take over the UAW or any other organization. We advocate in Lansing for what we believe in and educate the ignorant.

So your verbage pertaining to Timmah and CPU is beyond false and rather humorous to myself. No timmah cannot suck my dick, and yes, you can.


O well,... carry on.

you See,i knew we thought much alike, just take different avenues to get there.

Like you, I stand for this Act, to protect it, thus protect the Citizens of this state that want to utilize their civil liberty to use cannabis as medicine.
The dispensary groups were told that the dispensary bill would not be heard until the Walsh package of bills passed. So, anyone that is paying close attention should have and should be noticing the absence of any opposition coming from the realm of dispensary advocates. Notice the Judiciary hearings were near absent of any dispensary groups besides AMMA, whom were there to say that the caregiver system should be generally scrapped for dispensaries.

The dispensary groups were told that the dispensary bill would not be heard until the Walsh package of bills passed. So, anyone that is paying close attention should have and should be noticing the absence of any opposition coming from the realm of dispensary advocates. Notice the Judiciary hearings were near absent of any dispensary groups besides AMMA, whom were there to say that the caregiver system should be generally scrapped for dispensaries.


But yep. People should be able to see that CPU has nothing to do with dispensaries. We are neutral about dispensaries. Exist or don;t exist. As long as it does not intrude on the current law and throw cg/pt's under the bus,... who cares? right?

At least that is my position.

But, if you have questions about the dispensary bill, MACC is the obvious group to ask. :-)

p.s. I have no idea if MACC is trying to stop the protest or whatnot. That would be pure speculation on my behalf.

Also, here is what AMMA testified and submitted at the Judiciary hearing. Want to be annoyed with someone.... here ya go:

Thanks for that article.

I don't really see in there how they propose to stock the dispensaries with meds. Do you know their position on the actual supply of said dispensaries? If it's a small group of grower..I disagree with that.