mmma down???

If I was accused of any of this, it would be this simple:
It is 4/9/12 @ 7:10 am. I am accused of blah blah blah. I will be on this site at 8pm tonight to answer any and all questions.
Thank You.

A drive-by post is much much easier though.
I feel overwhelmed even at the thought of trying to battle or reason with government. I like to think I am a man and I take care of my family. One day I was standing on some scaffolding siding a new house and a black suburban pulled up two guys in suits showed up and opened my eyes. I had been indited. I for one will not be fighting the government. I will run. If a few people that claimed to be on my side are the cause I would like to beat on those people in between packing boxes.
Fade back to black seems to be what they want us to do. Go away an not be seen? Ok, don't knock on my door an expect me to answer nicely.
I keep a photo journal of my deceased patients,either for my trial or eulogy..
Well isnt this interesting. the former CEO, that purposely was killing the other site/org, admittedly so, says he is going to open a farmers market in lansing, with ZERO backing from the local government like you have/had in Jackson, willingly trying to get arrested. and now, 2 weeks later your putting the fear of your arrest as my doing?

yes Joe, I told the CEO to break the law and get arrested. wow, you really are delusional on those points.

and No Worries Abe, Joe got me motivated 4 to 5 months ago about how the 3MA needed to proceed to survive, which is why Joe is now Gone. He had me plenty pissed off, and like any illness, it takes total removal to rid ones self of the symptoms of the cancer that was excised.
but its better know, and the anger has subsided, but i am still passionate about this entire situation, and my position is exactly where it was when I walked into this MMJ Cause. Which is Protecting the Act as we the People Passed it and as it was Put into Law here in the state.

But, I still hold to the fact, as Abe pointed out. I DO Believe these bills get out of the house, they WILL Be law within weeks. AND the Repub guard will keep on their plan of immediate implementation of these bill thru the Senate.

the HOUSE is still OUR HOUSE, and the Senate wont be our house again until After January 2013.

so I am all behind stopping every bill in the house. I am behind letting our Supreme Court make their Rulings. And I am all behind the RepealToday movement, if at the very least, to pressure both the House and the Senate.

Being on the outside screaming in does not do any good. you have to be at the table to get in on the conversation. No one listens to crazy uncle Joe when he is outside screaming, and now they cant trust him to come inside the home and not still scream crazy shit and scare the kids.
Bills yes, I have posted a few over the last few weeks. But I have yet to find the most current version as offered the day of the vote (3/28).

According to Representative Calltons (head of the Task Force on the Dispensary bill) their is NO copy of this bill available. it is not ready, and atm it is only being discussed as to what it may have in it.
This isn't about Bluberry or the mmma site guys... While you are working thru past hurts, your medical law is being re-negotiated. Guess that's too tough a concept to begin to digest and accept until well after the fact.
NO Biggie... Dudes... Go back to sleep.

yeah and guys.. BB

was not the one to come up with the protest. ..he however took and ran with it, like every patient and caregiver should.
This isn't about Bluberry or the mmma site guys... While you are working thru past hurts, your medical law is being re-negotiated. Guess that's too tough a concept to begin to digest and accept until well after the fact.
NO Biggie... Dudes... Go back to sleep.

Been trying to tell people that fro along time...and encouraging them to call and write their reps.....but Timmahh, the MMMA and CPU all were telling them to sit tight while they fixed things....and they sure are fixing things alright.
awww poor bb dont have any power on this site .wats amater bb your ban button dont work anymore .nothing worse than a thief and a lier.go play god with yourself and a jar of vasaline
wow bob. now im part of cpu also? now that IS funny, YOU Sure thats not you Joe?

Wheres Mal when you need him. lol

fwiw Bob, I am NOT Tim Beck. almost makes me ashamed his name is Timothy.
I don't want to go to mmma or cpu; I want to be where I can speak my mind without compromising my own safety or dignity.

Face it: at one site your message is owned by Mal and at another it is owned by Korman.
No matter what you do going forward many people will never go back in my opinion.

Just wanted to point out that the Michigan Cannabis Patients(MCP) Forum is NOT, I repeat, NOT Cannabis Patients United(CPU).

I happen to be a member of CPU, but my forum is just my personal forum(MCP). :-) You may very well hear from some members of CPU, but the forum is just a sweet ass social place to hang out. I am also a member of the NRA and the Rainforest Coalition Netwrok, but that does not make my forum a Rainforest coalition forum although i may talk about it occasionally.

It is such a misconception, partially caused by Joke Caine and his strawberry fetish, but it is just me. Little ol' malamutt pissing on Joe's parade of bullshit and nonsense. Now he is wailing into the wind and nobody cares.

Anyhow, peace yo'.
Why the fuck can't I just be who I say I am? You have to have a conspiracy don't you? You can't deal with a real, ordinary patient, that can see through your bullshit.

Timmahh..I called attention to the fact that CPU was interested in importing growers..and funneling the money back to Colorado, along time accuse me of being the one voting for doing that?.then you say cpu has some good ideas..?......they only good ideas cpu has, is that they understand that bills are going to pass, and that by lobbying to help word them favorably...they can rape the patients and the State by dominating the supply system. I encouraged everyone to call and write to WORD the bill' I must be part of cpu? Fuck you, admit your just to stupid to know how the system works..block fucking bills you moron, won't happen.

Fuck you, you slithering snake. Shove that apple you want us to bite up your ass with Joe..he's getting hungry and by now even he is tired of your shit.

I could predict this shit not because I'm part of any organization. But these organizations think just like big companies. See there is a lot of money involved in medical cannabis...and big companies like big money opportunities.

Now, because I was a exec for a big company (another fucking thing you can't accept) I just happen to think like those big company guys coming in to rape us, and they are doing exactly what I would do if I wanted to take advantage of a money making opportunity. This thing will end up shutting out the little guy completely if enough people listen to your uneducated blabbering. You stand for nothing but finding yourself an income. And I'm not willing to take it up the ass for you..get a fucking job.

I'm trying to tell the small guy how to help himself. Your trying to help yourself to other peoples money, through fear mongering, lying and being a two faced wanna be politician...a fricken republican at that.

You are a worse more pitiful creature that Gollum...Go crawl in a corner and hide from the sun......master it burnses, it burnses precious gollum..gollum

You're a no good money grubbing fool willing to stab anyone in the back...all you want is a master to be a good little minion for..that pays you.

We called guys like you a disposable asset in for scraps and easy to sacrifice when things fall apart....3ma doesn't want you, and your pulling at pant legs begging for someone to take you in a feed you..just a skinny puppy in a rainstorm willing to lie to anyone for a scrap from their table. Cpu will take'll follow their every command for only a promise of some of the gold at the end of the rainbow...and if they get there, they will drown you in the lake and give you nothing...because the only thing you have going for you is your willingness to be someones patsy...a fucking disposable asset..your a corporate condom...willing to be rolled over a dick, shoved up the little guys ass, spewed in, the flushed down the toilet.

That's an integral part of the plan..birds eye view..amidst the action..Just not the integral part I'd choose to be. See, the ass hates you, because without you the Dick wouldn't have gone in..the dick wanted protection..and the dick hates you, because although you offered protection, you took away from the both parties are happy to see you with shit on your face and Jizz in your belly being flushed down the crapper.

Now like a good boy, go roll yourself over CPU's dick..

Well isn't that special. :-)

Importing growers? CPU is trying to do what? Colorado? wtf?

You obviously have CPU confused for some other group. That is pure Joe Cain nonsense Mr Bob Harris. For someone who seems to hate Joke Caine so much , you seem to have np problem perpetuating his lies.

CPU makes no money. Members of CPU pay $100/month to work their asses off for our purpose. We hire a lobbyist to set up appointments for us and to help spread our basic message.

We have absolutely nothing to do with Colorado that is for dam sure. I am guessing you are confusing us with AMMA? Possibly MACC? CPU has not promoted any distribution system other than the one that exists within the law, the patient caregiver system. CPU did not lobby, advocate or ask to be introduced the dispensary bill which will likely be seen shortly. That would be the "dispensary group".... ya know... MACC? Heh. It's so blatantly obvious i am surrpised most can't see the big ass MACC tree through the forest.

CPU is not taking over any group including 3MA. We would like to see 3MA be a competent grassroots organization we can work with on certain issues, such as opposing these set of bills; but beyond that, 3MA has to work this out themselves. CPU is not a grassroots group so to speak and does not plan to ever be one. We have a specific objective and plan to stick to it. Protect the Act. We are no more trying to move into 3MA and tell them what to do anymore than we are trying to take over the UAW or any other organization. We advocate in Lansing for what we believe in and educate the ignorant.

So your verbage pertaining to Timmah and CPU is beyond false and rather humorous to myself. No timmah cannot suck my dick, and yes, you can.


O well,... carry on.
I would love to try 3MA again, but honestly I didn't stay the first time cuz I didn't trust them. I never expected my hunch to be that correct. I don't care about profits, my mindset was that they better be making profits. I don't like liars. donnachris is/was a liar, she minimized everything she said and she was trying to bully me - q-tip and her try to mold their members into what they want. That shit don't work with me. It did feel like a cult and much much worse than that, they are not much into actually growing marijuana. Now for this scandal to go down and the whole community looks bad I cannot for the life of me see why Timmahh is still there. That motherfucker has lied SEVERAL times, and like Bob said, he IS the worst kind of person. For him to be there still it shows that the real problems have yet to surface.
Here's my take on the other site as well since I am stepping on toes and pissing people off. I heard that the good growers left 3MA, that made perfect sense cuz I am a grower and I didn't like 3MA and left, then I hear bits and pieces that Malamute runs CPU. I was told a few things about him. My girlfriend has a medical marijuana case that is currently in the court of appeals. Malamute was one of the ones that went to court with my girlfriend and fought for her rights, do I appreciate that, fuck yes, more than I can say. I couldn't be there cuz of federal case I was balls deep in, so I never met him personally. I seen him log in on riu to call out Timmahh and help explain why Timmahh is exactly what we all found him to be. I asked if that was him and when confirmed I thanked him. It came up he is with a compassion center close to my house. I mentioned that I contacted them for meds a few times and they wanted my plant count. He was like "What?", so I explained that I called up there and they wouldn't tell me shit. They said we will set you up with a caregiver and then you deal with that caregiver and you are not growing, we will have your shit. That is nowhere near anything I would participate in. He asked me point blank, WHat? How did you get that info, I said I called. On on of my iphone apps they are listed there, hense why I called looking for meds. He did not respond to me (that I saw) and a little while later someone in that area needed a caregiver, to be decent cuz I felt I owed him for supporting my girlfriend I sent them to his compassion club. Ironically the phone number cannot be found online. I think the two are related. So on this thread they asked everyone to go to their site, I asked about what their denomination beliefs, no answer. I asked about compassion clubs, no answer. To explain their site they said, come check it out for yourself. Well no answer makes me think they are shaddy as fuck also. I could just be a paranoid weirdo, I can live with that. I am going to post this, then type why I give a shit, so anyone else that gives a shit can read it.

Hey howdy gladstoner,

Just to clarify, I do not "run" CPU. I am a Board Member. CPU is a membership corporation and is run on a consensus type basis. All members are equal and all opinions are equal. Decisions and positions are well hashed out before we move on any topic and noone can run around like a crazy or they will be removed from the group. Membership is based on acceptance from the membership.

So, yes i am a founding board member, but i joke to the fact i have no control and just have to do a ton of work for free; take that back, i actually have to PAY to do a ton of work. :-)
Just wanted to point out that the Michigan Cannabis Patients(MCP) Forum is NOT, I repeat, NOT Cannabis Patients United(CPU).

I happen to be a member of CPU, but my forum is just my personal forum(MCP). :-) You may very well hear from some members of CPU, but the forum is just a sweet ass social place to hang out. I am also a member of the NRA and the Rainforest Coalition Netwrok, but that does not make my forum a Rainforest coalition forum although i may talk about it occasionally.

It is such a misconception, partially caused by Joke Caine and his strawberry fetish, but it is just me. Little ol' malamutt pissing on Joe's parade of bullshit and nonsense. Now he is wailing into the wind and nobody cares.

Anyhow, peace yo'.

Jesus Fuck I was going to say hi over at the playpen but I can't pass the human test.
Honest - I can not make out those audio or video cues. Oh well.

I was reading some shit over there and it was interesting.
Old Chinese Curse: May you lead an interesting life.

Nice to see you all talking about how nice you are.
I still think your condescending attitudes suck though.

It's all good theater though; keep up the good work.
Hi Folks, I am the real Blueberry. No need to say it. I already know all the nouns and adjectives. I just want to warn you that timmahh is indeed a rat fuck. He had me setup to get busted in Lansing. I was going to open a farmers market there. Komorn and him dropped so many dimes, we had to trash the idea. That wasn't enough for this snake. He started spreading shit about the Jackson Market. Regardless of what you think that market helps a lot of people. Whatever you do, don't let this asshole know any of your business. He is a narc and will screw you over in a New York Heartbeat. Go over and read the shit. Medcman, "I told Komorn what was really happening". All of them will rat you out and stab you in the back. Now the MMMA has cancelled the protest on the 17th. They are sending CPU to talk to them. Dumber than Dogshit. Proceed gentlemen. Bash the shit out of me. You may hate my guts but at least I'm not like this weasel fuck. Thanks, Bb

People still isten to what Joke Caine says?


Anyhow, i am just pasting this over because i do not want to type out the basic gist again.


First off, CPU has absolutely zero problem with any rally done by anybody for whatever reason they feel they need to. Whether CPU is officially involved in said form of political activism does not mean members of CPU will not attend or have not attended protests in the past. I can actually say CPU members have spoke for example at the September 7th rally. Just because members are not required to express their membership to CPU publicly, does not mean they aren't all around you fighting the good fight and doing the good work. CPU does not claim to represent anyone but ourselves. We are patients, caregivers, physicians, Attorneys and professionals in various fields of expertise. We believe EVERYONE should contact their Representatives and let them know their own individual perspectives. We encourage everyone to redress their government because it is a First Ammendment Right guaranteed by the Constitution and we would NEVER imagine to try to curb that right for ANYONE, including ourselves. Nor would i expect others to try to curb our Rights to redress our government. Redressing your government is done in many forms and i take no offense in disagreement with our message, but i will never allow anyone to take away CPU's right to do exactly what we do.

I will not attack your rally, but i may offer suggestions i think may help. I expect the same courtesy when it comes to our Advocacy. Do not attack us, but please offer suggestions you think may help.

And to clear up a fallacy that lingers obviously from the delusions of grandeur propagated from these sacred threads, the September 7th rally did not delay those bills in any form or fashion. To think that is to then accept a falsity as your basis for proceding. A fatal flaw to be made. That rally accomplished many things, but it actually accelerated the process. It is what it is and that is NOT a criticism of the rally. That is just a factual truth.

Now, may i ask you exactly what is CPU's plan of action? You seem to have this all figured out, yet i know it has not been laid out publicly for anyone in any specific form. So i was just wondering if you could enlighten me on that topic?

CPU opposes these bills as is. Simple as that. We have never wavered from our positions when advocating in Lansing on this front. We Oppose HB 4834. We oppose HB 4851. We Oppose HB 4856. There has been no stronger or successful defender of the current Act than ourselves. Even 3MA has offered language for a distribution model that would have taken 75% to pass thus intruding on the Act. CPU has never originated a bill to attempt to change the Act. When this set of "Walsh Bills" were introduced there were 8 bills. That number has dropped to 4. I do hope you don;t think that just happened magicly. Twas no tooth fairy that instigated the removal of those 4 bills. Of the 4 bills left, we have neutered as much of the language as we can so far and even up to this second we are ringing phones, setting up meetings, and contacting representatives in an attempt to further neuter the bills if possible, gain a proper affirmative defense that will actually work, completely oppose HB 4834, fix the language in 4856 and still oppose it, and generally, do whatever we can to either stop or neuter any and all of these bills. You can disagree with our approach, but it has been well thought out and passed through some of the most respected people and minds in our community. There is no magic bullet to stop these republicans. The election of 2010 was a real b!tch indeed.

Moving on, If these bills do pass the house yes it s&cks C&ck. Yeppem, dam skippy my friend. That is kinda a No $h!t comment. So what will you do to help stop these bills or neuter them to save patients? Have a rally? Coolio. Go for it. Rock it out and make it a good one. Glad to offer some pointers, but my suggestions have never been listened to before round these parts, so i suspect you all can handle it fine and dandy. CPU is taking a different approach and that is to directly speak with as many as we can from the democratic caucus to oppose HB 4834. That is obviously the most detrimental of the bills.

I suggest and recommend everyone should be calling, writing, emailing and meeting your representatives in person and recommending to them to please vote against HB 4834. Sure vote against the rest too, they suck as well, but i think we need to focus the democrats to stand up for themselves at least once this session of the Legislature and win one for their caucus. The Republicans are running rough shod through the Legislature and we need the democrats to sack up and vote against HB 4834.

That's about it for now.

I will still post in the other thread a longer detailed description of CPU and what we do. I have been waiting for the forum to calm down a bit and make the bridge from the past.

I am glad to see knowledge and openness being shared again on this forum. It is something i have missed since i left the 3MA and resigned as staff and site administrator. This is the first post i have posted as Malamute on this site in 2 years.

Hey howdy all you buggers. Nice to see the iron fist couldn;t keep the rabble rousers down forever.
Like this:
..."So your verbage pertaining to Timmah and CPU is beyond false and rather humorous to myself. No timmah cannot suck my dick, and yes, you can.


O well,... carry on."

Go fuck yourself stupid.
Don't talk down to us.
Aww, poor fat marty.

Maybe a dictionary while you read would help?

I apologize for edumacating myself gooder than U.

Haha... ahhh yes, your command of the english language is stellar.

Marty, i don't even know who the heck you are and you can dislike myself and any group you want, but i will not change my vocabulary just to appease a dolt like yourself.
Aww, poor fat marty.

Maybe a dictionary while you read would help?

I apologize for edumacating myself gooder than U.

Haha... ahhh yes, your command of the english language is stellar.

Marty, i don't even know who the heck you are and you can dislike myself and any group you want, but i will not change my vocabulary just to appease a dolt like yourself.

I've seen enough in the past few months to realize that there are some shady mo-fo's involved in these various groups. Not saying that YOU or your group are, but I trust no one at this stage. It sure looks like a bunch of cut-throat weasel's looking to line their own pockets from my vantage point.