mmma down???

I don't know what the hell this moopoo dungillicios has to do w alien abductions.

Glad I recall when u first arrived at mmma and disappeared a short while later.
It would be kool to start seeing ya postin over there again. It's kinda a free for all and people aren't sure of jack over there like a bunch diff clicks jammed in room trying to show their version of CPR using a cardboard dummy.

I also remember when sum douche donnachris sent ya a pm tellin ya to change yer name. you called her/it out and posted the scoop. that was some funny shit. your old log in should now work there.

peace y'all

I would love to try 3MA again, but honestly I didn't stay the first time cuz I didn't trust them. I never expected my hunch to be that correct. I don't care about profits, my mindset was that they better be making profits. I don't like liars. donnachris is/was a liar, she minimized everything she said and she was trying to bully me - q-tip and her try to mold their members into what they want. That shit don't work with me. It did feel like a cult and much much worse than that, they are not much into actually growing marijuana. Now for this scandal to go down and the whole community looks bad I cannot for the life of me see why Timmahh is still there. That motherfucker has lied SEVERAL times, and like Bob said, he IS the worst kind of person. For him to be there still it shows that the real problems have yet to surface.
Here's my take on the other site as well since I am stepping on toes and pissing people off. I heard that the good growers left 3MA, that made perfect sense cuz I am a grower and I didn't like 3MA and left, then I hear bits and pieces that Malamute runs CPU. I was told a few things about him. My girlfriend has a medical marijuana case that is currently in the court of appeals. Malamute was one of the ones that went to court with my girlfriend and fought for her rights, do I appreciate that, fuck yes, more than I can say. I couldn't be there cuz of federal case I was balls deep in, so I never met him personally. I seen him log in on riu to call out Timmahh and help explain why Timmahh is exactly what we all found him to be. I asked if that was him and when confirmed I thanked him. It came up he is with a compassion center close to my house. I mentioned that I contacted them for meds a few times and they wanted my plant count. He was like "What?", so I explained that I called up there and they wouldn't tell me shit. They said we will set you up with a caregiver and then you deal with that caregiver and you are not growing, we will have your shit. That is nowhere near anything I would participate in. He asked me point blank, WHat? How did you get that info, I said I called. On on of my iphone apps they are listed there, hense why I called looking for meds. He did not respond to me (that I saw) and a little while later someone in that area needed a caregiver, to be decent cuz I felt I owed him for supporting my girlfriend I sent them to his compassion club. Ironically the phone number cannot be found online. I think the two are related. So on this thread they asked everyone to go to their site, I asked about what their denomination beliefs, no answer. I asked about compassion clubs, no answer. To explain their site they said, come check it out for yourself. Well no answer makes me think they are shaddy as fuck also. I could just be a paranoid weirdo, I can live with that. I am going to post this, then type why I give a shit, so anyone else that gives a shit can read it.
It is good we are talking about this today. I have been looking for a website for the last several months to do what I am going to do tomorrow. And I would have done it on the 3MA site. People that know us, know that my girlfriend has severe crohns. Medically she is seriously fucked. No other way to put it. She had to go to the hospital I think friday from an attack. She is down to 97 pounds. The only way I can express how serious it is, is by saying I do not think she has very long to live is something doesn't happen. She has had 3 major surgeries and been through dozens and dozens of doctors. Nobody can help her. We are betting her life that as a whole, the medical marijuana community can help her. This is either a great idea or I am a fucking idiot. Tomorrow morning (ironically) she(we) are starting a thread on her and crohn's disease. We are going to post a bunch of info on Brenda, as much as we can.
She is going to track herself, her crohn's, her depression, her eating. No doctors have helped her and we are going to see if medical marijuana can save her. She is going to grow out a few strains, harvest them, make oils, tincture's everything and post it and document it. She is going to try to get her health back and get off as much of her meds as possible. I have contacted breeders, seed banks, and when the thread is up and running I am going to try to contack skunk magazine, treating yourself, and high times. We want it all documented as much as possible in hopes that it is successful and that she gets her health back. This by far will be the biggest thing I have ever been a part of. We figure we may have trouble finding a doctor that will go along with this and that is something that we will also document. eVerything and anything will be covered. Too many patients are in her position. The health system has her strung the fuck out and almost dead. We will put medical marijuana to the test! Hearing a story of it helping someone is cool, but I pray to God that documenting it as it happens so that others can follow along will have many more beneifts because hopefully she will get attention of those that know what she needs. One of our other patients cant believe she is going to try this and said it has potential to help thousands and could be huge story. She doesn't like the whole online deal, but she wanted to do the thread on the 3MA site. The problems at the 3MA is not the problem, them staying affiliated with people like Timmahh is the problem. Good luck trying to convince us that there is a legitimate reason Timmahh is still a member there. We are ignorant to a lot of things - especially politics, we do not and cannot trust the 3MA or CPU at this time. I have asked for reasons why I should, I have received no answers. And Rollitup is worldwide, they don't censor me and I think that has benefits talking to people outside of michigan, like breeders and better growers. I have yet to find a better site that rollitup. Any and all ideas on thread would be welcomed and appreciated. This is not a profit, no-profit topic. It is life or death topic.
It is good we are talking about this today. I have been looking for a website for the last several months to do what I am going to do tomorrow. And I would have done it on the 3MA site. People that know us, know that my girlfriend has severe crohns. Medically she is seriously fucked. No other way to put it. She had to go to the hospital I think friday from an attack. She is down to 97 pounds. The only way I can express how serious it is, is by saying I do not think she has very long to live is something doesn't happen. She has had 3 major surgeries and been through dozens and dozens of doctors. Nobody can help her. We are betting her life that as a whole, the medical marijuana community can help her. This is either a great idea or I am a fucking idiot. Tomorrow morning (ironically) she(we) are starting a thread on her and crohn's disease. We are going to post a bunch of info on Brenda, as much as we can.
She is going to track herself, her crohn's, her depression, her eating. No doctors have helped her and we are going to see if medical marijuana can save her. She is going to grow out a few strains, harvest them, make oils, tincture's everything and post it and document it. She is going to try to get her health back and get off as much of her meds as possible. I have contacted breeders, seed banks, and when the thread is up and running I am going to try to contack skunk magazine, treating yourself, and high times. We want it all documented as much as possible in hopes that it is successful and that she gets her health back. This by far will be the biggest thing I have ever been a part of. We figure we may have trouble finding a doctor that will go along with this and that is something that we will also document. eVerything and anything will be covered. Too many patients are in her position. The health system has her strung the fuck out and almost dead. We will put medical marijuana to the test! Hearing a story of it helping someone is cool, but I pray to God that documenting it as it happens so that others can follow along will have many more beneifts because hopefully she will get attention of those that know what she needs. One of our other patients cant believe she is going to try this and said it has potential to help thousands and could be huge story. She doesn't like the whole online deal, but she wanted to do the thread on the 3MA site. The problems at the 3MA is not the problem, them staying affiliated with people like Timmahh is the problem. Good luck trying to convince us that there is a legitimate reason Timmahh is still a member there. We are ignorant to a lot of things - especially politics, we do not and cannot trust the 3MA or CPU at this time. I have asked for reasons why I should, I have received no answers. And Rollitup is worldwide, they don't censor me and I think that has benefits talking to people outside of michigan, like breeders and better growers. I have yet to find a better site that rollitup. Any and all ideas on thread would be welcomed and appreciated. This is not a profit, no-profit topic. It is life or death topic.

I read it, prayed a bit for you both and I'm watching you. Haters gonna hate; and they hate because they got everything and it's not enoughto live a happy life. I'd take a road of poverty and hard times to live my life, my way and out loud. I don't know how else to help but to put my positive vibe out to you. do for you and fuck the world as they fuck you. get what you want and need and take life by the throat and squeeze til that cold blooded bitch comes up off what you need. Let haters fuel your fight and never slow you down.
I would love to try 3MA again, but honestly I didn't stay the first time cuz I didn't trust them. I never expected my hunch to be that correct. I don't care about profits, my mindset was that they better be making profits. I don't like liars. donnachris is/was a liar, she minimized everything she said and she was trying to bully me - q-tip and her try to mold their members into what they want. That shit don't work with me. It did feel like a cult and much much worse than that, they are not much into actually growing marijuana. Now for this scandal to go down and the whole community looks bad I cannot for the life of me see why Timmahh is still there. That motherfucker has lied SEVERAL times, and like Bob said, he IS the worst kind of person. For him to be there still it shows that the real problems have yet to surface.
Here's my take on the other site as well since I am stepping on toes and pissing people off. I heard that the good growers left 3MA, that made perfect sense cuz I am a grower and I didn't like 3MA and left, then I hear bits and pieces that Malamute runs CPU. I was told a few things about him. My girlfriend has a medical marijuana case that is currently in the court of appeals. Malamute was one of the ones that went to court with my girlfriend and fought for her rights, do I appreciate that, fuck yes, more than I can say. I couldn't be there cuz of federal case I was balls deep in, so I never met him personally. I seen him log in on riu to call out Timmahh and help explain why Timmahh is exactly what we all found him to be. I asked if that was him and when confirmed I thanked him. It came up he is with a compassion center close to my house. I mentioned that I contacted them for meds a few times and they wanted my plant count. He was like "What?", so I explained that I called up there and they wouldn't tell me shit. They said we will set you up with a caregiver and then you deal with that caregiver and you are not growing, we will have your shit. That is nowhere near anything I would participate in. He asked me point blank, WHat? How did you get that info, I said I called. On on of my iphone apps they are listed there, hense why I called looking for meds. He did not respond to me (that I saw) and a little while later someone in that area needed a caregiver, to be decent cuz I felt I owed him for supporting my girlfriend I sent them to his compassion club. Ironically the phone number cannot be found online. I think the two are related. So on this thread they asked everyone to go to their site, I asked about what their denomination beliefs, no answer. I asked about compassion clubs, no answer. To explain their site they said, come check it out for yourself. Well no answer makes me think they are shaddy as fuck also. I could just be a paranoid weirdo, I can live with that. I am going to post this, then type why I give a shit, so anyone else that gives a shit can read it.

Glad, best of luck for you and your wife. If you need bulk for oil, let me know I can help
Yes, you are wize to not trust the leaders of the mma or cpu (central processing unit).
We'll see the reality breakdown as this big money dispensary bill materializes.

I think it's great what you are about to embark on to help your wife. I wish you the best and will be cheering for you two!
Locate your new Crohnes Thread in the right spot  on RIP. Also place a link on the bottom of yer posts (footer).

Peace and renewed health to your family. 
Sorry to hear that glad.
That Crohns is bad stuff from what I've read.

You should do thread in regular medical area here.
Lots of people will see it here.
Glad, best of luck for you and your wife. If you need bulk for oil, let me know I can help

That is amazing. I really appreciate it and she would and could use it, but.....
She talks to many people in the same boat as her and crying with them just doesn't fix shit. She is 48 years old, in bad health and doesn't have much. She wants to show other people the work and struggle it takes. Having to wait for the meds, the struggle of caring for your plants when you are throwing up. If she starts out with a donated quantity, then anyone sick will think they just need to find nice people, well we all know nice people like you are few and far between.
That is what I think today Bob. I have no idea or control over where this will go, we are aware that we are opening up very very private matters and this may not go well. We have not done this before and she is in extremely poor health. What is her doctor going to say? This is kinda crazy. Will this help thousands, or will she die and this idea be the cause? She finally broke down crying and said she will do whatever it takes. I cannot count the doctors and the hospital visits. She will type up an opening post after we have Easter dinner and I still have to figure a few things out, tomorrow morning I will open the thread. I have put a lot of thought into this, and no, I don't really know what I am doing, but time isn't slowing down for laws to pan out and bullshit to take course. Her disease does not vote or give a shit. Thank You for your support and please follow along and any guidance, help, encouragement is greatly appreciated.
Yes, you are wize to not trust the leaders of the mma or cpu (central processing unit).
We'll see the reality breakdown as this big money dispensary bill materializes.

I think it's great what you are about to embark on to help your wife. I wish you the best and will be cheering for you two!
Locate your new Crohnes Thread in the right spot  on RIP. Also place a link on the bottom of yer posts (footer).

Peace and renewed health to your family. 

This is her body and disease yes, but starting the thread here was my decision. Too many questions. She has friends at 3MA, medcnman for one, that she wants to follow this. We will see what happens. We know the scary reality that this may be very difficult.
Sorry to hear that glad.
That Crohns is bad stuff from what I've read.

You should do thread in regular medical area here.
Lots of people will see it here.

I know, I've went in circles on where to post. Maybe post a link in the medical area. The more people that see it the better obviously. It should be in several places. Don't know how. I mean I hate to say we are winging it, but the more I think about it, the more questions I get. lol. We said fuck it. Post it all and let the world sort it out.
That is amazing. I really appreciate it and she would and could use it, but.....
She talks to many people in the same boat as her and crying with them just doesn't fix shit. She is 48 years old, in bad health and doesn't have much. She wants to show other people the work and struggle it takes. Having to wait for the meds, the struggle of caring for your plants when you are throwing up. If she starts out with a donated quantity, then anyone sick will think they just need to find nice people, well we all know nice people like you are few and far between.
That is what I think today Bob. I have no idea or control over where this will go, we are aware that we are opening up very very private matters and this may not go well. We have not done this before and she is in extremely poor health. What is her doctor going to say? This is kinda crazy. Will this help thousands, or will she die and this idea be the cause? She finally broke down crying and said she will do whatever it takes. I cannot count the doctors and the hospital visits. She will type up an opening post after we have Easter dinner and I still have to figure a few things out, tomorrow morning I will open the thread. I have put a lot of thought into this, and no, I don't really know what I am doing, but time isn't slowing down for laws to pan out and bullshit to take course. Her disease does not vote or give a shit. Thank You for your support and please follow along and any guidance, help, encouragement is greatly appreciated.

Right on glad. I will be following along on this. If there is anything you need, don't hesitate to ask. I know you aren't looking for handouts, but something like genetic selection can be sped up 10 fold if you can try different strains without having to buy the seeds, germinate, sex, flower, etc. I have 8 different strains on the go right now, and you are welcome to cuttings from any of them any time.
Ditto. 5 strains, but opening up room to do some serious hunting in the weeks and months to follow, about 20 strains.
Right on glad. I will be following along on this. If there is anything you need, don't hesitate to ask. I know you aren't looking for handouts, but something like genetic selection can be sped up 10 fold if you can try different strains without having to buy the seeds, germinate, sex, flower, etc. I have 8 different strains on the go right now, and you are welcome to cuttings from any of them any time.
Right on glad. I will be following along on this. If there is anything you need, don't hesitate to ask. I know you aren't looking for handouts, but something like genetic selection can be sped up 10 fold if you can try different strains without having to buy the seeds, germinate, sex, flower, etc. I have 8 different strains on the go right now, and you are welcome to cuttings from any of them any time.

Ditto. 5 strains, but opening up room to do some serious hunting in the weeks and months to follow, about 20 strains.

Thank You guys!
One funny thing is that the PM I sent to blueberry said some stupid fuck from 3MA was on the site fighting with everyone and making him look very bad. He banned me, you were the stupid fuck and it took you all this time to tell me that I was right and you agree.

Timmahh, I have a serious hunch you are a drinker. That and you are still in cahoots with Joe.

almost never, and even then with i reason. I am not nor ever was a drinker. I prefer cannabis on all levels.

I may drink a 5th of Irish Cream or 3 thru the year in my coffee, but thats about it...

well that is your right to have your wrong opinion Glad... But Joe is yesterdays news now, its time to work on tomorrows editorial.
Glad, You may not agree with my or much of my views. With the road your lady and you are about to embark on, don't close any door, even mine. I will do everything I can to help find and get you guys the genetics and other things you find yourselves needing.

I am passionate about Saving the 08 MMM Act because if we dont have the Act, we dont have patients to help.

but I am way more passionate about your Lady getting everything she needs to live a better life.
That Is why I hope most Claiming to be a CannActivist, are in it for the right end reason, which is Patients like your lady.

Any genetics I can get, you can get. Any meds I can get, you can get.

If you guys want to work on oils, i can help there too.
I have connections through the State, though most are south. though do have a few up north.

Fwiw, you can feel safe at the 3MA. A lot has went on, but in the last 7 days, much healing has gone on in the entire community. Every online community will have it range of personalities. but in the end, helping patients get safe access to quality meds for as fair a donation cost as possible is what many of us are working for.

I ll keep your ladys health, and pray both of you to receive the strength and fortitude to succeed in this endeavor.
Hoping you mean pray.

yes sorry typing too fast as usual.

after i put down playing the bass guitar 6 plus years ago, my articulation and dexterity in my hands and fingers has gone down the crapper.
I used to make around 80 wpm with 1 or 2 errors. now im lucky to get through a damn word with out fucking up. lol

never realized how much you lose, when you dont keep things refined.
Hi Folks, I am the real Blueberry. No need to say it. I already know all the nouns and adjectives. I just want to warn you that timmahh is indeed a rat fuck. He had me setup to get busted in Lansing. I was going to open a farmers market there. Komorn and him dropped so many dimes, we had to trash the idea. That wasn't enough for this snake. He started spreading shit about the Jackson Market. Regardless of what you think that market helps a lot of people. Whatever you do, don't let this asshole know any of your business. He is a narc and will screw you over in a New York Heartbeat. Go over and read the shit. Medcman, "I told Komorn what was really happening". All of them will rat you out and stab you in the back. Now the MMMA has cancelled the protest on the 17th. They are sending CPU to talk to them. Dumber than Dogshit. Proceed gentlemen. Bash the shit out of me. You may hate my guts but at least I'm not like this weasel fuck. Thanks, Bb
Well that sure makes my ban confusing. I said some crazy fuck was over here spreading shit about you and the market. So you agreed, but banned me? Or Timmahh is lying and banned me? Interesting none the less.