mmma down???

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to st0wandgrow again

So whos voice were they representing?
I hope they got themselves a good deal...:clap:
I said bob is a fool for letting the government tell him what his vote means, and anyone that let your government subjugate your vote, deserves what scraps you are left to use.
did I get angry yes. Did bob bear an amount of that anger, yes. The man says hes a criminal before 08, but now hes one of the only few the Bill Schuette deems worthy of using cannabis as medicine. He purposes most that use cannabis for pain are fakes and criminals and deserve to be incarcerated for their use of Cannabis as Medicine. Though just a fairly basic description of my condition, I too should be ok per bob's and BS' opine. I reject that narrow minded thinking, and it is my right to debate it. Perhaps I was harsher on robert than i should of been. For that i do offer my apology. but it does not change the point when you have a fox in the chicken coup, it stinks.

I never bashed his son. I did however draw the parallels between his sons rights as a gay american, and your and my rights as Authorized Registrants on the Single Michigan Medical Marihuana Registry.

And if you look Stow, I believe I have already offered my apology, to bob and others. It is on their shoulder to accept it or not. but I wont bear the weight or be sorry of my right to my opinion,and the right to voice it. Or yours for that matter.

not even bobs as some would like you to believe.

I also said bob was Joe. That may of been a bit too far, but if the shoe fits.....
fwiw, CPU seems to have overall decent points, though i don't agree with all of them.

I want the hamburger we purchased on Nov 2008. We ordered it with tomato, mustard, pickle, lettuce and smoked pepperjack.

Now the gov are trying to make us take a bun with lettuce and katsup. I want my damn burger we ordered.

Is that so much to ask for or to expect?

lets not forget, We are the employers, they are the employees and its in a performance review year (elections are about 7months away tomorrow)

We can bicker about the past, or step on the road to the future.
Personally, there is too much work to do between now and Nov 7, so the past will have to wait.
When mmma first lost it's way it was trying to be a Democratic.
Ask Greg if he will talk still.

Not all patients are Democrats.
Not all power holders are Democrats.

I'm what they like to call an Independent.
I voted for Obama.
I would vote for anyone else in Nov. if they would support medical marijuana rights.

I don't give a shit about Party if they are willing to follow the law.
Granholme was a Democrat and she worked against us while B.S. worked against us.

Former AG Cox would have followed the law.
Maybe his advice to the community would be invaluable at this point?

I'm not working for any politician and I'm not giving them any money.
But if one wants to represent the patients and caregivers of Michigan there is one person we know knows this law and has already stated that the Act needs to be implemented fully and fairly.

If mm advocates would just focus on one goal at a time and follow accepted protocol to work with the system we would have settled most of these grey areas already.

Just as AG Scuettes finding now carries the equivilent of weight of law: it can be challenged in Court.
A clean arranged arrest can be had to force the Court to rule.
The fight would need to picked very carefully if one does not arise in due course.

We all know Schuettes findings are mostly bullshit; so the Court practically has to rule for us.
Even if they don't we can appeal to the higher courts.

You have to have faith in this law and be willing to play your hand.
Something no group has yet shown.

Cases like King, etc. aren't ideal because it's almost impossible to defend many of his actions.
Some good lawyers sued the Bloomfields over clearly illegal ordinances; but without a harmed defendent the Courts refused to rule.
So that is not picking our fights wisely in my opinion.
That's playing it safe which is what B.S. and the rest of the dinosaurs want us to do.
WTF? Timmahh? I must have a voice? Im still banned.

I kinda like it that way, if you can would you delete my account?
Im thinkin Bob kills you dude in IQ. I have read your shit, you're a fuckin dipshit.

the software upgrade has caused some quirks bliss. Have you tried the contact us link from the home page? the admins are obviously quite busy. we have had probably no less that 300ish old members come back on, and im certain a few new ones now.

It is a completely different atmosphere. A lot of questions, and alot of answers. But the best thing by far has been the ability to read 100's and 100's of posts from all those that have been blocked out for so long.

Shoot a message to the admins Bliss. they can figure out why you can't get in, or if you want your account deleted they can help with that, though im not sure if a full deletion is possible but I think it is, though I could be mistaken.
Anyone would be a fucking fool to appologize to bob. A total fool.

more apology was for my overt harshness, mostly to the community.
I don't apologize for the general gist of my posts to and toward him. I still believe he is aLEO, or other Government official, or he was/is an outside the state interests working to help ensure only out of state growers can supply our state with meds. Not sure which but It is one of the options. Still not ruled out its BB either
the software upgrade has caused some quirks bliss. Have you tried the contact us link from the home page? the admins are obviously quite busy. we have had probably no less that 300ish old members come back on, and im certain a few new ones now.

It is a completely different atmosphere. A lot of questions, and alot of answers. But the best thing by far has been the ability to read 100's and 100's of posts from all those that have been blocked out for so long.

Shoot a message to the admins Bliss. they can figure out why you can't get in, or if you want your account deleted they can help with that, though im not sure if a full deletion is possible but I think it is, though I could be mistaken.

I was calling ozz a dipshit not you? Why dont you just fuck off?
the software upgrade has caused some quirks bliss. Have you tried the contact us link from the home page? the admins are obviously quite busy. we have had probably no less that 300ish old members come back on, and im certain a few new ones now.

It is a completely different atmosphere. A lot of questions, and alot of answers. But the best thing by far has been the ability to read 100's and 100's of posts from all those that have been blocked out for so long.

Shoot a message to the admins Bliss. they can figure out why you can't get in, or if you want your account deleted they can help with that, though im not sure if a full deletion is possible but I think it is, though I could be mistaken.

I had trouble registering last night. That captcha a real s.o.b. But I tried an hour ago and was successful. I'm not an old member and have not been banned yet LOL.

I Started a new topic on MMMA site about MM and it's affect on alcohol consumption. Stop by and vote on the poll question. Same Moniker, Avatar, and Signature.
WTF? Timmahh? I must have a voice? Im still banned.

I kinda like it that way, if you can would you delete my account?


Is it possible Bob is also Blissfest? asking for an account deletion sounds strangely familiar. I guess it's time to dust off the ole' magnifying glass.

"Lipstick on a pig"
I was just over at the 3MA doing some reading. Several members of CPU are there shedding some light on what has been going on ... specifically about CPUs dealings with legislators.

What I find fucking HILARIOUS is that the CPU members are saying, verbatim, what bob harris has been saying here all along. These bills were going to be written, so instead of just yelling and screaming to not change a single thing about the bill, they joined in the process to try and soften the bills and make them something more palatable for medical marijuana patients. Again, exactly what bob harris has been saying this whole time.

Remember Timmah calling bob a traitor for that? Accusing him of being LEO? Bashing his gay son over it? Taking every chance to ridicule him he could find? Well, wouldn't ya know it .... Timmah is over there holding hands with the CPU folks singing Kumbaya with them!! I shit you not.

What a two-faced fuck Timmah is!!! I wonder if Timmahs apology to bob will be forthecoming?

I've been saying that because it's whats going on...Timmahh dosen't want you to know the truth. Timmahh just wants to make money off of medical cannabis. There is no love of patients in his heart..only love of money...

And no..he will never his mind he's still the righteous one..
I said bob is a fool for letting the government tell him what his vote means, and anyone that let your government subjugate your vote, deserves what scraps you are left to use.
did I get angry yes. Did bob bear an amount of that anger, yes. The man says hes a criminal before 08, but now hes one of the only few the Bill Schuette deems worthy of using cannabis as medicine. He purposes most that use cannabis for pain are fakes and criminals and deserve to be incarcerated for their use of Cannabis as Medicine. Though just a fairly basic description of my condition, I too should be ok per bob's and BS' opine. I reject that narrow minded thinking, and it is my right to debate it. Perhaps I was harsher on robert than i should of been. For that i do offer my apology. but it does not change the point when you have a fox in the chicken coup, it stinks.

I never bashed his son. I did however draw the parallels between his sons rights as a gay american, and your and my rights as Authorized Registrants on the Single Michigan Medical Marihuana Registry.

And if you look Stow, I believe I have already offered my apology, to bob and others. It is on their shoulder to accept it or not. but I wont bear the weight or be sorry of my right to my opinion,and the right to voice it. Or yours for that matter.

not even bobs as some would like you to believe.

I also said bob was Joe. That may of been a bit too far, but if the shoe fits.....

I've asked many times for you to quit slandering my words...I don't let the government subjugate my vote..I work by lobbying within the system to make my vote work. Bills are always written and passed when new laws come into effect...that they would pass is a no brainier...that's why I suggested llong ago to help shape them, not try and stop them. Never said "i'm one of the few worthy" nothing close. I said that there are obvious abuses and that of course the State is going to try and limit them. Never said everyone should go to jail..not even close. I said the people who push limits will be arrested.

And you did bash my son, many times, and you do make your attacks personal, not just debate...because your a cheap lying fuck that will do anything to get what you want. You rely on convincing people into believing your lies...your a snake, saying "take the apple'...My line of thought won't get you paradise..because there is no such thing on earth..but Timmahh's line of thought will bet you banished to hell.


Is it possible Bob is also Blissfest? asking for an account deletion sounds strangely familiar. I guess it's time to dust off the ole' magnifying glass.

"Lipstick on a pig"

Nope..not possible. Thought Timmahh might let his bullshit go If I took some time off...guess he views that as his chance to play wormtounge...


Is it possible Bob is also Blissfest? asking for an account deletion sounds strangely familiar. I guess it's time to dust off the ole' magnifying glass.

"Lipstick on a pig"

Listen Huck? You must be as dumb as your sceen name? And I would bet my left nut Bob is way the fuck smarter than you?

I dont even know Bob?
more apology was for my overt harshness, mostly to the community.
I don't apologize for the general gist of my posts to and toward him. I still believe he is aLEO, or other Government official, or he was/is an outside the state interests working to help ensure only out of state growers can supply our state with meds. Not sure which but It is one of the options. Still not ruled out its BB either

Why the fuck can't I just be who I say I am? You have to have a conspiracy don't you? You can't deal with a real, ordinary patient, that can see through your bullshit.

Timmahh..I called attention to the fact that CPU was interested in importing growers..and funneling the money back to Colorado, along time accuse me of being the one voting for doing that?.then you say cpu has some good ideas..?......they only good ideas cpu has, is that they understand that bills are going to pass, and that by lobbying to help word them favorably...they can rape the patients and the State by dominating the supply system. I encouraged everyone to call and write to WORD the bill' I must be part of cpu? Fuck you, admit your just to stupid to know how the system works..block fucking bills you moron, won't happen.

Fuck you, you slithering snake. Shove that apple you want us to bite up your ass with Joe..he's getting hungry and by now even he is tired of your shit.

I could predict this shit not because I'm part of any organization. But these organizations think just like big companies. See there is a lot of money involved in medical cannabis...and big companies like big money opportunities.

Now, because I was a exec for a big company (another fucking thing you can't accept) I just happen to think like those big company guys coming in to rape us, and they are doing exactly what I would do if I wanted to take advantage of a money making opportunity. This thing will end up shutting out the little guy completely if enough people listen to your uneducated blabbering. You stand for nothing but finding yourself an income. And I'm not willing to take it up the ass for you..get a fucking job.

I'm trying to tell the small guy how to help himself. Your trying to help yourself to other peoples money, through fear mongering, lying and being a two faced wanna be politician...a fricken republican at that.

You are a worse more pitiful creature that Gollum...Go crawl in a corner and hide from the sun......master it burnses, it burnses precious gollum..gollum

You're a no good money grubbing fool willing to stab anyone in the back...all you want is a master to be a good little minion for..that pays you.

We called guys like you a disposable asset in for scraps and easy to sacrifice when things fall apart....3ma doesn't want you, and your pulling at pant legs begging for someone to take you in a feed you..just a skinny puppy in a rainstorm willing to lie to anyone for a scrap from their table. Cpu will take'll follow their every command for only a promise of some of the gold at the end of the rainbow...and if they get there, they will drown you in the lake and give you nothing...because the only thing you have going for you is your willingness to be someones patsy...a fucking disposable asset..your a corporate condom...willing to be rolled over a dick, shoved up the little guys ass, spewed in, the flushed down the toilet.

That's an integral part of the plan..birds eye view..amidst the action..Just not the integral part I'd choose to be. See, the ass hates you, because without you the Dick wouldn't have gone in..the dick wanted protection..and the dick hates you, because although you offered protection, you took away from the both parties are happy to see you with shit on your face and Jizz in your belly being flushed down the crapper.

Now like a good boy, go roll yourself over CPU's dick..
Anyone would be a fucking fool to appologize to bob. A total fool.

I have never disagreed more. Apologizing to someone when you could not possibly be any more wrong is exactly the right thing to do.
Being a fucking fool is going back to the 3MA site when it is the exact same motherfuckers. That is the definition of what a fool does.