mmma down???

more apology was for my overt harshness, mostly to the community.
I don't apologize for the general gist of my posts to and toward him. I still believe he is aLEO, or other Government official, or he was/is an outside the state interests working to help ensure only out of state growers can supply our state with meds. Not sure which but It is one of the options. Still not ruled out its BB either

Well, Timmah Bob has been right all along. These changes were going to happen whether you, Joe Cain, or the 3MA like it or not. Instead of stomping your feet on the sidelines like a bunch of immature rubes, you should have seen the writing on the wall, acted like adults, and sat down at the big boy table and tried to get something constructive done.

You have been entitled to your opinions all along. I question whether or not those are truly your opinions, or if you were just towing the line for the person that could potentially line your pockets. Now that that person is gone, you've thrown him under the bus and backed over him. I don't trust people that are two faced, and flip flop all over the place on stuff. You seem like a typical politician to me that will say or do whatever people want to hear to get ahead. I may be wrong on you Timmah, but I doubt it.

Either way, you dragging bobs son through the mud like you did shows your lack of character. I strongly disagree with bob on the issue of qualifying conditions, but that doesn't mean I should disparage his son due to his sexual orientation. You don't seem to get that, and that's part of the reason that I shudder at the thought of you representing me at the table in Lansing. You aren't cut from that cloth ...... but you're pretending to be because you can smell the money.
nothing has been changed, Yet! key word YET, and if you care about your freedom, and your ability to utilize Cannabis here in Michigan as Medicine, you had better hope our entire community stands up as one voice from today onward to november.

I talked about bob Homosexual son with respect. a fact bob put out there, not I so get over your self.
I never called his son any of the nasty names others would have.
nothing has been changed, Yet! key word YET, and if you care about your freedom, and your ability to utilize Cannabis here in Michigan as Medicine, you had better hope our entire community stands up as one voice from today onward to november.

I talked about bob Homosexual son with respect. a fact bob put out there, not I so get over your self.
I never called his son any of the nasty names others would have.

You talked about bobs homosexual son with respect? Holy shit Timmah. If that's what you consider "respect", then you're delusional.

If you talked about my son that way to my face I'd smack you upside the head.
what should he be called. Fa***t, or h*m*, perhaps he could be called pipe swallower or other such non sense.

IF he is homosexual, then he is homosexual. perhaps you would call him princess, but I do have enough dignity to not do any such thing.
This is why there is no way in I would go back to the 3MA site. They tolerate this lying cock sucker. We need to get a count on how many people have caught this stupid son a bitch in a lie.
ZERO would be that count. Be happy Glad, BB is Gone, I helped make it so, even though it was not a ride i would willingly take again, but I would take it again if necessary.
ZERO would be that count. Be happy Glad, BB is Gone, I helped make it so, even though it was not a ride i would willingly take again, but I would take it again if necessary.

You lie so easily..doesn't even phase defended everyone at 3MA to the death...the distanced yourself and pissed on their graves...then claimed they MADE you do the things you did...your just plain psychopathic
He was too dramatic about it. He is still working with Joe Cain. Timmahh has vowed to be his bitch til death!! He runs around and bad mouths Joe, gets info and takes it back to Joe.
He was too dramatic about it. He is still working with Joe Cain. Timmahh has vowed to be his bitch til death!! He runs around and bad mouths Joe, gets info and takes it back to Joe.

Glad, we disagree on some points..but I think we do agree that Timmahh and those like him are the worst kind of snake. Pretending to be on everyones side, but only looking out for himself.
Glad, we disagree on some points..but I think we do agree that Timmahh and those like him are the worst kind of snake. Pretending to be on everyones side, but only looking out for himself.

Definitely. I fucking hate liars and thieves. I used to be one.
That cock sucker is so transparent anymore.
I would question myself if he was to agree with me on something.
wow really bob. this coming from the guy that grew dope illegally for how many years prior to the Citizens passing the act. and now that YOU feel vindicated for your crimes of days past, yet think everyone else is making you feel like a criminal because you feel they are taking advantage of something you did illegally.

I may be a snake in the grass bob. But better a snake in the grass, than a vile, virus disease spreading tic you so brazenly show yourself to be.

So, you may be correct about that bob. Maybe I am a Snake. But lets remember the snake is a cunning linguist, and knows his position, and they are always poised to strike. But you would be foolish if you think this Snake cant also be a Mongoose when needed.

And i guess I will take that as a compliment from you bob. As snakes are honestly, one of the most respected and dignified creatures in all of Gods Creation.
It is the Myth of Christianity has that ostracized the snake, not humanity.
then you need to start questioning yourself Glad. We have agreed on many points. Including the bs reason you were banned from the 3MA, every time. WE agree that was BS, and is part of why BB is now gone thank you very much for your support.
Really Glad? Tell us then Mr Sunshine, Why were you Attacking me a MONTH Ago when All i was here doing is giving information about the Upcomming hearings in lansing?

Gee Let me Think. oh yea Because JOE CAIN BANNED YOU from the 3MA, you were then and are now obviously still miffed over it. yet you felt the need to attack me about your love of Mr Cain, and you expect me to respect you? Get over your self you are not that special and neither am I.

You, Jeebus of cantibuds, Grow Goddess and a few other jumped into my asshole elbow deep with the ever so popular simple minded MOB Mentality of the love you all have for Mr Cain. And because you could not get into the 3MA to bitch whine and moan to Joe about it, well because you were all banned by Joe Cain, you all jump on the mob rules feeding frenzy and unloaded on me.
I didn't ban any of you that have been banned, Joe Did. As a Mod you have a job to do. move the forum forward, and keep the shit to the minimum.

I started to question you when and only when Grow Goddess, Jesus of Cannabis, Malamute, Stumpjumper, the banned 7 times guy and SEVERAL other people all said the exact same thing about you, joe cain, and the 3MA. That is when I started to ask you direct questions about these people being banned, is Joe Cain really a fucking nut job, do the mods read and share PMs, that kinda shit. That is when you started double talking and turned lawyer/politician. That is when you disrespected us by lying and bullshitting. THAT is when I acted like little kid and returned ignorance. Personally I don't fucking believe any GROUP yet. Me, trolling and being an asshole PMd Joe Cain ABOUT YOU!!! And THEN I got banned. It was during the thread - Got banned from the 3MA 7 Times. You seriously don't remember this shit, many rollitup members do. Many of us followed along. You can through out some facts and make me look bad, but your order is all fucked up. This is a thread of people calling you a piece of shit and an asshole, not me. Get your temper on check and you will make a fine politician you snake tongued lying piece of shit.
And I asked about compassion clubs and I asked about the other site. Not many straight answers when questions are asked. Jesus of Cannabis said it right a few months ago. He has proven wise one, who been around this block before.
A hacker may have stole a month of posts, but that hacker hasn't erased the memory of the many people that followed this embarrassing soap opera. And you fuckers think people getting arrested is what makes us look bad. Having a bunch of groups fight publicly is what makes us look bad, then each group run to the politicians and snitch on each other like they are our parents, what a fucking joke. :finger: Fuck you and your poor memory. Keep calling Jesus Christ a child molester you demented fuck, than will be a nice campaign poster for you.

I may be a snake in the grass bob.. Maybe I am a Snake.

then you need to start questioning yourself Glad. We have agreed on many points. Including the bs reason you were banned from the 3MA, every time. WE agree that was BS, and is part of why BB is now gone thank you very much for your support.

I am sooooo confused. Just how fucking stupid are you?
It is frustrating dealing with so many of your personalities.

I think you have been drinking too much of bobs kool-aid there Glad. put the glass down and spit Glad. His poison will clear from your system soon enough.
One funny thing is that the PM I sent to blueberry said some stupid fuck from 3MA was on the site fighting with everyone and making him look very bad. He banned me, you were the stupid fuck and it took you all this time to tell me that I was right and you agree.

Timmahh, I have a serious hunch you are a drinker. That and you are still in cahoots with Joe.

I think you have been drinking too much of bobs kool-aid there Glad. put the glass down and spit Glad. His poison will clear from your system soon enough.

These are quotes, you don't have a comment? Just a generic "I am stupid" comment. Read out loud to the class what you said about my ban and the others you lumped mine with. Then read out-loud me reminding you EXACTLY when and why I was banned. Then you back peddled on what you said about me. Now today you forgot all that shit and your stupid-fucking-idiot ass just said you agree with me about why I was banned.

And then you say this is from me drinking bob's kool-aid? Please explain what bob has to do with this? You put up a big post saying things about me that are not true. LUCKILY I remembered the details of the erased thread and when I posted up the facts, many remembered the exact conversation on the thread.
I don't know what the hell this moopoo dungillicios has to do w alien abductions.

Glad I recall when u first arrived at mmma and disappeared a short while later.
It would be kool to start seeing ya postin over there again. It's kinda a free for all and people aren't sure of jack over there like a bunch diff clicks jammed in room trying to show their version of CPR using a cardboard dummy.

I also remember when sum douche donnachris sent ya a pm tellin ya to change yer name. you called her/it out and posted the scoop. that was some funny shit. your old log in should now work there.

peace y'all