Well-Known Member
Don't know why but this has one of my favorite guitar solo's ever.... most people would say it's awful... it's terrible... how can you listen to that fucking noise??? I don't know... it just sounds fucking awesome and I love the way that lead just grinds in your face and you're going to fucking eat it whether you want to or not... I have never heard anyone jerk off a whammy bar like that... classic fuck you speed metal rhythm guitar in the background... fuck yea this is the shit.
i'm trying to remember this one song by them.... it was the first time I had ever heard a 16th note blast beat (snare drum plays twice as fast) and I had to keep rewinding that shit...
oh, and now you see where my user name comes from.
Just heard this band today, pretty good shit.
fuck yea man that is what it is all about... I started this thread to find new shit from you guys I haven't heard before.
I like the instrumental at the start of the album... love those tight muted chops and melodic fills... that is the kind of stuff I like to play.
Here's a track from the upcoming album of some good friends of mine. The guys have a decent number of albums out already but I have a feeling that their new label might escalate their already strong underground popularity.
Good music, but I think his vocals need work personally. He sounds too much like the lead singer of Dimmu Borgir.
Hahah, I can tell you don't listen to a lot of black metal
All good, I dig a lot of the tech stuff as well. Here's a few of my favorites from that genre:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wIgyqmda7E Martyr live in Quebec, full show pro shot
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DPW9ED1WBs - Augury - Simian Cattle
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94ipkWKXOL0 Quo Vadis - Silence Calls the Storm live
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vrIABjdgbk - Luke Jaeger (Sleep terror) - Idiopathic Psychogenesis
Ok I am ashamed that I only know of Sleep Terror from that list
But yes, you're right, I don't listen to Black Metal. Although I do listen to stuff which is inspired by it.
The band that got me into all the tech stuff and still one of my favourites ^_^
Necrophagist is pretty cool but the songs are too soulless for me to listen to a lot. Muhammed is a hell of a player for sure!
I am glad you know of Sleep Terror, have known Luke for years (of course he knows nothing about my growing) and remember when he was a skinny lad playing for local unknowns Suicide Culture![]()
I simply have to ask, wtf is math metal? Sorry if it's been asked before..