Metal - Death, Black, Djent, Math, Thrash, Grindcore, etc...

I play this album to my plants it takes its time and its great when smokingbongsmilie...
Of if you want some Uber Brute;
Of if you want some Uber Brute;

The only problem with bands like the one you just posted, is that they can not perform live.

It's a rather unfortunate circumstance of their own success really. Beneath The Massacre suffer from the same syndrome.

I'm more of a fan of the technical brutal death metal. Bands such as Nile, Dying Fetus, Fallujah, Obscura, The Faceless, Cryptopsy(pre 2008), Origin and Decapitated. I find that the chuggy distorted sound and continuous over-use of breakdowns in Deathcore are just meh.

"We need a sick part for this song, I know, let's have a real slow chug section which will prolong until the mind goes numb instead of taking the time to write a decent riff"

At least that's how I view it anyway. To each his(or her) own I guess.


Here's some Obscura, pretty damn heavy too.

Would someone care to explain as to why, at 1 minute and 4 seconds into this song, my head promptly fell onto the floor and exploded?
Another band from another buddy..

I like those 2 artificial harmonics at the end.

Some kickass black metal. This is Varg Vikernes's band. Varg is known for stabbing Mayhem's guitarist, Euronymous to death. :D
hell yea... that shit should be an initiation for these new facebook emo faggot kids with their shit metal band they think is awesome cuz dad bought a mesa boogie and drop tuned 7... singing like little whiny fuck boys that slammed their dicks in the toilet seat. shit was serious back in the day... emporer burning down churches and shit haha.

Just heard this band today, pretty good shit.
I like those 2 artificial harmonics at the end.

hell yea... that shit should be an initiation for these new facebook emo faggot kids with their shit metal band they think is awesome cuz dad bought a mesa boogie and drop tuned 7... singing like little whiny fuck boys that slammed their dicks in the toilet seat. shit was serious back in the day... emporer burning down churches and shit haha.

Just heard this band today, pretty good shit.

That's the exact reason that "daemonic black metal" shouldn't exist, as well as bands such as Deicide, who are only in it to deliver a hate message. Bands like The Faceless go about it in a better way, they try and educate with philosophical lyrics, intelligent writing and fucking incredible music. They have a similar message in that Religion is obviously hilariously fictional but they don't ask people to "kill the christian" like Diecide do.

Glenn Benton, the spastic lead singer from Deicide, he's such a bellend he burned he reverted cross into his forehead. Twat.

But that video you linked, shores of Elysium seem pretty damn good. I'll have to look into them a bit more ^_^

Back to posting music though, and does anyone else think that this is the most crushing intro to a song?
Drums from 1:41 forward are just fuckin nasty.
Don't know why but this has one of my favorite guitar solo's ever.... most people would say it's awful... it's terrible... how can you listen to that fucking noise??? I don't know... it just sounds fucking awesome and I love the way that lead just grinds in your face and you're going to fucking eat it whether you want to or not... I have never heard anyone jerk off a whammy bar like that... classic fuck you speed metal rhythm guitar in the background... fuck yea this is the shit.


i'm trying to remember this one song by them.... it was the first time I had ever heard a 16th note blast beat (snare drum plays twice as fast) and I had to keep rewinding that shit...

oh, and now you see where my user name comes from.