Metal - Death, Black, Djent, Math, Thrash, Grindcore, etc...

Nice one... I think they got their band name from a song from the band Cynic.


Hell yeah. Cynic is awesome. I keep seeing a few reasons why they picked that name but I think that is the most logical one. I just picked up traced in air on vinyl a few weeks ago.
Good shit although the drums are bland... could def see a pit bashing each other in the skull to this. I love chopped up harmonizing shit.

Kinda reminds me of The Acacia Strain.

I'm with you on the drums, they sounded better live. It's funny you should mention The Acacia Strain, they were the other opening act for Lamb of God that night. Wasn't really a fan of their music, but then again Lamb of God is as heavy as I'll go on a regular basis, so maybe my opinion is a bit biased.

Anyone heard of Hail the Villain? They released one record, toured a couple summers ago, then broke up. Good shit, albeit not as heavy as most of the other stuff posted here....

Yea, I'm not really into Acacia strain... a little too boring/repetitive I think. They do have some cool riffs though... I like the short song Car Bomb.

Not a bad video... at least it's drop tuned haha and there's bass.

Check out this horrible terrible cover from Six Feet Under... the singer Chris Barnes is the original vocalist for Cannibal Corpse. Same dude that wrote hammer smashed face and entrails ripped from a virgin's cunt... he had such a badass deep guttural growl in the end of beyond the cemetery, this is a horrible abortion of what the fuck?? so bad...

You know how Sepultura and Soulfly like to bring in other musicians and shit for songs all the time... check out this shit with Pavarotti; he's an opera singer if you don't know. The whole thing is fuckin ridiculous with Max following along and shit... but the end with his la la la la la la laaaaaa made me gush water out my fuckin bong and ruin the bowl.

It may be because I am a little buzzed but this song is ruling right now!

goddamn that is badass... I haven't heard that one but the first half I was like... ok this is not bad; a little slower/different than their older shit... and then the second half I was like goddamn

check this shit out
I thought Glen Benton of Deicide was the vocalist for Vital Remains... this guy Dave something doesn't get as low.
goddamn that is badass... I haven't heard that one but the first half I was like... ok this is not bad; a little slower/different than their older shit... and then the second half I was like goddamn

check this shit out

I have been getting really into them lately. My all time favorite by them is Deconstruction. Also the my buddy had the dude on the far left Chris Storey do a guest solo on his CD which was pretty sick.
I have been getting really into them lately. My all time favorite by them is Deconstruction. Also the my buddy had the dude on the far left Chris Storey do a guest solo on his CD which was pretty sick.

All Shall Perish lost my respect when they attempted to become a technical death metal band and failed on just about every possible level. The two earlier albums are good, but the latter two are just trying too hard.

I prefer to stick with the golden era, Dying Fetus, Carcass, etc.
Holy shit, I could talk for years about this style of music and how it's superior to most other mainstream genre's with the odd exception of course.

But as I haven't seen them posted in here yet(I skimmed through the thread) and I am in total disbelief about them being absent from this thread, here is my favourite band who I've been to see live 7 times they're that good!

Anyone else listen to Trivium's first single off their new album? I'm digging the way it sounds and it's doubly cool that David Draiman of Disturbed produced it.

Anyone else listen to Trivium's first single off their new album? I'm digging the way it sounds and it's doubly cool that David Draiman of Disturbed produced it.


Man, they still sound the same as they did in 2003 or when ever it was that they came out lol.

Heavy intro > verse > chorus > mini guitar solo > verse > chorus > build up > middle eight > guitar solo > chorus > heavy outro

So basic and very common among that particular metal sub genre, but it works and obviously keeps them well paid, so why fix what isn't broken, eh?
This thread is awesome, nice job Malevolence. Here are a few bands I have been listening to lately. Vildjarta, Within the Ruins, Veil Of Maya, Necrophagist, Impending Doom, Oceano, The Acacia Strain, Born Of Osiris, WhiteChapel, The Dillinger Escape Plan, Meshuggah, After The Burial, All Shall Perish, As Blood Runs Black, Animals As Leaders, The Contortionist, TERROR, Texas In July