Metal - Death, Black, Djent, Math, Thrash, Grindcore, etc...

Now, i know someone will probably hate these guys just because they have an actual singer, which goes back and forth from singing & screaming, but fuck you they're good and solid and make the grade.

these videos go through their progression throughout their career. they get heavier and more complex as they get older so don't judge from the first video.. i guess you can watch them bottom up if you're an arse though lol


Cory, the drummer for these guys was actually in a band with two CREEPER members before these projects started. Used to party with all of 'em back in highschool. They all fucking rock. And CS seem to be getting some well deserved attention over in Europe and UK and shit.. which is awesome and makes me jealous as fuck lol

Don't know what it is about this song but for some reason I really like it. I think it's all the little dynamic shit they are doing like bending the power chords at parts and the subtle string slides. Just good old fashioned no bullshit riffs.

Also the vocalist doesn't annoy the fuck out of me which is nice.
Playing in the studio - no vocals. Check out Alex on the bass... fuckin retarded. Les Claypool eat at dick.
80s special about death metal... they talk to Glen Benton when he was like 17 or some shit.
This is just fucking badass if you like all the djent finger tapping shit. Vocals in this song are okay, but most Periphery vocals are you either like it or try it ignore it... although pretty sure you could say the same about any vocals!
Pioneers of the 8 string guitar fuck yea.

Tosin Abasi is more 8 string goodness... it's def some special indica smoking couch rocket shit.

Check out that drums at the beginning of the section at 1:41... the kicks and ride with that off-tempo snare is fuckin ridiculous, and the ambient sound comes in the background. Listen how the snare gets delayed through each bar... I love shit like this.