Metal - Death, Black, Djent, Math, Thrash, Grindcore, etc...

Anyone into God Forbid? I can only listen to them for so long, but they have some pretty cool shit...


I saw them live with Machine Head and Caliban back in 2003 or 2004. God Forbid were pretty awesome, but Caliban were dogshit lol.
I simply have to ask, wtf is math metal? Sorry if it's been asked before..
blast beats and a lot of fretboard finger tapping and arpeggios (in other words, playing scales and patterns as fast as possible)... usually with death metal vocals and weird time signatures. sounds like cacophony to the untrained ear.

it's basically a genre of metal so guitarists and bass players can go... look what I can do!!

Anyone into God Forbid? I can only listen to them for so long, but they have some pretty cool shit...


I saw them back in 2009 when they toured with Lamb of God. They kicked ass, and I've run into the lead singer at a couple Boston-area shows since.
I had the privilege of listening to a couple more tracks from this and it's looking like it might surpass the new Carcass as album of the year for me. Still a few more months left though :)

Here's a track from the upcoming album of some good friends of mine. The guys have a decent number of albums out already but I have a feeling that their new label might escalate their already strong underground popularity.

3:23 - 4:27 gooooooooooooodddd fucking daaamnnnnnnnn :wall:

love how in the beginning of this part the drums switch from the ride to that hi-hat snap shit too and the guitars just sound like classic fucking death metal scales
Not a metal song but since Luke is Sleep Terror I figured it would fit. We are working on having him do an acoustic flamenco set in our new coffee shop in the near future which would be freaking SWEET!

Heartworks was badass, but not feeling their new album. Napalm Death only has a small selection of music I like... some of it is hard to listen to; I think it's his voice and boring guitars.

That said... I like this album and they obviously have a big following to be successful for so many years. Most of the albums are not this good... I also like some of their earlier stuff... the drummer used to do weird off timing triplets on the ride a lot during blast beats which I always found neat.

I honestly can not stand these guys. The lead singer claims to be some disciple of Satan and burned a reverted cross into his forehead. What a monstrous twat. And then if that's not bad enough, he gives an interview on a documentary regarding some kids burning churches and making sacrifices because of death metal. His exact words were "I don't want to kill them... yet. But when the time is right"

and I'm sitting there thinking, why has no one chucked him in the puzzle factory so he can hug himself for 20 years?
I honestly can not stand these guys. The lead singer claims to be some disciple of Satan and burned a reverted cross into his forehead. What a monstrous twat. And then if that's not bad enough, he gives an interview on a documentary regarding some kids burning churches and making sacrifices because of death metal. His exact words were "I don't want to kill them... yet. But when the time is right"

and I'm sitting there thinking, why has no one chucked him in the puzzle factory so he can hug himself for 20 years?
haha I would like to see that interview... there is an '80s documentary I linked in the thread earlier about the FL death metal movement... Glen Benton is in it back when they were Amon. And yea, he's a satanic little fucker but I'm alright with that. Vocals sound good and music sounds good... if he wants to worship satan and beat off on virgin goats that's fine with me. In fact, Serpent's of the Light is what got me into death metal. Glen is a bunch of blow smoke up your ass anyway... he said he would not live past 40 and was going to commit suicide... well he has been over 40 for a while now and was called out on it... I forget his excuse. There are a lot worse like Emporer and Mayhem who actually did shit and don't just talk / write songs about it.
haha I would like to see that interview... there is an '80s documentary I linked in the thread earlier about the FL death metal movement... Glen Benton is in it back when they were Amon. And yea, he's a satanic little fucker but I'm alright with that. Vocals sound good and music sounds good... if he wants to worship satan and beat off on virgin goats that's fine with me. In fact, Serpent's of the Light is what got me into death metal. Glen is a bunch of blow smoke up your ass anyway... he said he would not live past 40 and was going to commit suicide... well he has been over 40 for a while now and was called out on it... I forget his excuse. There are a lot worse like Emporer and Mayhem who actually did shit and don't just talk / write songs about it.

I'm not saying he's the only one, but he's a massive twat regardless. It's something i feel pretty strongly about. Each to their own of course, just expressing my opinion.

That main riff, awesome! When they don't blast beat over the top of it(towards the end of the song), it's got so much groove, one of the most groovy riffs I've heard in Death Metal.