Metal - Death, Black, Djent, Math, Thrash, Grindcore, etc...

This however, is some intense groove at 2:17 onwards.
That main riff, awesome! When they don't blast beat over the top of it(towards the end of the song), it's got so much groove, one of the most groovy riffs I've heard in Death Metal.

nice find... the bass guitar around 1:50 caught my attention... and I liked the lead that immediately followed. I think they would sound better with a different drummer, I wish he would use double bass with his blast beats sometimes. Also little double bass triplets and shit.... more 16th notes on the ride and bass drum plz and I would think it's better, but maybe they are going for the old school raw sound and feel with the drums. I like the alien death metal shit too but the only thing I have really heard is the faceless. I'm surprised no one is mixing dub step wobbles and bass drops with alien death metal... more industrial sound effects and shit or maybe I just haven't heard it.
I'm a sucker for artificial harmonics @1:45 :bigjoint:

That riff is fuckin badass too.

The released a new album this year too, first since 2006 or something. It's decent, it's called Exhumed - Necrocracy, here's a little teaser ;)

3:23 - 4:27 gooooooooooooodddd fucking daaamnnnnnnnn :wall:

love how in the beginning of this part the drums switch from the ride to that hi-hat snap shit too and the guitars just sound like classic fucking death metal scales

You know, I checked out the lyrics to this entire album. I thought everyone here would like to know the lyrics to the video posted above. So here they are, it was quite surprising what the lyrics were to be fair lol.
If you don't wish to click the link:

Inhaling smoke opens the mind and drowns out all deception
Allowing one to step away from man's profound perception
As the embers burn Time seems to slow its pace
Eyes now bloodshot,glazed and red The truth will show its face
Unity with space and time breeds new ground for believing
A conscious contradiction, first impressions are deceiving
ascend from this abysmal place to find a deeper meaning
My mind runs wild, my body lies limp with eyes crimson and gleaming
The focus of mankind assured their own damnation
The lies we're told grow like a fucking infestation
Faultless but upon us, a soothing perish song
Hear their heartless motives, we're forced to sing along

Mind numbing monotony
Combined with class conformity
Minds are grown like botony
In this gruesome deformity

When observing the majority
Your labeled a minority
A user, an abuser, a new target for authorities

Heads of hypocrites spew shit about our harmless dope
Then go home ,Hit the bottle, pouring poison down their throats
I wonder why such a vile substance was made legal
Consuming countless lives that once belonged to decent people

Mankind is flawed, now see the error in your ways
Our own stupidity will be the end of days
A lone mans voice, a whimper amongst waves
It's time to break these shackles, we're not fucking slaves

Inhaling smoke opens the mind and drowns out all deception
Allowing one to step away from man's profound perception
As the embers burn Time seems to slow its pace
Eyes now bloodshot,glazed and red The truth will show its face

So now we see, flaws embedded with in men
These flaws Ensure extinction, stubborn until the end
The old will wither and die, then well have our time
The future is bright for us, I see
It in my mind

One day new brilliant minds will finally be put to use
no longer will we have to suffer this negligence and this abuse

In this uphill battle, it seems we've reached the summit
A single bill will pass and we will watch the crime rates plummet

In this uphill battle, it seems we've reached the peak
A single bill will lead us to the answer that we seek
