LED DIY : Making of a "DJ SET "-style grow led light .

Okey-dokey ...
There's plenty of it (ally ) already ...
Now ..Help me out a bit ...
To place contacts of the drivers onto the pcb ,I've to make a "pattern " of a new component (-the bucks- ) first ,right ?
Noo.I've the buck layout ..
Ah ..yes the raster ..Yes ..Driver's pins have 2,54 mm distance ..
Ok ...(you thought I knew what the "raster " was ? Oh Guod ....I'm a "biology-lover " ...
Here-at electronics- I'm totally out of my waters ..Although my father is an electronic technician ...
Anyway ....
Just for test I made a pcb layout ...
Pasted image on same dimensions rectangular shape on S.up ..And .....
Models just dropped in place !
(tried to redesign pcb with LM's "cooling back " on outer side of pcb ,like you said ...link of image was broken ...)

smaller.jpgpcb layout test.jpg..............===>>>>>fan power sup  model.jpgmodels just dropped in place _awesome.jpg....
Model is uploaded for you to experiment better -if you wish -in different placements ....
( 1/4 W resistor color bands are not colored with the correct values .maybe I'll upload the correct ones...)
a simple way for Recombucks

create a pad
change width, height to 1.3mm; hole diameter to 0.6mm
copy this pad
place 7 of them as shown by recom
group this layout
copy and place as needed

for the connection between the Bucks( V+; V-) set the coppertrace width to 1.2mm. we are running here about 2A.
all other traces can be smaller (0.33 for example)

the solderpads for the leds, etc are also only a coppertrace.
make them big as possible we have to solder the wire here.
1.2mm for the leds will be OK. (0.25mm² wire)
2.5mm for the Powerwires (0.5mm² wire)
minimum length for them 6mm
a simple way for Recombucks

create a pad
change width, height to 1.3mm; hole diameter to 0.6mm
copy this pad
place 7 of them as shown by recom
group this layout
copy and place as needed

for the connection between the Bucks( V+; V-) set the coppertrace width to 1.2mm. we are running here about 2A.
all other traces can be smaller (0.33 for example)

the solderpads for the leds, etc are also only a coppertrace.
make them big as possible we have to solder the wire here.
1.2mm for the leds will be OK. (0.25mm² wire)
2.5mm for the Powerwires (0.5mm² wire)
minimum length for them 6mm

Thanx !
I did something before i read this post ..driver pcb idea.jpg

......P.S. : Your infos are precious ...

recom rcd 48 series driver pinned version with pcb.jpgpcb idea with drivers on place front.jpgpcb idea with drivers on place x ray.jpg
for me it looks like that the Bucks are sitting on the copperside, if so place them on the other side of the PCB
for me it looks like that the Bucks are sitting on the copperside, if so place them on the other side of the PCB

Yes ,copperside is towards drivers ...
I'll change it to outer side ...(copperside facing fan ) ..
Though it myshelf ,how I should put thecopperside ...
Thought that it will be more "safe " to be in the inner side ..
With the expence of drivers not being able to fully contact the pcb (as they have to be soldered from inside ...thus the gap with the pcb ..)
Anyway ...To the outer ...
....Ok...DipTrace is really a cool pcb and pad designing software ...
pcb new.jpg...And a SSL pad ......Oslon pad with pattern editor.jpg...

new outer copperside.jpgpcb new top.jpg....
Nice ....
Very nice ...
Guod ..
What about plexiglass (or the more expensive Polycarbonate ..) for top cover (lid ) ?

Of a thickness .5 ~ 1 mm ....
Transparent .." See-through" cover for the "baby " ...
I ' ll see how it looks on the model ....
..plexi lid 2.jpgplexi lid.jpg...

Not bad ...

I think ,I might use it ...
Thick plexi ...
Grey tinted maybe....

EU design..
Southern 'n' Nothern(? ) ,together....

Have no doubts about it ....
This is the most efficient led grow light , ever made (or soon to be made ... ) ...
( I bet my left nut on that .... )
best out there.jpg
Haven't seen before such material ...
It looks really good for making a lid ..

I want your opinion on something ..
Shortly ...
I'm thinking for 3x (custom ordered) mcpcbs' ..
And I'm experimenting ...
What do you think about something like that ?
.....custom pcb.jpg......

Ok....And then ...I thought ...Since Osram is doing it .....
(just a "sketch" ,not a carefully designed one .....===> custom heat management pcb.jpg.....

Any remarks or comments on that ?

Edit : Another idea ...
Leds more spread ...
mcpcb idea 2.jpg