Justice Thomas CAUGHT in MILLION DOLLAR Criminal Fraud

This shit has to END!
DJT prancing about over two years from J6th, no inditemets, Uncle Clarence flaunting the law, Repugnican MAGAts unindited after seditious Conspiracies, Merrrick #Gutless Garland fiddle fucking about while all this is going on.
I say we march in all the State Capitals and Washington DC on July the 4th and declare Independence Day once again! Independence from Rich White fuckers, independence from useless AG's and cowardly Congress Seditionists!

March and tell Old Handsome Joe to get off the couch and ENFORCE the LAW, God Damn it!

Or, maybe I'm just too pissed off?

No, you're not pissed off enough. None of us are.
the real question is why America allows it citizens to have dual passports when one of them is to a known tax dodging haven?
We really have to not only tighten up the laws, we need to keep an eye on shit like this so fucking bought and paid for politicians, or supreme court justices, don't do it again...
As I said, the way to deal with Thomas is through the DOJ and investigate Crow too. Joe does not interfere in the DOJ, but he needs to tell Garland that he has his full support for prosecuting another branch of government for any wrongdoing by any justice and make it public, like in a speech. Thomas broke the law and should be prosecuted, arguments that it would only end up in the supreme court are correct, but also invalid. If the SCOTUS refuses to uphold Thomas's jury conviction, then they are declaring that they are above the law and Joe needs to pack the court and when they gain a democratic majority impeach Thomas.

If it were a liberal justice and a republican president, they would be summoned to the WH and told to resign or they would be investigated, probably arrested and perp walked in public. That is not with Trump, but with any normal republican president, Trump would say it on national TV, not in the privacy of the oval office, and that was part of his appeal.

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As I said, the way to deal with Thomas is through the DOJ and investigate Crow too. Joe does not interfere in the DOJ, but he needs to tell Garland that he has his full support for prosecuting another branch of government for any wrongdoing by any justice and make it public, like in a speech. Thomas broke the law and should be prosecuted, arguments that it would only end up in the supreme court are correct, but also invalid. If the SCOTUS refuses to uphold Thomas's jury conviction, then they are declaring that they are above the law and Joe needs to pack the court and when they gain a democratic majority impeach Thomas.

Packing the court is a dangerous tactic, becasue it opens the way for the republicans to do the same thing if and when they regain power. We'll end up with a 25 member scotus that can't ever get a fucking thing done because they're all reading each others opinions and dissents, and picking replacements will become a shopping trip to fascist-r-us for the republicans.
Packing the court is a dangerous tactic, becasue it opens the way for the republicans to do the same thing if and when they regain power. We'll end up with a 25 member scotus that can't ever get a fucking thing done because they're all reading each others opinions and dissents, and picking replacements will become a shopping trip to fascist-r-us for the republicans.
I would only pack it if it was interfering with serious matters like trying to strike down a new abortion law or stopping the federal government from dealing with guns and was on very shaky constitutional ground. I would however order the DOJ to toughly investigate all members of the court and issue a report on each one that I would make public. If any criminal activity was found, I would move for impeachment after the election and prosecution by the courts.
I would only pack it if it was interfering with serious matters like trying to strike down a new abortion law or stopping the federal government from dealing with guns and was on very shaky constitutional ground. I would however order the DOJ to toughly investigate all members of the court and issue a report on each one that I would make public. If any criminal activity was found, I would move for impeachment after the election and prosecution by the courts.
packing the court for any reason is an open invitation for the republicans to do the same thing the next time they have a chance.
While i would love to believe they'll never have the chance again, that is an empty fantasy. So it is a temporary patch that will lead to more problems down the road.
packing the court for any reason is an open invitation for the republicans to do the same thing the next time they have a chance.
While i would love to believe they'll never have the chance again, that is an empty fantasy. So it is a temporary patch that will lead to more problems down the road.
You can't worry about what the republicans will do, because they will always do their worst, this is now beyond the normal political games and has been since Mitch cheated Garland out of his seat. Don't be afraid to punch the asshole in the face because you are afraid of getting hit back! Don't be afraid of Vlad using nukes either, give the Ukrainians what they need, fear paralyzes. Don't be afraid to use the law against Thomas either and don't be afraid to prosecute his ass whether he resigns, retires or say on the court as a convicted criminal, let Roberts deal with it then or say he is above the law.

Pack the court if there is a big enough problem, otherwise leave it alone except for accountability under the law and under the same rules as any other politician or public servant. Thomas doesn't even know right from wrong FFS and is unfit.
The best proposal I've heard is to limit terms on the Supreme Court to 18 years. I think Sen. Whitehouse has proposed something similar.

One justice would be replaced every congressional term; i.e. every two years.

It would help to depoliticize the appointments and maybe restore some confidence in the court.

Beyond that, they need to implement some concrete accountability rather than let them police themselves; enough of the "Rules for thee and not for me".
packing the court for any reason is an open invitation for the republicans to do the same thing the next time they have a chance.
While i would love to believe they'll never have the chance again, that is an empty fantasy. So it is a temporary patch that will lead to more problems down the road.
I see it as a last resort. We still have other options, such as telling our legislators in plain terms to call publicly for their resignation, and to suggest Thomas get the Fortas treatment. He resigned to save his wife from litigation hell, and it seems to me that Thomas is a bit exposed in that regard.

I would not be surprised if the speculative conspiracy indictment names her. They were gonna sue Mrs. Fortas.
They would try the Djinn.
The best proposal I've heard is to limit terms on the Supreme Court to 18 years. I think Sen. Whitehouse has proposed something similar.

One justice would be replaced every congressional term; i.e. every two years.

It would help to depoliticize the appointments and maybe restore some confidence in the court.

Beyond that, they need to implement some concrete accountability rather than let them police themselves; enough of the "Rules for thee and not for me".
I see that as push-pull. You’re just as likely to seat an extremist that way as unseat one.

The one advantage I see is that justices emeriti would be fully exposed to trial for wrongdoing while in office. That may or may not have a moderating effect on their activities.
I see that as push-pull. You’re just as likely to seat an extremist that way as unseat one.

The one advantage I see is that justices emeriti would be fully exposed to trial for wrongdoing while in office. That may or may not have a moderating effect on their activities.
Accountability always leads to better performance.
You can't worry about what the republicans will do, because they will always do their worst, this is now beyond the normal political games and has been since Mitch cheated Garland out of his seat. Don't be afraid to punch the asshole in the face because you are afraid of getting hit back! Don't be afraid of Vlad using nukes either, give the Ukrainians what they need, fear paralyzes. Don't be afraid to use the law against Thomas either and don't be afraid to prosecute his ass whether he resigns, retires or say on the court as a convicted criminal, let Roberts deal with it then or say he is above the law.

Pack the court if there is a big enough problem, otherwise leave it alone except for accountability under the law and under the same rules as any other politician or public servant. Thomas doesn't even know right from wrong FFS and is unfit.
you mistake not wanting to waste time on useless gestures for fear...
I have no fear of taking full blown war to the republicans, if that is what the situation devolves into, but it is lightyears from that eventuality yet.
I have never feared putin's nukes, as I'm sure many of the posts that caused me to get mansplained to about the consequences of nuclear war can verify...I have advocated taking the war to the russians since it became clear that the Ukrainians have a MUCH better than average chance to kick them to the curb.
I have no fear of using the law to hobble thomas, but I realize that all we can do is temporarily inconvenience him...he can be tried, and convicted, but he CANNOT be forced to give up his seat on the bench, and the republican base will make him a martyr, so that when he returns to the bench, he will be even more brazen..
Theatrics are theatrics, a thin facade to cover rot, and they do nothing to fix the rot, they even draw attention away from it in some cases.
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The best proposal I've heard is to limit terms on the Supreme Court to 18 years. I think Sen. Whitehouse has proposed something similar.

One justice would be replaced every congressional term; i.e. every two years.

It would help to depoliticize the appointments and maybe restore some confidence in the court.

Beyond that, they need to implement some concrete accountability rather than let them police themselves; enough of the "Rules for thee and not for me".
fuck 18 years, 6 years is MORE than enough...They aren't politicians, they shouldn't be putting long term plans into place that need supervision, that ISN'T their job. Their job is to make sure the laws of this country are fair, equitable, and constitutional...and that is fucking IT. 6 years is PLENTY of time for that.