Justice Thomas CAUGHT in MILLION DOLLAR Criminal Fraud

Kellyanne Conway defends reported concealed Ginni Thomas payments
Former President Trump aide Kellyanne Conway on Friday defended payments she reportedly made to Virginia “Ginni” Thomas, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, at the behest of a conservative judicial activist.

The Washington Post reported Thursday that legal activist Leonard Leo instructed Conway, then a GOP pollster, to “give” Ginni Thomas “another $25K” in January 2012, emphasizing that there should be “no mention of Ginni, of course” in the paperwork.

Conway’s firm, the Polling Company, billed a nonprofit Leo advises, then known as the Judicial Education Project, for $25,000 that day, the Post reported.

In total, Conway’s Polling Company paid Thomas’s Liberty Consulting firm $80,000 between June 2011 and June 2012, according to the Post. It was expected to pay another $20,000 by the end of 2012.

Conway said Friday that Thomas was one of her contractors, emphasizing Thomas’s long history of involvement in the conservative movement.

“[Thomas] had worked with the Heritage Foundation. She was part of the grassroots, is part of the grassroots. She had worked in the Reagan administration,” Conway told Fox News. “This is a serious person who for years had worked in public policy.”

“And at the Polling Company, we did public opinion research and data analytics,” she added. “We had no business before the court.”

The Judicial Education Project, however, filed an amicus brief with the Supreme Court later in 2012, according to the Post.

Conway also appeared to connect critical reporting on Supreme Court justices to an incident last year in which a man was charged with attempted murder after he was arrested outside of Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s home carrying several weapons.

“Viciousness from 10 years ago, 11 years ago, has turned into violence now, where people are outside of Supreme Court justices’ homes trying to assassinate Justice Kavanaugh while his wife and daughters are sleeping in that home,” Conway said. “So, these people will stop at nothing.”

Justice Clarence Thomas is facing intense public scrutiny after several recent reports from ProPublica revealed the justice’s close relationship with GOP megadonor Harlan Crow.
How many more revelations like that one are we going to get? the thomases sold their souls years ago, along with any ethics they may have had,
so who can say how many shady deals and under the table pay offs have occurred since thomas was named a justice?
Oh No!

Sotomayor PROVES Corruption Runs Deep After Supreme Court Surprise Bust
It makes me sad that there seems to be no one on the entire court who can follow simple ethical guidelines that they expect lower court justices to follow. They should be called "The Inferior Court".
I haven't heard of Breyer being involved in anything sleazy, but i haven't done any deep research, either...
It makes me sad that there seems to be no one on the entire court who can follow simple ethical guidelines that they expect lower court justices to follow. They should be called "The Inferior Court".
I haven't heard of Breyer being involved in anything sleazy, but i haven't done any deep research, either...
Wait just one minute. That guy is conflating Thomas's failure to report lavish gifts from a benefactor with Sotomayor not recusing herself from a case involving a book publisher with whom she had done business AND had reported according to the rules.

No rules exist regarding whether judges have to recuse themselves on cases unrelated to a publisher, even if past business was done with said publisher. This is not the same as receiving money from a large political donor and then hiding it by not declaring it as Thomas did.

What Sotomayor did was not a corrupt act regardless what The Damage Report" of The Young Turks says. That site has been pushing the "both sides bad" false narrative for years.

The Young Turks


Wait just one minute. That guy is conflating Thomas's failure to report lavish gifts from a benefactor with Sotomayor not recusing herself from a case involving a book publisher with whom she had done business AND had reported according to the rules.

No rules exist regarding whether judges have to recuse themselves on cases unrelated to a publisher, even if past business was done with said publisher. This is not the same as receiving money from a large political donor and then hiding it by not declaring it as Thomas did.

What Sotomayor did was not a corrupt act regardless what The Damage Report" of The Young Turks says. That site has been pushing the "both sides bad" false narrative for years.

The Young Turks

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bottom line, she disclosed.
obstruction on top of lies...and the hypocrisy of republican politicians..."the goal of this is to discredit thomas." No motherfucking shit, asshole, if he didn't do anything, there won't be anything that will descredit him, will there?
Of course, the GOP doesn't really give a fuck about this, they got half the country in their pockets and these corrupt justices are on their team, so if Trump is doing several points better in the polls than Biden, WTF does that tell you about the American electorate? Something is jerking their fucking chains so hard their heads have popped clean off! If they got rid of Thomas, I doubt Joe could get anybody confirmed to replace them even if he won another term because there wouldn't be enough time in this one according to Mitch.
Of course, the GOP doesn't really give a fuck about this, they got half the country in their pockets and these corrupt justices are on their team, so if Trump is doing several points better in the polls than Biden, WTF does that tell you about the American electorate? Something is jerking their fucking chains so hard their heads have popped clean off! If they got rid of Thomas, I doubt Joe could get anybody confirmed to replace them even if he won another term because there wouldn't be enough time in this one according to Mitch.

All I can say is that Thomas is one humongous piece of shit , and bet he's
aways been one ! His f'ing ass should be thrown in prison for the rest of his life .
A retired judge wrote this letter to Roberts, resigning from the Supreme Court Bar.
It's over three years old, but brilliantly describes the current court.
He doesn't hide his disdain.

Chief Justice of the United States
One First Street, N.E.Washington, D.C. 20543
March 11, 2020

Dear Chief Justice Roberts:

I hereby resign my membership in the Supreme Court Bar.

This was not an easy decision. I have been a member of the Supreme Court Bar since 1972, far longer than you have, and appeared before the Court, both in person and on briefs, on several occasions as Deputy and First Deputy Attorney General of Hawaii before being appointed as a Hawaii District Court judge in 1986. I have a high regard for the work of the Federal Judiciary and taught the Federal Courts course at the University of Hawaii Richardson School of Law for a decade in the 1980s and 1990s. This due regard spanned the tenures of Chief Justices Warren, Burger, and Rehnquist before your appointment and confirmation in 2005. I have not always agreed with the Court’s decisions, but until recently I have generally seen them as products of mainstream legal reasoning, whether liberal or conservative. The legal conservatism I have respected– that of, for example, Justice Lewis Powell, Alexander Bickel or Paul Bator– at a minimum enshrined the idea of stare decisis and eschewed the idea of radical change in legal doctrine for political ends.

I can no longer say that with any confidence. You are doing far more— and far worse– than “calling balls and strikes.” You are allowing the Court to become an “errand boy” for an administration that has little respect for the rule of law.

The Court, under your leadership and with your votes, has wantonly flouted established precedent. Your “conservative” majority has cynically undermined basic freedoms by hypocritically weaponizing others. The ideas of free speech and religious liberty have been transmogrified to allow officially sanctioned bigotry and discrimination, as well as to elevate the grossest forms of political bribery beyond the ability of the federal government or states to rationally regulate it. More than a score of decisions during your tenure have overturned established precedents—some more than forty years old– and you voted with the majority in most. There is nothing “conservative” about this trend. This is radical “legal activism” at its worst.

Without trying to write a law review article, I believe that the Court majority, under your leadership, has become little more than a result-oriented extension of the right wing of the Republican Party, as vetted by the Federalist Society. Yes, politics has always been a factor in the Court’s history, but not to today’s extent. Even routine rules of statutory construction get subverted or ignored to achieve transparently political goals. The rationales of “textualism” and “originalism” are mere fig leaves masking right wing political goals; sheer casuistry.

Your public pronouncements suggest that you seem concerned about the legitimacy of the Court in today’s polarized environment. We all should be. Yet your actions, despite a few bromides about objectivity, say otherwise.

It is clear to me that your Court is willfully hurtling back to the cruel days of Lochner and even Plessy. The only constitutional freedoms ultimately recognized may soon be limited to those useful to wealthy, Republican, White, straight, Christian, and armed males— and the corporations they control. This is wrong. Period. This is not America.

I predict that your legacy will ultimately be as diminished as that of Chief Justice Melville Fuller, who presided over both Plessy and Lochner. It still could become that of his revered fellow Justice John Harlan the elder, an honest conservative, but I doubt that it will. Feel free to prove me wrong.

The Supreme Court of the United States is respected when it wields authority and not mere power. As has often been said, you are infallible because you are final, but not the other way around.

I no longer have respect for you or your majority, and I have little hope for change. I can’t vote you out of office because you have life tenure, but I can withdraw whatever insignificant support my Bar membership might seem to provide.

Please remove my name from the rolls.

With deepest regret,

James Dannenberg

I find the use of the term “foot fault” revealing. To Crow, the whole thing is a game, and once you’re a billionaire, the rules become guidelines.

I find the use of the term “foot fault” revealing. To Crow, the whole thing is a game, and once you’re a billionaire, the rules become guidelines.

Billionaires will do billionaire things, and not understanding/caring about optics is a luxury they can afford. That being said, did Harlan Crow actually break any laws or rules that apply to him? We know Clarence did and he should be removed because of how egregious his behaviour has been, but that's on Clarence not Harlan.
Billionaires will do billionaire things, and not understanding/caring about optics is a luxury they can afford. That being said, did Harlan Crow actually break any laws or rules that apply to him? We know Clarence did and he should be removed because of how egregious his behaviour has been, but that's on Clarence not Harlan.
Hard to say. These guys lie as naturally as the rest of us breathe.

It’s like dealing with forum trolls: the effort needed to address their obvious bulgogi is an order of magnitude greater than they put into the deception in the first place.

So while I think it’s a foregone conclusion that he did, proving it to court standards is an uphill slog.

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