Justice Thomas CAUGHT in MILLION DOLLAR Criminal Fraud

I agree, unlikely he would get Clarence in his hot seat, Ari has got a surprising number of on-air confessions from Trump's cronies and minions. The heat is on Thomas and the SCOTUS, and Ari and other members of the legal community are doing their best to raise it to unbearable levels. Merrick Garland was laughing his ass off at Thomas corruption jokes at the WHCD and they are now being mocked daily as the senate holds hearings. He challenged him on air though and Ari has one of those cable legal shows that lawyers and others in the legal community take seriously and watch. There is so much corruption with Trump, the republicans and the SCOTUS, that it now supports a community of legal shows on cable and YouTube hosted by lawyers, and they most often have lawyers or other legal experts on as guests. You could say Ari called him out and the senate already called Roberts out and I think subpoena's will be the next move.
I think that a subpoena of a sitting justice is effectively a suggestion.

I think that a subpoena of a sitting justice is effectively a suggestion.

They can also subpoena, the SCOTUS staff, their wives and benefactors like Crow. If they subpoena the justices and only the liberal ones show up, how does that look? Pro publica did this investigation of Thomas, imagine what the FBI could find out with a proper investigation of not just Thomas, but of all the justices and now they have grounds to believe laws were broken. If their cases end up in their own laps with a refusal to recuse, so much the better. Like a corrupt cop, all the cases they had before and were involved in are now in question. Thomas was the deciding vote on citizens united and Harlan Crow had an interest in that case.
They can also subpoena, the SCOTUS staff, their wives and benefactors like Crow. If they subpoena the justices and only the liberal ones show up, how does that look? Pro publica did this investigation of Thomas, imagine what the FBI could find out with a proper investigation of not just Thomas, but of all the justices and now they have grounds to believe laws were broken. If their cases end up in their own laps with a refusal to recuse, so much the better. Like a corrupt cop, all the cases they had before and were involved in are now in question. Thomas was the deciding vote on citizens united and Harlan Crow had an interest in that case.
the Djinn is the weak link. I would not be surprised if she’s being quietly investigated.
the Djinn is the weak link. I would not be surprised if she’s being quietly investigated.
I'm pretty sure all this has caught the attention of JUDGE Garland and he is particularly keen about the integrity of the judicial system and has taken pains to try and increase public confidence in the legal system. I'm sure this burns Merrick's ass and would be right up the public integrity division's ally, but they are all working for Jack now! o_O
I agree, unlikely he would get Clarence in his hot seat, Ari has got a surprising number of on-air confessions from Trump's cronies and minions. The heat is on Thomas and the SCOTUS, and Ari and other members of the legal community are doing their best to raise it to unbearable levels. Merrick Garland was laughing his ass off at Thomas corruption jokes at the WHCD and they are now being mocked daily as the senate holds hearings. He challenged him on air though and Ari has one of those cable legal shows that lawyers and others in the legal community take seriously and watch. There is so much corruption with Trump, the republicans and the SCOTUS, that it now supports a community of legal shows on cable and YouTube hosted by lawyers, and they most often have lawyers or other legal experts on as guests. You could say Ari called him out and the senate already called Roberts out and I think subpoena's will be the next move.
LOL, true that

GOP have been playing legal shenanigans to cover up their illegal shenanigans for so long that I now actuallly seek out articles and vids that explain legal processes. I never even heard about a Special Master or what their role is before Judge Canon imposed one on the DOJ. But I do now.

Same with what's going down in NY and DA Bragg. I would never have cared to understand the complexities of what should be a very dry and boring case of fraudulent documents.

It's just like any competition. One side starts using new tactics and the other side adjusts. GOP starts acting like gangsters and Democrats start learning how the FBI takes them down.
LOL, true that

GOP have been playing legal shenanigans to cover up their illegal shenanigans for so long that I now actuallly seek out articles and vids that explain legal processes. I never even heard about a Special Master or what their role is before Judge Canon imposed one on the DOJ. But I do now.

Same with what's going down in NY and DA Bragg. I would never have cared to understand the complexities of what should be a very dry and boring case of fraudulent documents.

It's just like any competition. One side starts using new tactics and the other side adjusts. GOP starts acting like gangsters and Democrats start learning how the FBI takes them down.
The Untouchables comes to mind.
LOL, true that

GOP have been playing legal shenanigans to cover up their illegal shenanigans for so long that I now actuallly seek out articles and vids that explain legal processes. I never even heard about a Special Master or what their role is before Judge Canon imposed one on the DOJ. But I do now.

Same with what's going down in NY and DA Bragg. I would never have cared to understand the complexities of what should be a very dry and boring case of fraudulent documents.

It's just like any competition. One side starts using new tactics and the other side adjusts. GOP starts acting like gangsters and Democrats start learning how the FBI takes them down.
Trump university has provided anybody with a legal education for free if they want one! I mean ya might not be able to plead cases or pass the bar exam, but you do end up with a reasonable understanding of the legal hoops and jargon! Since Trump has broken fucking near every law on the books, ya get to cover them all! :lol:
Trump university has provided anybody with a legal education for free if they want one! I mean ya might not be able to plead cases or pass the bar exam, but you do end up with a reasonable understanding of the legal hoops and jargon! Since Trump has broken fucking near every law on the books, ya get to cover them all! :lol:
Before Trump, I was aware that the wealthy are above the laws we common people live by. Now I know how much it costs them.
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Report: Judicial activist paid Clarence Thomas’s wife, urged ‘no mention of Ginni’

218,629 views May 4, 2023 #msnbc #clarencethomas #supremecourt
The Washington Post reports that documents show judicial activist Leonard Leo directed $25k to Clarence Thomas’s wife, but emphasized the paperwork should have “No mention of Ginni, of course.”

Report: Judicial activist paid Clarence Thomas’s wife, urged ‘no mention of Ginni’

218,629 views May 4, 2023 #msnbc #clarencethomas #supremecourt
The Washington Post reports that documents show judicial activist Leonard Leo directed $25k to Clarence Thomas’s wife, but emphasized the paperwork should have “No mention of Ginni, of course.”
I want to see that look on her face, or worse, every time i see her...
I want to see the stark realization that the ride has ended, and the crimes that were committed aren't going away.
They can't regret the things they have done, so they should at least regret getting caught and punished.
yeah, aren't those supposed to be used by people coming out of bankruptcy?
i don't see the relevance, actually, but it just seems like another oddity in an already very odd situation.
Could be still in bankruptcy under a plan. Hardly seems insolvent if they can dole out the $6/mo distribution if it is categorized as a distribution that is. Just weird. Bankruptcies were made for billionaires apparently.
This is the guy who walked Roberts through his confirmation hearing as part of Dubya's administration, so he has some insights. He is one of many conservatives who walked out of the GOP when they went full fascist under Trump and then turned on them as a threat to the US constitution and a real and present danger to the nation. I believe he also teaches political science.

Steve Schmidt explains how Clarence Thomas broke the Supreme Court & who can fix it | The Warning

5,228 views May 5, 2023
Steve Schmidt breaks down how Clarence Thomas has broken America's trust in the Supreme Court, He discusses how Thomas has abused his power since his confirmation hearing in 1991. He then calls on Chief Justice John Roberts to condemn Thomas's actions and lays out 4 potential reforms for the Supreme Court.
Kellyanne Conway defends reported concealed Ginni Thomas payments
Former President Trump aide Kellyanne Conway on Friday defended payments she reportedly made to Virginia “Ginni” Thomas, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, at the behest of a conservative judicial activist.

The Washington Post reported Thursday that legal activist Leonard Leo instructed Conway, then a GOP pollster, to “give” Ginni Thomas “another $25K” in January 2012, emphasizing that there should be “no mention of Ginni, of course” in the paperwork.

Conway’s firm, the Polling Company, billed a nonprofit Leo advises, then known as the Judicial Education Project, for $25,000 that day, the Post reported.

In total, Conway’s Polling Company paid Thomas’s Liberty Consulting firm $80,000 between June 2011 and June 2012, according to the Post. It was expected to pay another $20,000 by the end of 2012.

Conway said Friday that Thomas was one of her contractors, emphasizing Thomas’s long history of involvement in the conservative movement.

“[Thomas] had worked with the Heritage Foundation. She was part of the grassroots, is part of the grassroots. She had worked in the Reagan administration,” Conway told Fox News. “This is a serious person who for years had worked in public policy.”

“And at the Polling Company, we did public opinion research and data analytics,” she added. “We had no business before the court.”

The Judicial Education Project, however, filed an amicus brief with the Supreme Court later in 2012, according to the Post.

Conway also appeared to connect critical reporting on Supreme Court justices to an incident last year in which a man was charged with attempted murder after he was arrested outside of Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s home carrying several weapons.

“Viciousness from 10 years ago, 11 years ago, has turned into violence now, where people are outside of Supreme Court justices’ homes trying to assassinate Justice Kavanaugh while his wife and daughters are sleeping in that home,” Conway said. “So, these people will stop at nothing.”

Justice Clarence Thomas is facing intense public scrutiny after several recent reports from ProPublica revealed the justice’s close relationship with GOP megadonor Harlan Crow.