Justice Thomas CAUGHT in MILLION DOLLAR Criminal Fraud

Hmm, r u a political novelist in the style of Orwell, or Swift or somebody?
You're a great writer, and a greater optimist. You're a valuable member of RIU!
How much of an optimist do you have to be?

He has been indicted in NY trial Dec 04 There will be more pending criminal indictments coming out of NY

Georgia announced a time frame for his indictments there and it looks like it will be for conspiracy and there are reports she has people cooperating.

Jack Smith is finishing up his document's investigation and is at Trump's inner circle over the J6 both cases are in the end stages, though I think there will be other indictments later for other political figures.

Some secretaries of state said they would not put Trump on the ballot because he is an insurrectionist, even if not convicted. Trump would have to sue to get on the ballot and he probably would not win the suit.

The base appears to be sticking with Trump and that means the republican candidates will too, at least until their primaries. The longer Donald runs around loose the more locked in he becomes as the nominee and could win it from a prison cell. If he wins the republican nomination despite his legal troubles and Jack convicts him of insurrection and conspiracy to commit insurrection, he will be disqualified by law from holding any federal office. He might end up leaving the republicans high and dry with no challenger to Biden.

It sounds completely absurd, but the polls are showing that the republican base is 80% behind Trump, even with all the shit listed above coming at him. Facts don't matter to them, and they are also profoundly stupid. It might sound nuts and it would be, if they weren't fucking nuts! Just look at the current situation! :lol: I'm not an optimist when it comes to this, I'm a realist! I am optimistic by nurture, not nature on most things because a pessimist never does anything, they give up before they begin.
I don’t like it. He has been prognosticating for two years now with little success.

More importantly, the whole timing nonsense supports the idea that DOJ is ultimately political. While that man’s minions plainly were so, I think this administration’s picks are working hard to bring it back to an institution founded on principle.

All this talk about strategic timing cynically discredits that.
i think Garland may be subconsciously timing it to avoid the appearance of partisanship....He seems incredibly over focused on image, and avoiding any situation where anyone could conceivably say he is biased.
But I would totally put a trial off till a month or so before the primaries, and then i would come out with my most damning evidence and keep it in the face of the press daily...but i don't work for an institution founded on principals.
How much of an optimist do you have to be?

He has been indicted in NY trial Dec 04 There will be more pending criminal indictments coming out of NY

Georgia announced a time frame for his indictments there and it looks like it will be for conspiracy and there are reports she has people cooperating.

Jack Smith is finishing up his document's investigation and is at Trump's inner circle over the J6 both cases are in the end stages, though I think there will be other indictments later for other political figures.

Some secretaries of state said they would not put Trump on the ballot because he is an insurrectionist, even if not convicted. Trump would have to sue to get on the ballot and he probably would not win the suit.

The base appears to be sticking with Trump and that means the republican candidates will too, at least until their primaries. The longer Donald runs around loose the more locked in he becomes as the nominee and could win it from a prison cell. If he wins the republican nomination despite his legal troubles and Jack convicts him of insurrection and conspiracy to commit insurrection, he will be disqualified by law from holding any federal office. He might end up leaving the republicans high and dry with no challenger to Biden.

It sounds completely absurd, but the polls are showing that the republican base is 80% behind Trump, even with all the shit listed above coming at him. Facts don't matter to them, and they are also profoundly stupid. It might sound nuts and it would be, if they weren't fucking nuts! Just look at the current situation! :lol: I'm not an optimist when it comes to this, I'm a realist! I am optimistic by nurture, not nature on most things because a pessimist never does anything, they give up before they begin.
polls show that 70% of primary voters are behind trump...that's quite different than 80% of the entire base...
i think Garland may be subconsciously timing it to avoid the appearance of partisanship....He seems incredibly over focused on image, and avoiding any situation where anyone could conceivably say he is biased.
But I would totally put a trial off till a month or so before the primaries, and then i would come out with my most damning evidence and keep it in the face of the press daily...but i don't work for an institution founded on principals.
The way things are going it’s possible (not probable, but …) that that man will be defendant in Georgia before in NYC.
polls show that 70% of primary voters are behind trump...that's quite different than 80% of the entire base...
My mistake 70% of primary voters are the only voters who count when it comes to picking candidates. The fact he has such high numbers considering the shit he is in is amazing and I do hope they keep it up! That's why I don't want to see the dumb cunt get locked up yet, but that is a possibility too and if Jack is taking his time with indicting Trump...
slow is sure, whippersnapper; I’m not all-fired to die fast like kids today
~ wicked denture-smacking sounds~
I have never understood old people who drive 5 miles an hour. The closer i get to death the less time i feel i have to waste.
Unless it's just to piss off tailgating punks, then i can waste some time.