Justice Thomas CAUGHT in MILLION DOLLAR Criminal Fraud

well, no they can't...and even if they did, they have no authority to enforce a supreme court justices behavior. If he broke laws, it has to be proven in court, and even that would not actually vacate their position on the bench, they would still have to be impeached, even in a prison cell.
Then force the issue and frame it like Trump, nobody is above the law. If he won't retire then he can go to prison in his robes or the SCOTUS will say they are above the law, or they will end up voting to uphold his conviction. He might be a justice, but he is also a civil servant and paid by Uncle Sam and when he pays you, he comes first and nobody else comes near you. Think how perfect a setup it could be, them going to the wall over Thomas and declaring themselves above the law. Next stop impeachment investigations for those justices who voted that they are above the law, this needs to be settled before Clarence decides to shoot someone on 5th avenue.

It's all moot though, if the democrats don't own the congress with an effective majority and the presidency.

During Joe's second term Garland can retire and Joe could appoint Jack Smith as his replacement, after he sends Trump, his cronies and lots of republicans to prison. That should get the attention of any maga leftovers. Jack the giant killer will be a legal legend by election day or by inauguration day, let's see how many he can nail on the first round of conspiracy indictments. When the indictments for the J6 conspiracy drop it could include hundreds and every one of them would be as guilty under the law as Trump himself, it encourages rats and not all of them are rich and lawyering up will ruin them financially.
Then force the issue and frame it like Trump, nobody is above the law. If he won't retire then he can go to prison in his robes or the SCOTUS will say they are above the law, or they will end up voting to uphold his conviction. He might be a justice, but he is also a civil servant and paid by Uncle Sam and when he pays you, he comes first and nobody else comes near you. Think how perfect a setup it could be, them going to the wall over Thomas and declaring themselves above the law. Next stop impeachment investigations for those justices who voted that they are above the law, this needs to be settled before Clarence decides to shoot someone on 5th avenue.

It's all moot though, if the democrats don't own the congress with an effective majority and the presidency.

During Joe's second term Garland can retire and Joe could appoint Jack Smith as his replacement, after he sends Trump, his cronies and lots of republicans to prison. That should get the attention of any maga leftovers. Jack the giant killer will be a legal legend by election day or by inauguration day, let's see how many he can nail on the first round of conspiracy indictments. When the indictments for the J6 conspiracy drop it could include hundreds and every one of them would be as guilty under the law as Trump himself, it encourages rats and not all of them are rich and lawyering up will ruin them financially.
it's not an issue you can force without rewriting the document we're trying to stop them from rewriting...It takes a 2/3rds majority...If we remove a justice without a 2/3rds majority, then we're fascist criminals too...AND it leaves the republicans an opening to do the same fucking thing when they have the whitehouse again, which will eventually happen.

Why don't we see what jack the giant killer ends up doing before we name him AG? so far all he has done is scare the shit out of trump, and while i like that, it doesn't get anything else accomplished. He has a good reputation, and by all accounts has been busy, but it's all anecdotal till the fecal material intersects the rotating inclined plane...
In an effort to reduce corruption you design a system of government with checks and balances but if obvious corruption is exposed and nothing is done, what’s the fucking point?

Thomas needs to be impeached.
He does, but he can't be...The only way to do that would be a constitutional amendment, which requires a 2/3rds vote in the house AND the senate...If we had that, we wouldn't need to amend the constitution, we could just impeach the lying bastard.
It seems the only way to get rid if him is to prosecute him and incarcerate him. He can and probably will retain his seat until the republicans regain some measure of power, and then he would resign, allowing them to fill his seat with someone exactly as bad as he is.
But at least his ass would be in jail, and not writing offensively hateful opinions...
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He does, but he can't be...The only way to do that would would be a constitutional amendment, which requires a 2/3rds vote in the house AND the senate...If we had that, we wouldn't need to amend the constitution, we could just impeach the lying bastard.
It seems the only way to get rid if him is to prosecute him and incarcerate him. He can and probably will retain his seat until the republicans regain some measure of power, and then he would resign, allowing them to fill his seat with someone exactly as bad as he is.
But at least his ass would be in jail, and not writing offensively hateful opinions...
Offensively hateful opinions from prison have precedent. Bet his sugar daddy has a signed copy.

Think what would happen if "liberal" justices were doing this kind of shit? Would the republicans be holding impeachment investigations? Dragging them through shit and calling them criminals, have hundreds of people protesting in front of the SCOTUS every day and on TV. Protestors camped outside their houses. You are fucking right they would in a heartbeat, guilty or not they would get rid of them, and most liberals would help them.

That was done by republicans 40 years ago over nothing to get rid of a justice. You just keep dragging them and the court through the shit every day of the week and simply refuse to tolerate Thomas or others who broke the law on the bench, even ones like this. Do it until you gain power in the house and then go to town with impeachment investigations. Other investigations on all members of the court, since corruption has been found among several of them, including at their confirmations. You might not bring it to a house vote for most, others can be tried in the senate, if there is a case and even if found not guilty by the republicans they are still impeached, just like Trump.

Meanwhile if they broke the law indict them, a higher standard is required for judges and justices. Let their cases go through the court system and let lower court judges preside over things they would be jailed for; juries make the call. I would not rest, and I would give them any either, everything would be on the table for Thomas and lots for the rest, where there is reason to believe they are corrupt. Settle this unsettled issue of whether these clowns can be tried by their own court system at least. You need a house majority to investigate and impeach and that is another thing Garland should be helping out with, I've seen evidence in the press that republican senators and house members were involved in the insurrection, another bunch above the law it appears.

The republicans have infiltrated all the major institutions of democratic government with fascists, none of them are loyal to their oaths and this has been demonstrated repeatedly, party comes before country. I'm making the shocking proposition that the constitution and country comes before all else, including the party and the great white leader. You really do need to make it a crime when someone violates their oaths of office and apply mandatory minimums.

This shit has to END!
DJT prancing about over two years from J6th, no inditemets, Uncle Clarence flaunting the law, Repugnican MAGAts unindited after seditious Conspiracies, Merrrick #Gutless Garland fiddle fucking about while all this is going on.
I say we march in all the State Capitals and Washington DC on July the 4th and declare Independence Day once again! Independence from Rich White fuckers, independence from useless AG's and cowardly Congress Seditionists!

March and tell Old Handsome Joe to get off the couch and ENFORCE the LAW, God Damn it!

Or, maybe I'm just too pissed off?
This shit has to END!
DJT prancing about over two years from J6th, no inditemets, Uncle Clarence flaunting the law, Repugnican MAGAts unindited after seditious Conspiracies, Merrrick #Gutless Garland fiddle fucking about while all this is going on.
I say we march in all the State Capitals and Washington DC on July the 4th and declare Independence Day once again! Independence from Rich White fuckers, independence from useless AG's and cowardly Congress Seditionists!

March and tell Old Handsome Joe to get off the couch and ENFORCE the LAW, God Damn it!

Or, maybe I'm just too pissed off?
Here is why, Trump will be running against Joe from a prison cell after multiple state and federal convictions. Next year will be an election year and there will be many trials and convictions then, because the public has the memory of a fucking gnat. It will gut the GOP in the swing states with fake elector indictments. After Jack puts Trump away for life over the Top-Secret documents and obstruction of justice, he will have the luxury of indicting hundreds of them for seditious conspiracy over J6 and not be concerned about the Kingpin getting off. I think Jack has a very solid seditious conspiracy case and can also indict them for their individual crimes too. If you are a hitman for the mob and they are busted for a criminal conspiracy, you would be indicted for conspiracy and for the murders you committed as part of it.

So, this summer the indictments will drop, and the trials will be during primary season right after the new year and into the spring and summer of 2024. It will bring J6 back with convictions right before the election and I think it was timed that way, aside from the wheels of justice grinding slowly. Garland is the only one with the power to do this and 24 is a critical election, he is not cowardly, he is political, and he is not alone, the states also took their time, in NY and in Georgia. Garland never went after the higher ups until the J6 panel was finished, he was busy busting the suckers who invaded the capitol.

This shit has to END!
DJT prancing about over two years from J6th, no inditemets, Uncle Clarence flaunting the law, Repugnican MAGAts unindited after seditious Conspiracies, Merrrick #Gutless Garland fiddle fucking about while all this is going on.
I say we march in all the State Capitals and Washington DC on July the 4th and declare Independence Day once again! Independence from Rich White fuckers, independence from useless AG's and cowardly Congress Seditionists!

March and tell Old Handsome Joe to get off the couch and ENFORCE the LAW, God Damn it!

Or, maybe I'm just too pissed off?
You can't solve America's problems until you gain power and break the back of the MAGA movement and the media that supports fascism in America and kills Americans with bullshit for profit. You need all three, POTUS, house and enough in the senate to get rid of the filibuster and pass laws with a simple majority. Then things can happen, and fascism would have trouble rising from the fucking grave you would put it in, along with foxnews, and any wannabes.
So you are saying to play political games is more important than enforcing the Law?

Joe has the power to do what is necessary. Replace #Gutless and tell the DOJ to roll up the False Electors and the Seditious Congress Critters in the "Green Bay Sweep" conspiracies. This will remove most of the Rethug's majority in the House and send a message that Fascists are not allowed to fuck around in our democracy. God Damn it this shit is really pissing me off.
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Now there is a concept, reverse verification, the 2020 election, J6 and the war in Ukraine come to mind, because Tucker had "questions". Here is how you undermine democracy, did J6 really happen? it was just a tourist visit?
So you are saying to play political games is more important than enforcing the Law?

Joe has the power to do what is necessary. Replace #Gutless and tell the DOJ to roll up the False Electors and the Seditious Congress Critters in the "Green Bay Sweep" conspiracies. This will remove most of the Rethug's majority in the House and send a message that Fascists are not allowed to fuck around in our democracy. God Damn it this shit is really pissing me off.
These are not games they are waging civil war on America and must be delt with strategically and that appears to be happening. Look at the polls FFS and apprehend the danger the country would be in if these fucks win in 24. 22 was an off year and everybody expected big gains by the GOP, in spite of J6 and open fucking treason by them. Kevin still won the house by a dozen seats and Trump is still only just behind Biden in the polls, considering all that has happened with Trump since the 2020 election. It means that 40% of Americans are full blown fascists, no better than fucking nazis and probably another 20% don't know their assholes from a hole in the ground and are "confused". So yeah, you'd better pull out all the stops if you want to save your country and get any measure of justice. You can't afford to be pissed off at the little things, because there is a bigger fight afoot.
So you are saying to play political games is more important than enforcing the Law?

Joe has the power to do what is necessary. Replace #Gutless and tell the DOJ to roll up the False Electors and the Seditious Congress Critters in the "Green Bay Sweep" conspiracies. This will remove most of the Rethug's majority in the House and send a message that Fascists are not allowed to fuck around in our democracy. God Damn it this shit is really pissing me off.
"Gutless" has been annoying me too, but he put a serious person on the job, and by all accounts Jack Smith is taking it seriously. While i would love to see indictment headlines tomorrow, there are other things to consider.
Smith appears to be treating the Jan. 6th investigation like a Rico case, which would take all of them down at the same time, but you HAVE to have your case airtight, If one weasel finds a loophole, they all squeeze their greasy asses through it...I am not happy about waiting, but if that is what it takes to close all the holes, then so be it...
There is also the high probability that the prosecutors in all of these cases are communicating, and setting their own schedules. New york first, and Carroll, when that's over, Georgia gets him, and some of his posse, Then the feds scoop up the remains and the rest of the sedition caucus.

So catch a buzz, play a game, take a walk...and wait. Look at it as an opportunity to build character.
I've had my character built since Lyndon sent my ass to Viet Nam and the last 22 years has forged my character to be iron hard. If the Law had been enforced Trump would have been in jail, lo these last 30 years. Don't tell me to be patient when that Orange fucker is still at liberty!

The mob wanted to hang the wrong man on J6th.
After Jack puts Trump away for life over the Top-Secret documents and obstruction of justice, he will have the luxury of indicting hundreds of them for seditious conspiracy over J6 and not be concerned about the Kingpin getting off.
Hmm, r u a political novelist in the style of Orwell, or Swift or somebody?
You're a great writer, and a greater optimist. You're a valuable member of RIU!
I like how DIY-HP-LED frames this as a matter of timing. That Garland is biding his time for the
right moment, just before the 2024 election. That's when the publicity of all the trials, etc., would
have the most effect on the voters, and hurt the fascist party the most. AND, if you go hard-ass
you have to expect hard-ass back, creating chaos, death, destruction and martyrdom on the wrong
damn side. If you legally use the courts to process these bastards as they should be, it will go a long
way in convincing american voters of the validity the truth of their crimes, convictions, and sentencing.
So tho Garland looks like he's fucking around (and me too, i'm not sure if he's doing right or not), but
if his plan is to win it peacefully, legally, thru the courts, it'll go much further in convincing constituents
that the fascists were doing evil. U catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar, m'mum allus said.
I like how DIY-HP-LED frames this as a matter of timing. That Garland is biding his time for the
right moment, just before the 2024 election. That's when the publicity of all the trials, etc., would
have the most effect on the voters, and hurt the fascist party the most. AND, if you go hard-ass
you have to expect hard-ass back, creating chaos, death, destruction and martyrdom on the wrong
damn side. If you legally use the courts to process these bastards as they should be, it will go a long
way in convincing american voters of the validity the truth of their crimes, convictions, and sentencing.
So tho Garland looks like he's fucking around (and me too, i'm not sure if he's doing right or not), but
if his plan is to win it peacefully, legally, thru the courts, it'll go much further in convincing constituents
that the fascists were doing evil. U catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar, m'mum allus said.
I doubt he is timing the investigation. Politics is too messy for that.
I like how DIY-HP-LED frames this as a matter of timing. That Garland is biding his time for the
right moment, just before the 2024 election. That's when the publicity of all the trials, etc., would
have the most effect on the voters, and hurt the fascist party the most. AND, if you go hard-ass
you have to expect hard-ass back, creating chaos, death, destruction and martyrdom on the wrong
damn side. If you legally use the courts to process these bastards as they should be, it will go a long
way in convincing american voters of the validity the truth of their crimes, convictions, and sentencing.
So tho Garland looks like he's fucking around (and me too, i'm not sure if he's doing right or not), but
if his plan is to win it peacefully, legally, thru the courts, it'll go much further in convincing constituents
that the fascists were doing evil. U catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar, m'mum allus said.
I don’t like it. He has been prognosticating for two years now with little success.

More importantly, the whole timing nonsense supports the idea that DOJ is ultimately political. While that man’s minions plainly were so, I think this administration’s picks are working hard to bring it back to an institution founded on principle.

All this talk about strategic timing cynically discredits that.