Well-Known Member
I gave up. Nobel will have to wait.
Yeah, he'll be waiting a hell of a long time on me as well.
I gave up. Nobel will have to wait.
Are you supposed to refuse to say the word? Absolutely. If we were friends and you regularly called your wife a bitch, and told me to call her a bitch, I would respectfully decline. And neither honky not cracker carry anywhere near the weight of the other word, so that's not the same thing. Like I said before, you've got some clown ass friends. If they told you to dress up in blackface, would you do that too?
We could do this all night. I'm done.No sir, I would not dress in blackface.
But Bear, that's a long way from some trash talk between a bunch of over-the-hill friends trying to relive their high school and college glory days.
I would not call my wife a bitch because I've never associated that word with anything but negative toward women...but at lunch during basketball, we call each other "bitch" quite a bit.
I know you will never be able to accept that the n-word can be said in completely non-racist ways between blacks and whites. But please try sir. Because in my case, it really does happen to be the truth. I am not a racist. Not even close.
I support citizenship for all 11 million illegal immigrants. It that doesn't tell you I'm not a racist, I don't know what will.
We could do this all night. I'm done.
We could do this all night. I'm done.
He's just another democrat.While the U.S. settles for the fantasy that every kid has an equal shot at the American dream, Nordic social welfare systems lay the foundations for...equality. -
Today, as one of 1.6 million Americans living in Europe, I instead face hard questions about our nation. Wherever I travel, Europeans, Asians and Africans ask expatriates like me to explain everything odd or troubling about the conduct of the United States. Polite people, normally reluctant to risk offending a guest, ask pointedly about America's trigger-happiness, cutthroat free-marketeering, and "exceptionality."
Their questions share a single underlying theme: Have Americans gone over the edge? Are you crazy?
Are you supposed to refuse to say the word? Absolutely. If we were friends and you regularly called your wife a bitch, and told me to call her a bitch, I would respectfully decline. And neither honky not cracker carry anywhere near the weight of the other word, so that's not the same thing. Like I said before, you've got some clown ass friends. If they told you to dress up in blackface, would you do that too?
I support citizenship for all 11 million illegal immigrants.
ya mean the people you were calling wetbacks?
It's a good thing we don't give a fuck what a bunch of people, who we need to be the polar opposite of, think about us. Fuck them and their philosophies and lifestyles. This is the last refuge for people trying to escape that very mindset.
Fortunately, for liberal asshats, the entire rest of the world offers a veritable smorgasbord of socialist paradises. We cordially invite you to fuck off to any one of those shitholes if you actually believe your own bullshit.
You should try it, it greatly increases your enjoyment of the site. There are a couple of his parrots that repeat the same flaccid lies and conclusions with Hannity-like repetition, but, it really is a better place without him.
You understand why calling your wife Bitch isn't acceptable but you don't understand why calling black men that word is not. Clueless maybe but definitely racist.No sir, I would not dress in blackface.
But Bear, that's a long way from some trash talk between a bunch of over-the-hill friends trying to relive their high school and college glory days.
I would not call my wife a bitch because I've never associated that word with anything but negative toward women...but at lunch during basketball, we call each other "bitch" quite a bit.
I know you will never be able to accept that the n-word can be said in completely non-racist ways between blacks and whites. But please try sir. Because in my case, it really does happen to be the truth. I am not a racist. Not even close.
I support citizenship for all 11 million illegal immigrants. It that doesn't tell you I'm not a racist, I don't know what will.
Your ignorance knows no bounds. Have you ever traveled outside of the US not including a manged tour or cruise? I don't think so. What would you know of other countries and how the position of the US is changing in the world?It's a good thing we don't give a fuck what a bunch of people, who we need to be the polar opposite of, think about us. Fuck them and their philosophies and lifestyles. This is the last refuge for people trying to escape that very mindset.
Fortunately, for liberal asshats, the entire rest of the world offers a veritable smorgasbord of socialist paradises. We cordially invite you to fuck off to any one of those shitholes if you actually believe your own bullshit.
LMAO!what a racist piece of trash you are.
Dude, how can you say you are not racist? You just used a racial slur. Instead of using that slur on this forum, why don't you use that slur around a Latino, face to face, and find out first hand if it's not a racial slur? I guarantee you will reconsider.Trash? OK, I'll cop to that.
Racist? Not one bit.
Your ignorance knows no bounds. Have you ever traveled outside of the US not including a manged tour or cruise? I don't think so. What would you know of other countries and how the position of the US is changing in the world?
It really needs to be taken down to a year wait.It's not the "bullshit" they have to go thru. And it's not the cost.
It's the 17 year on average time frame to grant them a visa to come that makes them come illegally. If they could come here legally they would
What about scientists and experts, do you care about what they say?I have and far more extensively than I would have preferred. Such are the woes of a youth spent in the military. Do you EVER post anything remotely accurate?
As to the rest, fuck the rest of the world, their opinion and our effect on them. I couldn't give a shit less about the opinions of this country's liberals, let alone ones from socialist cesspools abroad.