Jeb Bush just came up with a sensible immigration plan

Why would you be surprised? I am sure you started indoctrinating him at birth.

Incorrect. I'm an anti-theist and his mother is Irish Catholic, both he and his sister were given the opportunity to develop their own religious paths. Political philosophy was handled in the same fashion.

Although politics is a subject rarely discussed in our home, we exposed them to the bullshit that comes from both sides of the aisles. Religious zealotry from one side and hair-brained naïveté from the other.

My son registered as an Independent when he turned 18 a few months back. As a family, we have no allegiance to either party and try to tackle every topic/policy from a common sense perspective with a strong reliance on highly sensitive bullshit detectors.
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Much to my surprise, he's actually more Conservative than I am. It would probably blow his mind if he ever found out his dad smokes weed and actually grew it once.

Thank you for your kind wishes for his wellbeing.

he's military age and doesn't know?:lol:

my daughters found out by accident; never suspected a thing.

when they found out they said: every kid's dream come true!:wink:

EDIT: we connected so much better afterwards..there was this 'understanding' that was never there before now existed (much different from their father that doesn't smoke pot) totally changed our relationship felt a little awkward smoking together for the first time, but that didn't last.
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Incorrect. I'm an anti-theist and his mother is Irish Catholic, both he and his sister were given the opportunity to develop their own religious paths. Political philosophy was handled in the same fashion.

Although politics is a subject rarely discussed in our home, we exposed them to the bullshit that comes from both sides of the aisles. Religious zealotry from one side and hair-brained naïveté from the other.

My son registered as an Independent when he turned 18 a few months back. As a family, we have no allegiance to either party and try to tackle every topic/policy from a common sense perspective with a strong reliance on highly sensitive bullshit detectors.
That makes a lot of sense, and if that is actually true, it sounds a lot like my household. So why no empathy for the poor? I get pleasure from helping out those less fortunate.
You're correct insofar as the opinion of one U.S. citizen being far more important than the opinion of billions of foreigners, in relation to our policies and laws.

Take your pick of countries, I wouldn't give a squirt of piss for any of them.
American exceptionalism at it's finest. Stupid ass attitudes like this are the reason that America ranks 14th in education, 44th in health care efficiency, and even 19th in national satisfaction. "America is the greatest, blah, blah, blah". Bullshit.
American exceptionalism at it's finest. Stupid ass attitudes like this are the reason that America ranks 14th in education, 44th in health care efficiency, and even 19th in national satisfaction. "America is the greatest, blah, blah, blah". Bullshit.
He doesn't speak for all Americans and for you to assume that, shows how narrow minded you are.
You better keep that mouth shut about this country that you live in. You look real ignorant degrading America, yet sticking around, for what reason? It's like complaining about being in a pile of shit, yet not getting out of the pile of shit.
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Wrong again, but close. Full ROTC scholarship to VMI. Simply a fair market transaction. A college education in exchange for eight years of military service as a commissioned officer, with pay.

so your kid gets 8 years pay and a college education thanks to the redistribution of my taxpayer dollars?

you're welcome for that.
To the first, that's simply your opinion. Some would say that committing eight years of your life to the dangers of military service for a college education is a terrible deal for the individual. Especially when the military reaps the benefits of that education.

My son would most likely respond, you, are in fact, welcome. It's the willingness to serve and so called antiquated views that make your laughably naive views possible. Good luck to you and yours as well.

you've got it backwards.

you and yours do not defend freedom, you attempt to take it away at every turn. i could go down the list of issues where you want americans to have less freedom, but it is pointless.

your welfare baby should be thanking me for the education and pay, as well as fighting to keep actual freedoms alive, not sucking up even more taxpayer dollars in some manufactured and pointless middle east conflict.