Jeb Bush just came up with a sensible immigration plan

That makes a lot of sense, and if that is actually true, it sounds a lot like my household. So why no empathy for the poor? I get pleasure from helping out those less fortunate.

because he's totally full of shit..if he truly was middle of the road, he wouldn't say the things he says here.

he has no empathy for the struggles of the poor and middle classes.
you've got it backwards.

you and yours do not defend freedom, you attempt to take it away at every turn. i could go down the list of issues where you want americans to have less freedom, but it is pointless.

your welfare baby should be thanking me for the education and pay, as well as fighting to keep actual freedoms alive, not sucking up even more taxpayer dollars in some manufactured and pointless middle east conflict.

you've got it backwards.

you and yours do not defend freedom, you attempt to take it away at every turn. i could go down the list of issues where you want americans to have less freedom, but it is pointless.

your welfare baby should be thanking me for the education and pay, as well as fighting to keep actual freedoms alive, not sucking up even more taxpayer dollars in some manufactured and pointless middle east conflict.
Don't you mean thanking your inlaws?

Sorry, couldn't resist.
Do you pay taxes on your sales?

as much as i choose to. being self employed means you get fucked in the ass having to pay FICA twice, and i am not daring enough to take any deductions.

so i calculate what my amount owed would be if i was allowed to take deductions and claim just enough income to meet that amount owed.

i would still prefer to just not pay taxes altogether on it since they want to send me to federal prison for what i do, the only reason i claim is to have a verifiable source of income for stuff like loans and refis.