Jeb Bush just came up with a sensible immigration plan

But why the fuck should I have to press "1" for English?

They came here, and now I've gotta fucking press "1" for English?

Fuck that.

citibank, which is worldwide, has integrated languages and has had them for years.

it is a convenience for those from china visiting america to be able to access mandarin, and those in china from america being able to conduct business in english.

why does it always have to be a negative with you men?:wall::dunce:
you wouldn't know enough to even understand the answer in any way. you're dumb. your math degree was wasted on an idiotic mind.

they never even use half that shit bucky, and the other half, software and calculators do the work.

if he had to do an actuarial without a scientific calculator; TB would never pass. fact.
stop, bucky!..we might need nitro to put bernie over the top..

Fuck Bernie.

You should try it, it greatly increases your enjoyment of the site. There are a couple of his parrots that repeat the same flaccid lies and conclusions with Hannity-like repetition, but, it really is a better place without him.

i have never told a lie about you or the beliefs you share with KKK grand wizard david duke, nor about your complete inability to read simple polling data.

you are just butthurt that i point out how stupid you are.
Not to mention his black friends that he repeatedly calls "nigga".

Bear, they called me "nigga" first; it's just the trash talk that's thrown around on a basketball court at lunch amongst a bunch of men who've known each other for a long time and get along pretty well.

We get along so well, in fact, that the last thing we need is someone trying to tell the black guys that they should take offense at something that does not matter a hill of beans to anybody on our court in our game; especially since they started it.
Bear, they called me "nigga" first; it's just the trash talk that's thrown around on a basketball court at lunch amongst a bunch of men who've known each other for a long time and get along pretty well.

We get along so well, in fact, that the last thing we need is someone trying to tell the black guys that they should take offense at something that does not matter a hill of beans to anybody on our court in our game; especially since they started it.
Do what you do, but I'll NEVER agree with this. If it doesn't matter, why are you doing it? Do you think that it's cute? Or do you just feel like you're getting away with something? Does it make you feel like you're "down" with something? These are serious questions? I'd like you to explain why you feel the need to take part in this.
Fuck Bernie.


While the U.S. settles for the fantasy that every kid has an equal shot at the American dream, Nordic social welfare systems lay the foundations for...equality. -

Today, as one of 1.6 million Americans living in Europe, I instead face hard questions about our nation. Wherever I travel, Europeans, Asians and Africans ask expatriates like me to explain everything odd or troubling about the conduct of the United States. Polite people, normally reluctant to risk offending a guest, ask pointedly about America's trigger-happiness, cutthroat free-marketeering, and "exceptionality."

Their questions share a single underlying theme: Have Americans gone over the edge? Are you crazy?
Do what you do, but I'll NEVER agree with this. If it doesn't matter, why are you doing it? Do you think that it's cute? Or do you just feel like you're getting away with something? Does it make you feel like you're "down" with something? These are serious questions? I'd like you to explain why you feel the need to take part in this.

I don't feel a need, but what the hell is the harm? Am I supposed to refuse to say a word that my black counterparts are saying to me pretty regular? All in fun, mind you.

If I did that, it would be more offensive to them probably than me saying it. I don't get offended when they call me "honkey" or "cracker". But then why should I? They're my friends.

Damn, would you rather blacks and whites be friends with some harmless trash talk that includes the n-word from time to time, or that we segregate ourselves on opposite sides of the fucking court?

Can't you imagine a place where a certain word doesn't automatically invoke hatred?
I don't feel a need, but what the hell is the harm? Am I supposed to refuse to say a word that my black counterparts are saying to me pretty regular? All in fun, mind you.

If I did that, it would be more offensive to them probably than me saying it. I don't get offended when they call me "honkey" or "cracker". But then why should I? They're my friends.

Damn, would you rather blacks and whites be friends with some harmless trash talk that includes the n-word from time to time, or that we segregate ourselves on opposite sides of the fucking court?

Can't you imagine a place where a certain word doesn't automatically invoke hatred?
Are you supposed to refuse to say the word? Absolutely. If we were friends and you regularly called your wife a bitch, and told me to call her a bitch, I would respectfully decline. And neither honky nor cracker carry anywhere near the weight of the other word, so that's not the same thing. Like I said before, you've got some clown ass friends. If they told you to dress up in blackface, would you do that too?
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