It's All The Fault Of Fox News


Well-Known Member
By your own post....when fox agreed 'NOT' to open a Canadian 'Faux' news service in Canada, ONLY THEN were they allowed to broadcast American generated faux news. Canada doesn't want their kind of news.....
So your ONLY evidence you present indicates you are lying. "due to concerns that Fox News U.S. and the Global Television Network were planning to create a combined American-Canadian news network." You're proving yourself a liar.


Well-Known Member
You posted this bro..... after fox agreed NOT to open a Canadian faux news channel, only then were they allowed to broadcast American generated faux news in Canada. They don't want their kind of news in Canada.....
How do you correlate " only then were they allowed to broadcast American generated faux news in Canada." with "They don't want their kind of news in Canada"?


Well-Known Member
Did doublejj insinuate the Fox news was not in Canada because they're untruthful? And dude, you're on some other planet if you think Obama looked good in that interview.
He did look good. Hair neatly trimmed, nice suit, very well-groomed. Sounded bad tho.


Well-Known Member
This thread is boring. If you can't tell Fox news is blatant propaganda you're a fucking moron. MSNBC is it's Democratic counter part. If you can't spot the selection bias as well as blatant bias on the other networks as well, you're also a moron. How hard is it to form your own opinion based on the facts, and not on someone else's opinion?
When I want you to have an opinion, I'll tell you what it is.


Well-Known Member
Do you believe the ratings make it the best, most credible, most entertaining show ever produced? Because that's the shit FOX implies when they tout their ratings, in the words of Immortal Technique; "Technique chemically unstable, set to explodeforetold by the dead sea scrolls written in codes so if your message ain't shit, fuck the records you sold 'cause if you go platinum, it's got nothing to do with luck it just means that a million people are stupid as fuck" -Immortal Technique - Industrial Revolution Replace "broadcast" with "produce". I feel this is negligible as I think it's clear you knew what I meant No, I meant that Obama metaphorically reached into his pants, pulled out his cock, and slathered it all over O'Reilly's big balding dome before pissing into his mouth, in other words, he got fucking owned, just like this 16 kid, Jesse Lang, owned him; [youtube]beJ9yJpR_DA[/youtube] From where I was sitting, he didn't dodge any questions, he treated a kid just like a little fuckin' kid, which was actually even more funny because Bill O himself knows he can't speak to the president of the United States the way he normally speaks to his guests, he had to sit there and take it like a little bitch. The best part of the interview was when O'Reilly kept saying "well your detractors say.." and the president kept replying "you and your organization say...", as nobody BUT the FOX news channel is saying the bullshit that consistently comes out of O'Reilly and Hannity's cock-sockets.
Yes, turning potty-mouth gives you much more credibility.


Well-Known Member
How can you call anyone a "left wing nut" when they agree with you that the democratic party is full of fuckin' retards, is it that they don't agree with you that the GOP is full of super heroes?
He said "left wing idiots" not "nut". Pay attention.


Well-Known Member
jon stewart on "bullshit mountain" and "alternate universe" mock debate bill o'reilly @4:16:



Well-Known Member
and stephen colbert/bill o'reilly:



New Member
No it's about 8%. The rest is total BS and anybody that believes it is a fool. An Australian company that wraps itself in the American Flag, The Bible and the 2nd Amendment no surprize they have the followers that they have.
Nah, it's 55% opinion, 45% hard news, look up Pew Research.
You're talking about MSNBC, they have the lowest percentage of real news and that's probably how you formed your far left opinion.
They're still blaming Bush and Reagan. :roll:


Active Member
Obama just doesn't understand why all media people don't get tingles up their legs like Chris Mathews does


Well-Known Member
and stephen colbert/bill o'reilly:


  • You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to schuylaar again.

Love the Colbert.

Oh, and my erection is bulbous, purple and waiting.