It looks like our President...

In a way it's not directly important to me. My lifestyle will not change living in the US, a free country. I am assuming this forum is also a free place to voice an opinion without being name called and being discreticated.
No, it is a free place to voice your opinion (within the boundaries that the mods feel necessary) with others having the freedom to call you out. Being name called and discredited is one of those things that may occur from time to time.
trumptards hate name calling

It's the whole "use their own thing against them" chapter from the redneck playbook. They think us stinky hippies project peacefulness and kindness and they're trying to leverage our kindness to benefit themselves, because they're normally the ones throwing shitty language and they don't like it when the shoe is on the other foot.

Just for fun, google "language, a key mechanism of control" and see what comes up and from who and how long ago.
probably way off target...but WTF is up with the pants/boots on the guy to the left?
was he just cleaning duckshit out of the ponds? did he just race up on a horse and leap off to take his position?
is he a secret gladiator? or am i just way the fuck behind on fashion? cause if i am, i think i'll stay behind
oh yeah, check out that crazy bitch holding the sign...