It looks like our President...

Mister I don't know where your going with your verble attack. This thread has nothing to do with your dialogue. Its obvious you're hatred of Trump and your racism towards the Jewish race, which is your perogative living in a democratic nation.
Mister I don't know where your going with your verble attack. This thread has nothing to do with your dialogue. Its obvious you're hatred of Trump and your racism towards the Jewish race, which is your perogative living in a democratic nation.

this is your thread and I'm just following up on YOUR comment asking who started it. You get all pissy when asked for clarification.

Why does it matter who started it? Your question didn't make any sense.
Good line. Nobody wants to mess with that. But your question about wife beating was a shitty line of argument.

The original question and the point of my question about wife beating remains.

Regarding the Israel and Hamas conflict in Gaza, why does it matter who initiated the violence?
Your orange jesus wants it to cease being one
Interesting, all along I thought Jesus was brown skin. And my Jesus is against violence.

this is your thread and I'm just following up on YOUR comment asking who started it. You get all pissy when asked for clarification.

Why does it matter who started it? Your question didn't make any sense.
It wasn't a question.
It's an interesting question. You'd have to go back to the BC/AD flip to find the true "owners" of the area at the time Jesus was relevant. I guess the Romans started it with their tyrannical dominance of a massive region, including modern day Israel? And since they were Christians, then it would seem that the Christians started it?
OK, so I'm asking

Why is it important to you who started it?
In a way it's not directly important to me. My lifestyle will not change living in the US, a free country. I am assuming this forum is also a free place to voice an opinion without being name called and being discreticated.
Mister I don't know where your going with your verble attack. This thread has nothing to do with your dialogue. Its obvious you're hatred of Trump and your racism towards the Jewish race, which is your perogative living in a democratic nation.
They why not just ignore them and never have to deal with it again?
Sticks and stones
Ah so it is like that for you eh.
