It looks like our President...

the palestinians fought WITH the British AGAINST the Axis forces. the "Isrealis" ( mostly Jews who had entered the country illegally staged terrorist attacks AGAINST the British, because they didn't support their Zionist movement enough to satisfy the Jews.
then when the war ended, the united nations decided to "partition" Palestine and give the larger half to the matter that the Palestinians, their allies in the war, had been living there for over 2000 years, the Palestinians didn't have an organized worldwide propaganda machine in place to get people to feel sorry for them.
it may seem like i don't like the Jews, and that's not really true, no people should have to go through the opression and prejudice that they had to endure. What i don't like is how they've treated the Palestinians since...well, i was going to say 1948, but i guess it goes back a couple of thousand years before that...
Now they seem just like another (very vocal, violent) faction amid the unrest that's always existed in the middle east. One that we've tried to ally with, and that now seems to be a very, very poor ally
the palestinians fought WITH the British AGAINST the Axis forces. the "Isrealis" ( mostly Jews who had entered the country illegally staged terrorist attacks AGAINST the British, because they didn't support their Zionist movement enough to satisfy the Jews.
then when the war ended, the united nations decided to "partition" Palestine and give the larger half to the matter that the Palestinians, their allies in the war, had been living there for over 2000 years, the Palestinians didn't have an organized worldwide propaganda machine in place to get people to feel sorry for them.
it may seem like i don't like the Jews, and that's not really true, no people should have to go through the opression and prejudice that they had to endure. What i don't like is how they've treated the Palestinians since...well, i was going to say 1948, but i guess it goes back a couple of thousand years before that...
Now they seem just like another (very vocal, violent) faction amid the unrest that's always existed in the middle east. One that we've tried to ally with, and that now seems to be a very, very poor ally
If you want to go that far why not bring up the Jews persecuted and thrown out of the land God gave them? The World Wide Propaganda Machine? Might be brought to the forefront by a man with a little funny mustache who had millions of Jews killed. In the 2000 years you talk of Palestinians were a mongrel race with different ruling peoples owning the land at different times. Sadly it is not a region with a simple history with simple solutions. I really think the Romans should hold title to the land. They did bring a lot of good thing to civilization.
Great question, Kelly, here’s another: why does Israel treat Palestinians the way Germany used to treat Jews? Are we supposed to be on Israel’s side for becoming oppressors in their own right? Should we say,”fuck the Indians” too, since all we did to them is what Israel’s been doing to their indigenous population?

oh, and what about “the right of return”? Israeli policy is that any Jew, anywhere, can come “home”to Israel and become a citizen…nice, but Palestinians driven off their ancestral lands and out of the country by the Israelis have no right to anything at all - much less returning to claim their land and homes.

And while we’re at it, WHY are WE paying for better social services and health care for *Israelis* than we do for our own population?

James Hagee “loves” Israel…elect *him* president
If you want to go that far why not bring up the Jews persecuted and thrown out of the land God gave them? The World Wide Propaganda Machine? Might be brought to the forefront by a man with a little funny mustache who had millions of Jews killed. In the 2000 years you talk of Palestinians were a mongrel race with different ruling peoples owning the land at different times. Sadly it is not a region with a simple history with simple solutions. I really think the Romans should hold title to the land. They did bring a lot of good thing to civilization.
“A mongrel race”, eh? Sure you want to be adopting Nazi principles for this sort of thing?
“A mongrel race”, eh? Sure you want to be adopting Nazi principles for this sort of thing?
So you are saying there was not a lot of genetic mixing in the 2,000 years that the poster brought up? And after the Jews pushed them out, the Muslim countries that did not want them as refugees? The Palestinians were not on par with them enough to invite them into their countries.

No way home: The tragedy of the Palestinian diaspora
You might think Palestinian refugees would be welcomed by their Arab neighbours, yet they are denied basic rights and citizenship

The Palistinians were looked at the same way as the Kurds. Ultimately they get sold out by their friends. I have no Nazi tendencies to them. Their friends are the problem. Why are they now making peace deals with Israel? Because the Palestinians are disposable.
If you want to go that far why not bring up the Jews persecuted and thrown out of the land God gave them? The World Wide Propaganda Machine? Might be brought to the forefront by a man with a little funny mustache who had millions of Jews killed. In the 2000 years you talk of Palestinians were a mongrel race with different ruling peoples owning the land at different times. Sadly it is not a region with a simple history with simple solutions. I really think the Romans should hold title to the land. They did bring a lot of good thing to civilization.

Pretty sure neanderthal had that land prior to homo sapien. Those with largest neanderthal genes should be granted ownership.
I thought Kushner brought ever lasting peace to the Middle East. Just saying.

he did- he touched the wall in jewish mind meld.
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the palestinians fought WITH the British AGAINST the Axis forces. the "Isrealis" ( mostly Jews who had entered the country illegally staged terrorist attacks AGAINST the British, because they didn't support their Zionist movement enough to satisfy the Jews.
then when the war ended, the united nations decided to "partition" Palestine and give the larger half to the matter that the Palestinians, their allies in the war, had been living there for over 2000 years, the Palestinians didn't have an organized worldwide propaganda machine in place to get people to feel sorry for them.
it may seem like i don't like the Jews, and that's not really true, no people should have to go through the opression and prejudice that they had to endure. What i don't like is how they've treated the Palestinians since...well, i was going to say 1948, but i guess it goes back a couple of thousand years before that...
Now they seem just like another (very vocal, violent) faction amid the unrest that's always existed in the middle east. One that we've tried to ally with, and that now seems to be a very, very poor ally
We have certain members of congress stating that Israel defending itself is an act of terror All the while Canada, the European Union, Japan and the US all classify Hamas as a terror Group.. can’t make this shit up
It looks like Biden supports Israel less than Trump.

Why does Biden hate the Jewz?

Why the hell are we supporting both Israel and the Saudi's? trump approved a huge weapons sale to the Saudi's. Some of those weapons will be used against Israel? The Saudi's harbored the 9/11 terrorists and funded them. trump was a piece of crap that has never given a damn about America or Israel. It's all about his own personal gain. And he used the Presidency to enrich himself. He's pure scum, a traitor, and should be held accountable for his acts of treason.