It looks like our President...

If you want to go that far why not bring up the Jews persecuted and thrown out of the land God gave them? The World Wide Propaganda Machine? Might be brought to the forefront by a man with a little funny mustache who had millions of Jews killed. In the 2000 years you talk of Palestinians were a mongrel race with different ruling peoples owning the land at different times. Sadly it is not a region with a simple history with simple solutions. I really think the Romans should hold title to the land. They did bring a lot of good thing to civilization.
i don't completely disagree with you, but it seems to me the Palestinians still have a MUCH stronger claim to the land than the Israelis do
in the last 2000 years, every country has had many different rulers, some with very different philosophies than their predecessors, that doesn't negate the validity of their claim to their own sovereignty
So you are saying there was not a lot of genetic mixing in the 2,000 years that the poster brought up? And after the Jews pushed them out, the Muslim countries that did not want them as refugees? The Palestinians were not on par with them enough to invite them into their countries.

No way home: The tragedy of the Palestinian diaspora
You might think Palestinian refugees would be welcomed by their Arab neighbours, yet they are denied basic rights and citizenship

The Palistinians were looked at the same way as the Kurds. Ultimately they get sold out by their friends. I have no Nazi tendencies to them. Their friends are the problem. Why are they now making peace deals with Israel? Because the Palestinians are disposable.
AFAIK the “mongrel race” theory first surfaced in the Nazi propaganda against the Jews - the original ‘mongrel’ race. As for whether or not there’s been “a lot of genetic mixing in the [last] 2000 years”: who with? Not the Jews, duh - but not the Muslims, either, nor the Arabs, so who? The Kurds? The Turks? Canadians? Vietnamese boat people? “Mongrel race” is a racist epithet. I’m surprised to see you use it. I’m interested in any anthropological and genetic evidence supporting the ‘mongrel’ status of Palestinians, but I doubt you have it.

Maybe the Palestinians are what’s left of the Canaanites the Hebrews displaced originally, the people the Romans *didn’t* round up and kill or cart off - in which case today’s Jews/Israelis are simply invaders. Again.

I don’t hate Israel, or Jews; I sure don’t like almost all of how they behave as a nation, though - and given their history, I think their treatment of the Palestinian people is *extra*-unacceptable. From your comments, I figure you feel somewhat the same. I have no reason to think you have Nazi tendencies, which is why I was surprised by your reference to race-mixing. I commented because I figured you *didn’t* know. Thought you’d want to.
Great question, Kelly, here’s another: why does Israel treat Palestinians the way Germany used to treat Jews? Are we supposed to be on Israel’s side for becoming oppressors in their own right? Should we say,”fuck the Indians” too, since all we did to them is what Israel’s been doing to their indigenous population?

oh, and what about “the right of return”? Israeli policy is that any Jew, anywhere, can come “home”to Israel and become a citizen…nice, but Palestinians driven off their ancestral lands and out of the country by the Israelis have no right to anything at all - much less returning to claim their land and homes.

And while we’re at it, WHY are WE paying for better social services and health care for *Israelis* than we do for our own population?

James Hagee “loves” Israel…elect *him* president
Another question, why does Israel treat their Ethiopian Jews like shit? A rhetorical question?
i don't completely disagree with you, but it seems to me the Palestinians still have a MUCH stronger claim to the land than the Israelis do
in the last 2000 years, every country has had many different rulers, some with very different philosophies than their predecessors, that doesn't negate the validity of their claim to their own sovereignty
The Palestinians owned property. Jews returned to the land, buying a place to live. then another one did, then another... At some point you have a little Jewishtown (as in Chinatown) and the locals get upset. violence spills over between the younger folk. The elders on either side start up mini militia's to protect their kinfolk. More people move in, now it is not safe to live in areas your families have for generations and you flee rather than die. Now the governments get involved, ultimately it is decided to separate the two. Surrounding countries decide to war against the one, that one gambles it all and they manage to capture area from the other combatants.

On the claim for sovereignty, sorry, when others rule you, you do not have sovereignty claims. You just live there.
AFAIK the “mongrel race” theory first surfaced in the Nazi propaganda against the Jews - the original ‘mongrel’ race. As for whether or not there’s been “a lot of genetic mixing in the [last] 2000 years”: who with? Not the Jews, duh - but not the Muslims, either, nor the Arabs, so who? The Kurds? The Turks? Canadians? Vietnamese boat people? “Mongrel race” is a racist epithet. I’m surprised to see you use it. I’m interested in any anthropological and genetic evidence supporting the ‘mongrel’ status of Palestinians, but I doubt you have it.

Maybe the Palestinians are what’s left of the Canaanites the Hebrews displaced originally, the people the Romans *didn’t* round up and kill or cart off - in which case today’s Jews/Israelis are simply invaders. Again.

I don’t hate Israel, or Jews; I sure don’t like almost all of how they behave as a nation, though - and given their history, I think their treatment of the Palestinian people is *extra*-unacceptable. From your comments, I figure you feel somewhat the same. I have no reason to think you have Nazi tendencies, which is why I was surprised by your reference to race-mixing. I commented because I figured you *didn’t* know. Thought you’d want to.
I never took the term from anywhere, I just used it in the context of mixed breed. As far as mixing genetics, there are very few 'pure' peoples. The spoils of war is one mixing of bloodlines, Romeo and Juliet couplings, lots of mixing going on between peoples. You look at a street full of Jews and Palistinian faces and they will not look all that different.

Y-chromosome DNA haplotypes in Jews: comparisons with Lebanese and Palestinians
One Y-specific DNA polymorphism (p49/Taq I) was studied in 54 Lebanese and 69 Palestinian males, and compared with the results found in 693 Jews from three communities (Oriental, Sephardic, and Ashkenazic). Lebanese, Palestinian, and Sephardic Jews seem to be similar in their Y-haplotype patterns, both with regard to the haplotype distributions and the ancestral haplotype VIII frequencies. The haplotype distribution in Oriental Jews is characterized by a significantly higher frequency of haplotype VIII. These results confirm similarities in the Y-haplotype frequencies in Lebanese, Palestinian, and Sephardic Jewish men, three Near-Eastern populations sharing a common geographic origin.
We have certain members of congress stating that Israel defending itself is an act of terror All the while Canada, the European Union, Japan and the US all classify Hamas as a terror Group.. can’t make this shit up

forcing Palestinians off their land through evictions..then the jews move in?

sorry but I'm not a huge fan of the Israelis- there's something very corrupt about Netanyahu.
If you want to go that far why not bring up the Jews persecuted and thrown out of the land God gave them? The World Wide Propaganda Machine? Might be brought to the forefront by a man with a little funny mustache who had millions of Jews killed. In the 2000 years you talk of Palestinians were a mongrel race with different ruling peoples owning the land at different times. Sadly it is not a region with a simple history with simple solutions. I really think the Romans should hold title to the land. They did bring a lot of good thing to civilization.

what does the Bible say?
forcing Palestinians off their land through evictions..then the jews move in?

sorry but I'm not a huge fan of the Israelis- there's something very corrupt about Netanyahu.
I disagree about the 'Israelis' part though. That is too much of a generalization for a handful of wealthy men deciding to use the military to evict some tenants. It would be the same as generalizing what Trump's cult is doing with 'American's' in general.

what does the Bible say?
The things a bunch of wealthy melanin deficient wealthy men decided it should around 1500 years ago?

Edit: Sorry about the religion trolling, it always sucks me in. I don't have a problem with religion, just the wealthy men who use it as cover to attack 'them'. It is used as a weapon too much.
Yes I like that idea lol. We don't know what happened to them really, the last Neanderthals died at Gibraltar so we are told or do they still walk amongst, plays twilight zone music.

well the Squatch and pre-relatives supposedly came from the land bridge of Russia/Alaska. those whoops gotta mean something. the last vid i saw i couldn't believe- the Squatch was standing right there next to a blended in with and you wouldn't even know it was there except it had to breathe, opened and closed it's eyes once and could see the white of the eye just ever so slightly. whatever it was was really tall and i fail to believe it was a guy in a suit.
well the Squatch and pre-relatives supposedly came from the land bridge of Russia/Alaska. those whoops gotta mean something. the last vid i saw i couldn't believe- the Squatch was standing right there next to a blended in with and you wouldn't even know it was there except it had to breathe, opened and closed it's eyes once and could see the white of the eye just ever so slightly. whatever it was was really tall and i fail to believe it was a guy in a suit.
I say we don't know because I am a follower of Socrates, I don't know, ( but again ( im assuming for the rest of us, sorry) unlike Exodus it has to have archaeological and historical proof for me, I envy seeing anything like that, I used to love all Sasquatch stuff watching and reading it yonks ago.

PS. Love all the anthrology and history documentaries and books.
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I disagree about the 'Israelis' part though. That is too much of a generalization for a handful of wealthy men deciding to use the military to evict some tenants. It would be the same as generalizing what Trump's cult is doing with 'American's' in general.

The things a bunch of wealthy melanin deficient wealthy men decided it should around 1500 years ago?

Edit: Sorry about the religion trolling, it always sucks me in. I don't have a problem with religion, just the wealthy men who use it as cover to attack 'them'. It is used as a weapon too much.

who supports the handful of wealthy men- i don't buy it Hanimmal..just like we had to; so do they..i think it's a bit ballsy for both of those countries to be holding their hands out to us..demanding always demanding which is so Middle East and Russian for that matter.
I say we don't know because I am a follower of Socrates, I don't know, ( but again ( im assuming for the test of us, sorry) unlike Exodus it has to have archaeological and historical proof for me, I envy seeing anything like that, I used to love all Sasquatch stuff watching and reading it yonks ago.

PS. Love all the anthrology and history documentaries and books.

do you believe in E=mc squared? do you believe we have 11 dimensions that math has proven even though we can only see 3?
what does the Bible say?
who supports the handful of wealthy men- i don't buy it Hanimmal..just like we had to; so do they..i think it's a bit ballsy for both of those countries to be holding their hands out to us..demanding always demanding which is so Middle East and Russian for that matter.
IM not sure who you mean by 'who supports the handful of wealthy men'? Do you mean the tax payers in those countries with dictators that are seemingly willing to do everything to keep power.

'demanding always demanding' I would just consider a human thing. People are different, but still pretty much the same. People just want to go about their day and not have to worry about the decisions of others hurting the people they care about.

do you believe in E=mc squared? do you believe we have 11 dimensions that math has proven even though we can only see 3?
Like that the equation exists?
IM not sure who you mean by 'who supports the handful of wealthy men'? Do you mean the tax payers in those countries with dictators that are seemingly willing to do everything to keep power.

'demanding always demanding' I would just consider a human thing. People are different, but still pretty much the same. People just want to go about their day and not have to worry about the decisions of others hurting the people they care about.

Like that the equation exists?

doesn't it?

what's your take on String Theory?
We have certain members of congress stating that Israel defending itself is an act of terror All the while Canada, the European Union, Japan and the US all classify Hamas as a terror Group.. can’t make this shit up
Israel is defending itself?

Canada also designates Proud Boys as a terrorist group but not BLM. They seem to me to be pretty good at calling terrorists what they are.
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