Is it possible that NASA faked the moon landing?

@Darth your thread title should have read; could NASA have faked the moon landing. The bodies of proof are weighted heavily in favour of the establishment, so it is a losing battle trying to debate its legitimacy. Your question could seem more viable when the origins of NASA is brought to light, then only a simpleton would suggest there is no validity to your assumption.
This is part of the American identity and cognitive dissonance will fight to keep this their reality. I know you are waking up brother, keep searching, understand the reason mate. I think that is the most important of all questions.
your absolutly right and my bad for thread title it appears like posts are directed at me rather then the root cause could it of been fake??? which i am leaning towards
if tomorrow top secret files mystically came into light shedding the truth either way would of been great if snow den could of made it evident that in Fact the moon landing was fake .. would people believe then or shrug it off ??
could you imagine the implications and the devastation that would follow
we all should question beliefs or companies and most importantly governments that state things ..
Its the human way to get to the truth bottom line truth or myth the US Government used means to fluctuate the stock markets insider trading is illegal yet there done daily and we let it slide there fines when caught are laughable in one day of inside trading there gains in assets tri fold the fine who is making a mockery of who .. and this is how big banks get richer It doesn't stop there either lets look at 911

For many years, rumors have circulated regarding the U.S. government’s involvement in an active cover-up of a sinister connection between Saudi Arabia and the terrorist attacks of 9/11. In fact, 28 redacted pages from a congressional intelligence report are said to contain damning information that implicates the Saudis in the 2001 mass murder of American citizens. Despite a bipartisan effort to release the information, the now notorious 28 pages are still being withheld from the public under the predictable guise of “national security.”

Now, thanks to a federal lawsuit in a Manhattan court, there may be a light at the end of the tunnel.

Two authors of the concealed pages may soon be called to testify in a court case currently pending against the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Former FBI investigator Michael Jacobson and former Justice Department attorney Dana Lesemann, both of whom investigated the terror strikes for the FBI, were given the assignment to track down possible leads connecting Saudi officials to the hijackers and then document their findings. The evidence they compiled was recorded in the infamous 28 pages.

The duo also went on to work with the independent 9/11 Commission, where they unveiled even more corroboration. They uncovered an association between the Saudi Consulate in Los Angeles, the Saudi Embassy in Washington D.C., and the the tragic events in 2001.

At a court hearing on July 30, lawyers for the victims’ families stated that the most major of allegations against the Saudis were purposefully left out of the final draft of the 9/11 Commission report.

“They were removed at the 11th hour by the senior staff,” said attorney Sean Carter, who called the decision a “political matter.”

“[T]hey had documented a direct link between the Saudi government and the Sept. 11 plot based on the explosive material they had uncovered concerning the activities of Fahad al-Thumairy and Omar al-Bayoumi,” explained Carter.

Thumairy worked as a religious cleric and Saudi diplomat in Los Angeles at the time, while Bayoumi was employed by the Saudi Arabian Civil Aviation Authority in San Diego.

The judge presiding over the case now has a 60-90 day window to either dismiss the case or proceed on behalf of the victims’ families.

Jerry Goldman, an attorney for the plaintiffs, feels good about the future of the proceedings.

“(The Judge) wasn’t buying their spin,” Goldman said. “The burden is on the kingdom to prove we are wrong, and they didn’t do that.”

With so many unanswered questions surrounding 9/11, there is no telling what may be disclosed if the case is allowed to move forward.

The terrifying reality is that if the Saudis are found guilty of involvement in the events of 9/11, such a conclusion would only raise more questions than it would answer. Who inside the United States government would be covering for the kingdom of Saudi Arabia for so many years— and more importantly, why?
You do not even notice that my first language is not English. My schooling was European. Thus your screed against stupid etc. Americans does not apply even as you try to pin it on me. In an earlier age I might have shown you my people's hospitality with warm lodgings.

The Internet has a peculiar appearance of benign evenness as we all arrive here as text on a screen. This can lull the careless into thinking that everyone here is equally stupid and harmless. That is an illusion; sometimes you don't see the size of the predator in the dark water under the thin ice. Some of those shadows take a long time to pass under your boots ...
what is ironic is to think USA really made it to the moon and people believing it is rather hmm funny to say the least it kinda reminds me of these 2 jokers here hahaha its all game lets not believe it anything other then its a game :
Hell Even NASA will blame anything but the truth
Dr. John McCarthy, director of research, engineering, and testing for North American, the aerospace company primarily responsible for building the Apollo capsule, laid the blame literally at Gus's feet. His hypothesis was that the command pilot might have kicked or scuffed a wire lead connected to an air-sampling instrument.
According to Eric Burgaust, author of Murder on Pad 34:

"t took a moment for the full implication to sink in - that Grissom's own carelessness caused his and his colleagues' deaths. The suggestion immediately recalled another incident during Grissom's first space flight in July, 1961, when the hatch of his Liberty Bell 7 Mercury spacecraft blew off in the water after landing. The spacecraft sank in the ocean, only to be retrieved 38 years later, and Grissom nearly drowned. McDonnell Aircraft Co., the spacecraft manufacturer, faced with a charge that something had gone wrong with explosive charges on the hatch, tried to show that Grissom, supposedly in panic, had blown the hatch himself."

Unfair as this observation obviously was, it was rescinded almost immediately when McCarthy could not find proof to support his hypothesis. Grissom would have had to have been a "contortionist" to have reached the particular wire and create enough force to move it.

Is it fair to Gus Grissom's memory to be remembered as the one who "screwed the pooch?" Or as the one who defied orders and ate "real food" aboard a Gemini mission? Did he do anything to deserve accolades for in his astronaut career at all?
i like the first paragraph kicked the lead wire goes to show how well they built the space capsule to begin with shit like canna's or curious grow room scattered with wiring all over the place and on floor
lmao 28 55 attitude we do not see the sun in our attitude mist mean altitude hmm does does space have altitude if space has no boundary then how in the fuck can there be altitude this is getting better maybe these 2 gems bringing up there post counts can explain
lmao 28 55 attitude we do not see the sun in our attitude mist mean altitude hmm does does space have altitude if space has no boundary then how in the fuck can there be altitude this is getting better maybe these 2 gems bringing up there post counts can explain
You have to actually formulate a question before requesting a response.
I'm saving this thread. Why? Because it amuses me.
nasa is pooping on us all the time. Look it up, its a fact. That's gross, I hope they don't give us pinkeye.
wow like to thank Dr for the vid sure amazes me specially from that retard in beginning of vid and usa sent him up in a space ship might of been better off with a monkey
lmao 47:19 jesus fucking christ Neil its one small step for one man hahaha how many times do i have to tell you
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your absolutly right and my bad for thread title it appears like posts are directed at me rather then the root cause could it of been fake??? which i am leaning towards
if tomorrow top secret files mystically came into light shedding the truth either way would of been great if snow den could of made it evident that in Fact the moon landing was fake .. would people believe then or shrug it off ??
could you imagine the implications and the devastation that would follow
we all should question beliefs or companies and most importantly governments that state things ..
Its the human way to get to the truth bottom line truth or myth the US Government used means to fluctuate the stock markets insider trading is illegal yet there done daily and we let it slide there fines when caught are laughable in one day of inside trading there gains in assets tri fold the fine who is making a mockery of who .. and this is how big banks get richer It doesn't stop there either lets look at 911

For many years, rumors have circulated regarding the U.S. government’s involvement in an active cover-up of a sinister connection between Saudi Arabia and the terrorist attacks of 9/11. In fact, 28 redacted pages from a congressional intelligence report are said to contain damning information that implicates the Saudis in the 2001 mass murder of American citizens. Despite a bipartisan effort to release the information, the now notorious 28 pages are still being withheld from the public under the predictable guise of “national security.”

Now, thanks to a federal lawsuit in a Manhattan court, there may be a light at the end of the tunnel.

Two authors of the concealed pages may soon be called to testify in a court case currently pending against the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Former FBI investigator Michael Jacobson and former Justice Department attorney Dana Lesemann, both of whom investigated the terror strikes for the FBI, were given the assignment to track down possible leads connecting Saudi officials to the hijackers and then document their findings. The evidence they compiled was recorded in the infamous 28 pages.

The duo also went on to work with the independent 9/11 Commission, where they unveiled even more corroboration. They uncovered an association between the Saudi Consulate in Los Angeles, the Saudi Embassy in Washington D.C., and the the tragic events in 2001.

At a court hearing on July 30, lawyers for the victims’ families stated that the most major of allegations against the Saudis were purposefully left out of the final draft of the 9/11 Commission report.

“They were removed at the 11th hour by the senior staff,” said attorney Sean Carter, who called the decision a “political matter.”

“[T]hey had documented a direct link between the Saudi government and the Sept. 11 plot based on the explosive material they had uncovered concerning the activities of Fahad al-Thumairy and Omar al-Bayoumi,” explained Carter.

Thumairy worked as a religious cleric and Saudi diplomat in Los Angeles at the time, while Bayoumi was employed by the Saudi Arabian Civil Aviation Authority in San Diego.

The judge presiding over the case now has a 60-90 day window to either dismiss the case or proceed on behalf of the victims’ families.

Jerry Goldman, an attorney for the plaintiffs, feels good about the future of the proceedings.

“(The Judge) wasn’t buying their spin,” Goldman said. “The burden is on the kingdom to prove we are wrong, and they didn’t do that.”

With so many unanswered questions surrounding 9/11, there is no telling what may be disclosed if the case is allowed to move forward.

The terrifying reality is that if the Saudis are found guilty of involvement in the events of 9/11, such a conclusion would only raise more questions than it would answer. Who inside the United States government would be covering for the kingdom of Saudi Arabia for so many years— and more importantly, why?
i watch alot of shows saying usa has the best fighter, guns,tanks, etc,,,why does nobody know what china has? no tv show showing chinas best fighter or stealth tech and it makes me wonder why? what do they have,,,and is it far better than our stuff?

yes we are taught that comunism is bad,, however the news doesnt tell us what china is up to,,are we,,or is the usa afraid of them? yet we are hearing about north korea and terrorists getting nuclear weapons,, like we can stop it from happening..
i truly wonder why we never hear anything about china,,,and does it rest on the simple fact that they control a major part of the stocks in america,,almost everything we buy is made there...china knows we are in their pockets and war with them would bring us to our knees..stocks would crash, the shelves on stores would be empty...i love america but im afraid we are so indebted to china we let them get away with murder...