Is it possible that NASA faked the moon landing?

your absolutly right and my bad for thread title it appears like posts are directed at me rather then the root cause could it of been fake??? which i am leaning towards
if tomorrow top secret files mystically came into light shedding the truth either way would of been great if snow den could of made it evident that in Fact the moon landing was fake .. would people believe then or shrug it off ??
could you imagine the implications and the devastation that would follow
we all should question beliefs or companies and most importantly governments that state things ..
Its the human way to get to the truth bottom line truth or myth the US Government used means to fluctuate the stock markets insider trading is illegal yet there done daily and we let it slide there fines when caught are laughable in one day of inside trading there gains in assets tri fold the fine who is making a mockery of who .. and this is how big banks get richer It doesn't stop there either lets look at 911

For many years, rumors have circulated regarding the U.S. government’s involvement in an active cover-up of a sinister connection between Saudi Arabia and the terrorist attacks of 9/11. In fact, 28 redacted pages from a congressional intelligence report are said to contain damning information that implicates the Saudis in the 2001 mass murder of American citizens. Despite a bipartisan effort to release the information, the now notorious 28 pages are still being withheld from the public under the predictable guise of “national security.”

Now, thanks to a federal lawsuit in a Manhattan court, there may be a light at the end of the tunnel.

Two authors of the concealed pages may soon be called to testify in a court case currently pending against the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Former FBI investigator Michael Jacobson and former Justice Department attorney Dana Lesemann, both of whom investigated the terror strikes for the FBI, were given the assignment to track down possible leads connecting Saudi officials to the hijackers and then document their findings. The evidence they compiled was recorded in the infamous 28 pages.

The duo also went on to work with the independent 9/11 Commission, where they unveiled even more corroboration. They uncovered an association between the Saudi Consulate in Los Angeles, the Saudi Embassy in Washington D.C., and the the tragic events in 2001.

At a court hearing on July 30, lawyers for the victims’ families stated that the most major of allegations against the Saudis were purposefully left out of the final draft of the 9/11 Commission report.

“They were removed at the 11th hour by the senior staff,” said attorney Sean Carter, who called the decision a “political matter.”

“[T]hey had documented a direct link between the Saudi government and the Sept. 11 plot based on the explosive material they had uncovered concerning the activities of Fahad al-Thumairy and Omar al-Bayoumi,” explained Carter.

Thumairy worked as a religious cleric and Saudi diplomat in Los Angeles at the time, while Bayoumi was employed by the Saudi Arabian Civil Aviation Authority in San Diego.

The judge presiding over the case now has a 60-90 day window to either dismiss the case or proceed on behalf of the victims’ families.

Jerry Goldman, an attorney for the plaintiffs, feels good about the future of the proceedings.

“(The Judge) wasn’t buying their spin,” Goldman said. “The burden is on the kingdom to prove we are wrong, and they didn’t do that.”

With so many unanswered questions surrounding 9/11, there is no telling what may be disclosed if the case is allowed to move forward.

The terrifying reality is that if the Saudis are found guilty of involvement in the events of 9/11, such a conclusion would only raise more questions than it would answer. Who inside the United States government would be covering for the kingdom of Saudi Arabia for so many years— and more importantly, why?
bush was having dinner with ben ladins family,,,so who is covering for saudi arabia? thats a joke the bush family has close ties with saudi oil money
bush was having dinner with ben ladins family,,,so who is covering for saudi arabia? thats a joke the bush family has close ties with saudi oil money
where else you think they got there money from and i am sure bin laden had some serious bad dirt on USA and what a better way to put a bounty on him by blaming him the corrupt governments is not really hard to not figure easily figured out reading between the lines but again most amercians are weak at reading skills lol j/k
interstesting lets look at felix jump please note the skys the blue space and what appears to be stars and other debris or what have you
lets not forget if its recorded on video and moon landings also in video as per them jumping around lol we should not worry to much about shutter speed now should we remember there 2 different things here

  • Frame rate = How many individual frames are created each second.
  • Shutter speed = How long each individual frame is exposed for.
  • duh
Have you ever taken a (chemical film) photograph that recorded stars? I have.
lmao 28 55 attitude we do not see the sun in our attitude mist mean altitude hmm does does space have altitude if space has no boundary then how in the fuck can there be altitude this is getting better maybe these 2 gems bringing up there post counts can explain

What would chairs look like if our knees bent the other way? Doesn't THAt one keep you up at night!

It's the lack of understanding of some of the more basic principles at play here that makes your ability to pontificate space travel that much more humorous... As you where..

The main thing that gets me with these guys is that when they don't understand something, their response isn't, "what am I missing here?", like a normal, intelligent, inquisitive person. Instead, it's, "This isn't true! Everyone else are idiots/sheep/brain-washed/indoctrinated/etc.." That kind of arrogance, especially when coupled with incompetence, is fascinating. They have a term for it now, the Dunning-Kruger Effect -

The main thing that gets me with these guys is that when they don't understand something, their response isn't, "what am I missing here?", like a normal, intelligent, inquisitive person. Instead, it's, "This isn't true! Everyone else are idiots/sheep/brain-washed/indoctrinated/etc.." That kind of arrogance, especially when coupled with incompetence, is fascinating. They have a term for it now, the Dunning-Kruger Effect -

lol can you honestly be so ignorant as to not see your own behaviour displayed? You are arguing with wiki answers that none of you understand. You give credibility and whole hearted faith in the calculations made by persons you know nothing about, that are written in language you all pretend to know. Do you know how I know, you don't understand it ? Because even Kepler forgot how to translate his own equation. Fancy words and the unnecessary use of them, does not a scientist make, y'all fools ain't nothing but fakes.
lol can you honestly be so ignorant as to not see your own behaviour displayed?

Haven't we been through this already? It was easy to see this response coming. Translation: "I know you are, but what am I?" I am not the one arguing against established facts and happenings with absolutely no credible evidence to refute them. You refute these things desperately seeking support from whacky YT videos or links from specious/bias sources with no peer review. From this behavior I think it's clear to whom the video I posted is referring...

You are arguing with wiki answers that none of you understand. You give credibility and whole hearted faith in the calculations made by persons you know nothing about, that are written in language you all pretend to know.

This is a fantastic display of the arrogance coupled with ignorance I was referring to. I may start referring to you as Dunning-Kruger. You presume to know the understanding and knowledge that all here posses. How is that possible? Most non-conspiracy posts here clearly demonstrate at least an adequate understanding of the subject matter, yet you ignore this in favor of your comforting and unjustified belief that others understand no more than you do. This seems like projection, since you don't understand much of what is being discussed, you decide to pass this trait onto all others. It also seems that you never quite patch up the holes in your knowledge, and instead prefer to regurgitate the same old material and questions that have already been adequately addressed. You have an agenda, you are unjustifiably ignorant, pretentious and a fraud...

Do you know how I know, you don't understand it ? Because even Kepler forgot how to translate his own equation. Fancy words and the unnecessary use of them, does not a scientist make, y'all fools ain't nothing but fakes.

Because Kepler supposedly (links to credible source on this requested) forgot how to translate his own work, we don't understand basic science? Non-sequitur much? I'm not even sure which logical fallacy you're demonstrating here, an Argument from Authority seems close enough. You display a muddled though process and a lack of critical thinking skills. You may be fooling yourself, but not most members reading this. It's embarrassing. Try harder...
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Haven't we been through this already? It was easy to see this response coming. Translation: "I know you are, but what am I?" I am not the one arguing against established facts and happenings with absolutely no credible evidence to refute them. You refute these things desperately seeking support from whacky YT videos or links from specious/bias sources with no peer review. From this behavior I think it's clear to whom the video I posted is referring...

This is a fantastic display of the arrogance coupled with ignorance I was referring to. I may start referring to you as Dunning-Kruger. You presume to know the understanding and knowledge that all here posses. How is that possible? Most non-conspiracy posts here clearly demonstrate at least an adequate understanding of the subject matter, yet you ignore this in favor of your comforting and unjustified belief that others understand no more than you do. This seems like projection, since you don't understand much of what is being discussed, you decide to pass this trait onto all others. It also seems that you never quite patch up the holes in your knowledge, and instead prefer to regurgitate the same old material and questions that have already been adequately addressed. You have an agenda, you are unjustifiably ignorant, pretentious and a fraud...

Because Kepler supposedly (links to credible source on this requested) forgot how to translate his own work, we don't understand basic science? Non-sequitur much? I'm not even sure which logical fallacy you're demonstrating here, an Argument from Authority seems close enough. You display a muddled though process and a lack of critical thinking skills. You may be fooling yourself, but not most members reading this. It's embarrassing. Try harder...

Your awesome answers leave me befuddled, you are a jack ass.
The teacher asks, " Is it possible, that the moon landing could be faked?"
Your ever so charismatic, intelligence, decided to answer " no, we have proof!".
The teacher responds," but what if the proof, was faked, you do know how NASA was started and who the founding members were, don't you?
Your reply " you are stupid, I know better because I can wiki". You then pause for applaud............... silence.
Regardless of how you format your answer, if it doesn't acknowledge the fact, that there is and has always been the potential for manipulation, then I will dismiss you as the fool you are. Wake up. It is a question of credibility of content, you keep using said content to refute questions of credibility, lol maybe if I prompt you with guppy speak, " do you dissonance, much... lolz".
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Your awesome answers leave me befuddled, you are a jack ass.
The teacher asks, " Is it possible, that the moon landing could be faked?"
Your ever so charismatic, intelligence, decided to answer " no, we have proof!".
The teacher responds," but what if the proof, was faked, you do know how NASA was started and who the founding members were, don't you?
Your reply " you are stupid, I know better because I can wiki". You then pause for applaud............... silence.

This is a stupid strawman scenario. This scenario would be more accurate -

The teacher asks, "Is it possible, that the moon landing could be faked?"
I say, "I don't see how or why such a thing could happen. We have overwhelming evidence that humans have gone to the moon, and we also have opponents that would love to find fault with that fact, but none ever have."
The teacher responds," but what if the proof, was faked, you do know how NASA was started and who the founding members were, don't you?
My reply "much of the evidence does not come from NASA, but from other nations' space programs, some of whom would love to catch us in such a thing. There is evidence on the moon itself that we were there, and all serious questions about the missions have been answered. If you would like to provide any credible evidence to the contrary, the world would love to take a look." Silence, as no credible evidence to the contrary has ever been presented.

Is there potential for manipulation? In light of the facts I presented I don't see how. It would be up to the likes of you to present such evidence, which you cannot do. Take the effort to learn the intricacies of the processes and genius behind these great accomplishments, instead to trying to deny them for no valid reason. Maybe all the great minds that make up the scientific community aren't wrong. Maybe you are wrong. But, how could that be? You, an under-educated layman got some things wrong? Wouldn't that be mind blowing? Get real and stop fooling yourself. You certainly aren't fooling us...
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