Photo Evidence: (All this photo evidence is well-documented at and all available from NASA photo directories)
-There are dozens of photos showing shadows of astronauts, flags, rocks and other objects falling in different directions up to 90 degrees apart; this is impossible without secondary lighting which was not brought to the moon, the only light is the sun coming from one direction which casts all shadows in one direction, not two
-In consecutive Apollo 17 photos (AS17-135-20588 and 89) the rock’s shadows change almost 180 degrees as if they switched studio-lights between shots
-In one shot (AS14-64-9089) studio-lighting representing the sun is seen reflecting off a black background, a photographic effect that couldn’t happen in the blackness of space, and could only reflect off a background
-In one Apollo 17 shot (AS17-140-21370) the moon rover is shown still packed up, not yet unloaded, but there are clear wheel tracks going across the foreground of the entire photo
-There is one Apollo 12 shot that shows the reflection of what can only be an overhead studio light, and another (AS12-49-727

which shows two lens flares from overhead lighting
-There is one shot (15-86-11670) which clearly shows a sneaker-print partially covered by an astronaut boot-print (there were no sneakers on the moon, the astronaut’s boot-prints are otherwise all uniform)
-Many consecutive photos supposedly from astronaut’s hand-held cameras are exactly the same, completely unmoved, to a degree only achieved by a tripod
-Consecutive photos AS11-40-5862 and 63 show the lunar lander with different colored windows, different lettering on the United States sign, and a mysterious disappearing component
-Buzz Aldrin in consecutive Apollo 11 photos changes from white gloves, to dark gray gloves, back to white gloves, and back to dark gray gloves
-There is never a burn print under the lunar lander, nor is there any dust/dirt on the landing pod feet, as if it was just set down gently onto a stage
-There are many pictures which show moon rovers with no wheel tracks in front or behind them (as though they were set down into place) even though there are many footprints all around
-There are pictures of astronauts shown with footprints all around them, but no prints leading to or from where they are, as if they were lowered into place by wire
-There are shots that appear out of sequence in the timetable given
-There are shots which show camera cross-hairs being overlayed onto the original
-Photo AS11-40-5922 close-up of the Apollo 11 Eagle is classic, looks uncannily like cardboard, construction paper, scotch tape and wires
-The video from the Data Acquisition Camera mounted on the Apollo 11 starboard window and the Tripod Mounted TV Camera mounted outside both pan, tilt, reframe, and zoom supposedly while unmanned
-In the 6 moon missions the total time on the moon amounted to 4834 minutes and the total number of photographs taken was 5771; this means they were taking an average of one photo every 50 seconds, covering vast distances, all while supposedly doing many other tasks, collecting rocks, planting flags, making repairs, driving moon rovers etc. Is this even feasible?
General Evidence:
-NASA made all networks record their feed for TV broadcast, so that’s why we only ever see the grainy recording of a recording on TV, and now NASA says they lost the original high-definition video and data telemetry tapes so they can never be verified
-Blueprints and designs of certain machines are missing from both NASA and the companies which supposedly constructed them such as the Apollo Lunar Module and rover
-Van Allen Belt, Russians could never get beyond because of intense radiation that recquires 4 feet of lead shielding too heavy to rocket into orbit; and in 1969-70 the Van Allen Belt was at it’s 11 year cycle peak radiation yet somehow American astronauts and their film was able to survive this without shielding
-There are no stars in any of the moon pictures/video, just complete darkness; they couldn’t make a perfect model in a studio, even a planetarium layout can only be seen in absolute darkness, spotlighting from the “sun” would block out the “star” lighting; so they cover this by saying the sun is SO bright on the moon that the astronauts couldn’t remember seeing stars either
-The moon walk is in half-speed slow-mo; if you speed it up x2 the astronauts are clearly in Earth gravity walking normally with long strides
-The flag in many photos and videos is shown flapping in the wind on the supposedly atmosphere-less moon
-Werner Von Braun took a NASA team to Antarctica in 1967 and was purported to be collecting “moon rocks.” Later Bill Kaysing (author of “We Never Went to the Moon: America’s Thirty Billion Dollar Swindle”) hired his private investigator friend Paul Jacobs to check with the head of the US Department of Geology in Washington and ask, “did you examine the Moon rocks, and did they come from the Moon?” The geologist simply laughed and insinuated that people high in the US government knew all about the cover-up.
-11 Apollo astronauts were mysteriously killed before making their missions, 3 had oxygen pumped into their test capsule until it exploded, 7 died in 6 separate plane crashes, and 1 died in a car crash, highly unlikely coincidence, points towards a cover-up
-The astronauts rarely give public interviews or take questions at speaking events and were very unconvincing on their first interview back from the moon
-Buzz Aldrin punched Bart Sibrel who called him out on the hoax after he wouldn’t place his hand on the Bible and say he went to the moon
-Buzz Aldrin Jr. (Apollo 11), Gordon Cooper Jr., (Mercury 9, Gemini 5), Donn Eisele (Apollo 7), John Glenn Jr., (Mercury 6), Virgil Grissom (Apollo 1&15, Mercury 5, Gemini 3), James Irwin (Apollo 15), Edgar Mitchell (Apollo 14), Walter Schirra Jr. (Apollo 7, Sigma 7, Gemini 6, Mercury

, Thomas Stafford (Apollo 10&18, Gemini 7&9), and Paul Weitz (Skylab 2, Challenger), all these astronauts are Masons
-The first director of NASA was Werner Von Braun one of hundreds of NAZI rocket scientists brought into America through the OSS Project Paperclip
-Nazis and Masons are not the most historically trustworthy folks
-Why didn’t NASA make some sort of light/flare display from the moon that people could see without their TVs to prove they were there?
-Why no color video on Apollo 11 when we know the astronauts had a color camera with them?
' Take the effort to learn the intricacies of the processes and genius behind these great accomplishments, instead to trying to deny them for no valid reason. Maybe all the great minds that make up the scientific community aren't wrong. - The epitome of hypocracy, Tyler Durden